3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Life's Problems On December 28, 2023
We win out of default, and that's no fun at all.

As the year comes to its closing date, we might find that we, too, are coming to an end of sorts in terms of patience. What we're looking at on this date, December 28, 2023, is how the transit of Mercury conjunct Mars affects certain zodiac signs, three in particular. While this transit definitely has good characteristics, we may find that during this time of year, all we have is impulsiveness and impatience.
With the combined energies of Mercury and Mars in conjunction with each other, we're going to see a lot of 'get out of my way!' This is a highly energetic transit and the way it hits us is in the form of impatience, decisions made way too quickly and how we might go over the top when it comes to expressing ourselves. We are passionate, yes, indeed, but during Mercury conjunct Mars, it's not always a good thing.
so, for three zodiac signs, we may learn the lesson of 'too much is ... too much.' We may also tap into the idea of competition, and at this point in the year, nobody wants to compete for anything. So, if there's something we feel compelled to 'win,' we probably will, and that's only because nobody else wants to play. We win out of default, and that's no fun at all.
Three zodiac signs who will have rough horoscopes on December 28, 2023:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
In an attempt to do something good on this day, you might end up overdoing it, and while you know in your heart that you pushed it too far, you also realize that your timing is so far off that you might even send yourself into a state of giggles. When you get it wrong, Aries, you go hard, and on this day, December 28, 2023, you'll be batting a thousand in all the wrong ways. So much so that you make yourself laugh.
What you'll find happening during Mercury conjunct Mars is that you come to a conclusion on something and then you must immediately put it into practice. It's as if you have no clue as to what's going on around you or that everyone, right now, is in 'end of year' mode and really doesn't want to have to get up and do things your way, simply because you have a brilliant idea that must be executed right now this minute.
So, the real problem isn't you, Aries, it's that your vibrant energy is just too much for ... everyone. On this day, and on December 28, 2023, you might get a humbling reminder that while you are an exceptional person with fantastic ideas, you are still a part of the 'lazy' world. During Mercury conjunct Mars, nobody's in the mood to 'get at it' but you. Take your time, and ease into it. Your genius will still be there in a few days from now.
2. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
While you do love this last week of the year, you've come to realize that one of the reasons you love it so much is that you're always invited over to friends' houses, and you really do enjoy the energy that comes with social gatherings. The only downside to it is that, because you are now used to being invited everywhere, you tend to think that where you go, attention follows, and so, on December 28, 2023, when you don't get the expected attention, you might slink into a depressed state.
You are now suffering from the disappointment that comes from expectation. You expected things to be exactly as they were last year, and while they are still joyful, for some reason, you can't get yourself into the spirit of things. During the transit of Mercury conjunct Mars, you might feel as though you're missing out by not being the center of attention this year. It bugs you. You're usually the one everyone was waiting for, and so when you show up and get a lukewarm reception, you'll plummet into self-pity.
During Mercury conjunct Mars, you'll try to charm your way back into the hearts of all those you see. While everyone really is open to you, Gemini, you'll notice that everyone has their way of dealing with the end of the year and that your attempts to push everyone's attention back to you don't work. Well, it's just something you'll have to learn to deal with.
3. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
Because things are going on in your life during this time of the year, you'll find that December 28, 2023, is just one more day on top of it all and that being distracted doesn't even touch what you're really feeling at this time. And, because the transit of Mercury conjunct Mars influences you greatly, Aquarius, you'll find that nobody around you is as sensitive to your needs as you'd like for them to be. Then again, if they do pay attention to you, you might snap at them, so you're in a quandary during Mercury conjunct Mars.
On impulse, you might do something so dangerous that you'll startle yourself, even though you know that whatever it is that you've done was done to get your mind off of what's really going on in your life. You've got this one truth to deal with on this day, December 28, 2023, and it hurts you way too much to take on all by yourself. So you incorporate helpers, as the I Ching would say.
You'll then find that the helpers, who are more than likely family members that continuously disappoint you, are no more than heavy weights that you feel you have to lug around. In a moment of deep frustration, you will make a decision that could have a profound effect on how you and this family member interact with each other from here on in. Yes, you are frustrated and perhaps even a little scared, and your tendency to lash out is at an all-time high.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.