Animal Communicator Explains Why You Feel Such A Strong Connection To Your Pet
They're looking out for you, even when they're not around.

Everyone loves their animals — whether you have cats, dogs, or fish, they’re right alongside you every day, cheering you on. It’s a connection that exceeds the bounds of a traditional partnership. They live with you, depend on you, and love you unconditionally.
Pet psychic and animal communicator Danielle MacKinnon shared on TikTok how this special connection with our pets exceeds all preconceived notions of reality and love and how they fulfill “that job” even once they’ve moved on.
MacKinnon said our 'old pets' send us new ones to replace our strong connections and love.
Whether you’re grieving the loss of a pet or are in the midst of caring for an older one, it can be difficult to ever imagine yourself loving another animal the same way. Especially if it’s your childhood pet or the first pet you’ve ever had, the connection is undeniable.
However, many people take on new pets or have another one unsuspectingly join their family, creating new bonds that help them to recover from the loss of another. What you might not realize though, is that oftentimes these pets are “a sign” and were sent in an act of love from your “soul animal.”
“Your passed-over pet can work behind the scenes to make sure a new pet came into your life and could take over the job your passed-over pet was doing with you.”
These new pets ‘take over the job’ of loving and supporting us in a way that our older or ‘passed on’ pets cannot.
“Sometimes, that passed-over pet can bring that new animal into your life, even before they’ve passed over,” MacKinnon said. So, if you have the opportunity to take in another pet, it might just be the best choice you could make.
Of course, no new pet can replace a beloved friend who crossed the rainbow bridge. It’s important to acknowledge, however, that according to many animal communication experts, you’re never replacing; you’re simply growing a new, unique bond.
Chalabalaphotos / CanvaPro
Your pet is not resentful or disappointed that you’re bringing another animal into your life. In fact, they’re likely the ones who sent that pet to you, hoping to bring you a sense of love, comfort, and safety even when they’re not physically present.
Thousands of pet owners have experienced this phenomenon — whether it be in their new animal’s behavior or random signs from their old pets.
There are a number of ways that pet owners have experienced “signs” from old pets or ones that have passed away. In the same way that many experience emotions, feelings, or physical signs from humans who’ve passed on, animals exhibit that same kind of behavior. From hearing their bark to feeling their weight on your bed, they’re still able to send you unconventional signs of love.
MacKinnon explained that pets are incredibly intuitive with their owners.
“They tune into our emotions all the time,” she said. “They are so psychic — even when we try to hide it.” Even when they’ve passed away, they have the chance to communicate with their owners, support them through difficult times, and comfort them when needed. “The one message they usually have is, ‘Hey, I’m here. I’m around you. Pay attention because I’m sending you these messages… they can feel the love in your heart.”
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a news and entertainment writer at YourTango focusing on pop culture analysis and human interest stories.