Romantic Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs Before The Weekend Starts

Real love is built moment by moment.

Romantic Relationships Improve Before The Weekend Starts  Nam Tiwa, Syda Productions, grebeshkov | Canva Pro

"A great relationship doesn't happen for the love you had in the beginning, but how well you continue building love until the end." To create a healthy relationship that continues to grow, you must also be more mindful of the small moments of life.

It's not the dates or the celebrations of holidays or birthdays that matter most, but the simple moments of presence that you and your partner choose — especially when it may be more challenging. Instead of seeing that there is a destination to reach in your relationship, whether it be an engagement, marriage, children or buying a home, look to what you are building within each moment because that is what will come to define the success of your union.  


The week of January 8 brings the New Moon and Mercury in Capricorn, helping to create an opportunity not only for a new beginning but also to help you align your words with your actions. While Capricorn is known for achieving success, the achievement you feel in your personal life differs from what you would focus on in your professional career.



In work, there is an outcome, a specific job title, salary or a project that you can inherently pin down as knowing you are successful or achieved what you desired. In love, no destination or achievement can define a successful relationship.  


Some of the most successful healthy relationships out there are those in which two people love each other the best they can each day. They support one another's dreams and offer encouragement wherever they can, but they may not live together full-time. They may not decide if they will get married, and they may choose never to become parents.

This is because the journey to create a healthy relationship isn't defined by what you do or what milestones you achieve but instead by how you love one another each day.

As the secure earthiness of Capricorn begins to create solid ground under your feet, focus more on how you and your partner show up for one another each day because that is what will actually create a relationship that will last.  

Horoscopes For The 5 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve The Week Of January 8 - 14, 2024 

1. Cancer  

(June 21 - July 22) 


2024 promised to be a better year, and while it is still just beginning, you will continue to see how this year completely differs from the struggles and challenges of the past. Although Pluto is still making its way through Capricorn before shifting into Aquarius on January 20, you can now see things from a unique perspective, which is helping you also feel more optimistic about what is to come and the hope that the love you desire is still possible.  

Suppose you are newly single or even just beginning to reconnect with your partner after a period of challenging growth. In that case, the week of January 8 should give you the ability to feel more secure in this new phase of your life. With the New Moon, Mercury, Mars and Sun in Capricorn, there is a concentrated energy in your romantic sector that is all about new beginnings, along with being able to have your words and actions align.  

Use this energy to not only talk of letting the past go but also take the steps to put it behind you. While having to work through specific events is necessary, there is also a time and place to learn the difference between processing and continually bringing up the past.

If you're newly single, this is an excellent time to become more motivated in putting yourself out there, whether through online dating or simply going out with friends. Part of having a better year is to genuinely be committed to implementing all you've learned so that you can choose happiness.  


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2. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20) 

You have been more serious when it comes to love, thanks to Saturn being in your sign of Pisces until 2025. This means instead of simply living in your illusions of love or the romanticized version that feels good. You are putting in the work necessary to create a healthy, loving relationship. While you do have to be mindful of fears coming up, especially if they connect to past heartbreak, you are being guided to take a new chance on love truly.  

The week of January 8 will usher asteroid Juno into Virgo on January 12, highlighting your romantic sector and bringing in the possibility of serious commitment. Whether you have already said that you want to get married or simply spend your lives loving each other, this is a time when there will be more conversations that arise about what a romantic commitment will look like in your relationship. Traditionally, Juno rules marriages;  however, this asteroid also governs over agreements and commitments, so while you don't have to follow any blueprint for love, you should still allow yourself to go all in — even if you still have some fears.  


Fears don't just go away on their own, but instead through experimenting with what you are afraid of while you remind yourself that you are safe. As much as you don't want to repeat any past mistakes or get your heart broken again, you must remind yourself of how different you are now than a year ago, and because of that alone, you are safe to try.

While you tend to be in love with life itself, it doesn't mean it can ever take the place of a romantic relationship. Let yourself honor the value of connection in your life and open your heart to go all in on this relationship, as it's something that you've waited a long time to find.  

