Love Feels Super Lucky For 3 Zodiac Signs Mid-Week

Lack of inhibition brings a happy addition to this week's activities.

3 zodiac signs who are luckiest in love week of february 6 - 11, 2024 Marki from Pexels, raquelcarmo from Getty Images. | Canva Pro

This week, three zodiac signs start to feel luckiest in love. Mid-week, various astrology transits give us the gift of sweet talk and easy-going communication. We will be happy to know if love is the topic of conversation.

These three zodiac signs will feel very much at home, 'getting to the point.' We are not shy about broaching important topics, and being brave enough to tell our partners what we 'really' want will be easier during this week than at any other time.


We are fortunate enough to have the transits of the Sun in harmony with the Moon on February 7, Moon trine Jupiter on February 8, Venus trine Uranus and Moon speaking sweetly with Venus before the weekend — all working for and with us during the week.



It's because of these influences that we feel as though we are free-spirited enough to tell it like it is simply. Lack of inhibition will be a welcome addition to the week's activities, so much so that we may never want to go back.


What all of this implies is that if we pick up on the free-spirited ways that we catch on to this week, we could potentially open up the gates for a very bright and expressive future where our love lives are concerned. Three zodiac signs will come to see that life is short and that sharing with our partners what is real and important to us is vital and can benefit our lives for years to come.

Love feels super lucky for three zodiac signs mid-week starting February 6:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

Speaking your mind was never really a problem with you until you realized that your romantic partner was not as open to you. In a way, that shut you up a bit. Still, you've never been someone who can keep silent for too long. Mid-week, you'll find that you'll have formulated your words so that you feel your partner might actually feel 'less threatened' by your expression of freethinking.

Because you know how to work your way to the best effect, you will approach your partner after much thinking, and you will tell them something that might shock them. What's interesting about this is that you've held back from expressing this thought because you naturally assumed they'd reject your ideas, and you'd be back at square one, repressing your ideas forever.


So, the way that the week allows you to see things differently is in what you'll see what you finally do, let the cat out of the bag and tell your romantic partner what really means the most to you, and ... they listen. Not only do they listen, but they are excited that you finally broke free of whatever held you back because, in their mind, they were always open to you. Now, you get to see what happens next. This is very promising, Taurus.

RELATED: What Taurus Is Like In Relationships

2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

You have fought tooth and nail to get to the understanding you have now with your romantic partner.  You've seen more days of pressure and toil than you have of romance and sweetness ... but does it matter to you? No, Virgo, it does not. You have never once imagined true love to be this thing of fantasy. You've always been a realist when it comes to romance. You'll notice that what you have is just perfect 'as is.'


Do you fight? All the time. Do you care that you fight all the time? Not really, and neither does your partner mind all that much. What the two of you have is everlasting love, and that love can only be defined by the two of you. You aren't in this to impress others, and you certainly don't care what others do with their romantic lives. You are concerned only with your own.

You feel as though you've struck gold in romantic relationships. What you know is that both you and your partner are going nowhere without each other. Hey, you've made it to 2024, and you can't see that as anything but a victory. Bring it all on; this is a very lucky week for you as you have come to realize that you truly are the victor when it comes to love.

RELATED: A Definitive Guide To The Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo And Capricorn

3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)


What's really nice for you this week is that you are able to be yourself without feeling the pressure that others place on those who are in love or looking to be in love. You have the support of a partner who absolutely believes that you should have it all, and by 'all,' it means you are able to live your life your way, without pressure and without having to live up to someone else's ideal of what love should look like.

Essentially, what makes this week feel so lucky for you is that you feel free to love ... your way. That's not like everybody else. You are very specific with your attention.  There are times when you're in the mood for companionship, and there are times when the only way to be is alone. Whatever you choose, Sagittarius is something your romantic partner will fully support. That's how you know this is real love.

Your person accepts you as you are, and you are way too unique and individualistic for the average person, which is why it's all the more beautiful for your partner to see you, know you and accept you the way they do. You feel extreme love for this person, and you honor and appreciate the way they love you. Jupiter and Aquarius support you, and all is definitely well in your world.


RELATED: What Are The Fire Signs? Aries, Leo & Sagittarius Traits


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