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3. Gemini  

(May 21 - June 20) 


You have been doing an amazing job at becoming more vulnerable with your partner and sharing your recent period of growth with them. While not always easy, you're learning that it takes openness to truly create a place of understanding, which is what goes into that solid foundation of love. Now, though, it's time to embrace the transformation within your romantic life because of that and remind yourself that change can be the most positive step toward the future you're dreaming of.  

The week of January 8 will highlight Capricorn energy in your sector of intimacy and transformation, while Juno in Virgo on January 12 will bring up themes of home and family. Try to be open to change this week, especially if it's surrounding a bigger commitment or relocating.

You and your partner may be considering selling one of your homes as you strive to create a living space together, or it may be about creating a new, deeply transformative emotional space within your relationship. This unto itself can represent an aspect of a home, as it's not just where you live or the home you create within yourself that matters, but also the container of your relationship that you cultivate together.  

Instead of seeing change as something that you must rally against or fear somehow because of what has occurred in the past, look at it as the best thing that could happen to you. As a Gemini, it's no surprise that you may be known for frequently changing your mind, but that doesn't mean your heart does.


Try to remind yourself of what you were hoping for and the purpose of all the work you've been doing, and see this new shift toward transformation as the result of it. You are ready for this next step, whether it's creating a home together or a completely new space in your existing relationship. Because while a house is known for being where the heart is, the heart is what creates the home you reside within.  

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4. Virgo  

(August 23 - September 22) 

Knowing what you want from love is only the beginning point. The rest of the journey emerges as you consciously choose more of what brings you happiness — the past year held a great deal of lessons surrounding slowing down, being more present and finding gratitude for what you've already created. While patience may not always seem like a virtue, it is about to pay off as you realize that sometimes the best plan is having no plan at all.  


Capricorn energy will bring up themes related to commitment, happiness and joy, while asteroid Juno, ruler of marriage, will move into your sign on January 12. The combination of these represents you committing to your relationship with more certainty and confidence as you see it's less about an outcome or completing any picture you had about love and more about the genuine happiness and connection you feel with your partner. Although this can bring new beginnings in terms of an engagement or pregnancy, it can also represent a new era of love being birthed in your life. One that you may not have any plan for other than to enjoy as many moments as you can together.  

Use this time to reflect on how you've allowed yourself to find safety internally, which has allowed you to go with more of the flow of your relationship. When you were directed not to feel happiness or joy until something else happened, you were trying to be so much in control as to create safety outside of yourself.

As that shifted, you're starting to see that allowing love to be enough might be what you've always craved. It also doesn't mean that an engagement isn't right around the corner, either, as your partner just wanted to be certain that you genuinely loved them and not just the life you had pictured.  

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5. Libra  

(September 23 - October 22) 

You've moved through a great deal of healing in the past year. This has led to you being more confident in your boundaries and more firm in what you need from your partner. While there have been uncomfortable moments of growth while you and your partner have embraced the newness of this era, there has also been a great deal of joy.

Now it's time to allow your relationship to show up for you in all the ways you desire, not without triggers, but because of them, as you know that you've done the work necessary to deserve this new beginning in love.  

The New Moon and Mercury in Capricorn during the week of January 8 highlight your sector of home and family, while Juno shifting into Virgo on January 12 will focus on your healing. Capricorn energy wants to help you build the house and domestic intimacy you seek at this stage of your life.


Love has become less about adventure and more about genuinely wanting to build with someone. As you prepare for this new stage, remember that knowing you are building with the right person is important. It's also essential to remember that it doesn't mean that you won't be triggered.  

In terms of relationships, a trigger is described as a current event or situation that reminds you of something from the past. It's important to be able to discern whether it's because it's repeating a cycle or if, instead, it's giving you the option to create an entirely new chapter. It's normal to feel a trigger; the more vulnerable you become, the deeper your relationship grows.

You also need to return to your healing and remember that this relationship, this moment, is not like the past, and because of that, you're safe. You are safe to commit, to grow closer and to let your relationship become whatever it is meant to be because you are worthy of all the love you dream of.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website