3 Zodiac Signs Reveal How Strong They Are On December 18, 2023

We tend to really overplay our hand during Moon square Mars.

zodiac signs having a rough day on december 18 abcdefghij__mnopqrstuvwxyz, Mode-list from Getty Images and urbazon from Getty Images Signature all via Canva Pro/Clker-Free-Vector-Images from PIxabay via Canva

If anything is going to be on our case, it's that nagging transit of Moon square Mars. On December 18, 2023, we had better be on guard for what comes our way. What starts with us copping a totally bad attitude ends up with us having to pay the price for a 'said' attitude in ways we didn't expect. Oh boy, here it comes.



And, as it goes, there will be certain people who will overextend themselves during Moon square Mars, meaning that these three zodiac signs will push the limits and find out the hard way that limits are there for a reason. Learning 'the hard way' seems to be the Moon square Mars 'way,' and so it goes, and so it goes.


Whereas there's nothing all that bad with having big dreams and wanting them all to come true RIGHT NOW, we tend to really overplay our hand during Moon square Mars. We may be coming from the best place with the finest intentions, but pushiness and stepping over other people's boundaries is never welcome thing. These three zodiac signs will be served in this lesson.

These three zodiac signs may have rough horoscopes on December 18, 2023:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

For you to come out of the dark and into the light with the force of Moon square Mars is so unexpected that you'll feel confused for the larger part of the day. What brings about the confusion is that during Moon square Mars on December 18, 2023, is that you really think this is IT, this is the way to do things, get things done, make it all happen, happen, happen. It's like Moon square Mars, which is this crazy cosmic vitamin that gives you superpowers, but the only problem is that no one cares.


Well, it's not so much that they don't care as it is that you really are pushing it. You might end up using some of the superhero strength to offend people you really don't wish to offend. It's as if you can't see the damage you're about to do because you translate it as 'change' and even though your perception is positive, it's ill-conceived. You didn't think this big move through before acting on it, and now the world around you is shocked by your brash behavior.

During the transit of Moon square Mars, you, Cancer, will be so happy to be a 'mover and a shaker finally' and you'll be proud of yourself for taking initiative. It's true what you'll feel is definitely good and great for your ego, but what this transit also brings you is a lack of discretion. So, while the energy of the day is good, your focus and direction are off the mark and will definitely end up offending someone.

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2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)


It's all about adjusting to something new in your life on December 18, 2023. You aren't one to welcome change, but once you know you are up at bat, you do what you need to do to keep it going. During the transit of Moon square Mars, you're going to feel very inspired to 'do the deed' that has your name written all over it, and that essentially means that you're here to get the job done.

So, your hopes are up, and where this day goes south for you is in the idea that nothing is timed correctly. So, here you are with a power punch of an attitude, all ready for action. What you get on this day, instead, is a bunch of lazy people who have zero clue as to what's going on and how you are part of it all. Basically, it has you all dressed up with no place to go, and for you, Virgo, that's a real bummer.

You rarely get this kind of get-up-and-go energy, and that's what Moon Square Mars brings you ... but you need a place to spend that energy, and that's what's not available to you on December 18, 2023. This has you feeling resentful, but you don't know who to resent, and you don't know where to focus your negative feelings, so you internalize it and things just go downhill from there. Still, you know you'll get past it, so you aren't 'that' worried.

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3. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

Moon square Mars could be your best friend or the annoying enemy of the day. The reality is that you are not really interested in making friends with that person, which brings you the most frustration. You're not in one of those 'embrace it all' moods. In fact, as soon as you catch a drift as to what this day is about, your mood will sour to such a point that those around you will want to back off and just give you some space.

While having personal space is a delight on any other day, on December 18, 2023, it's just the thing you don't want because what you do want are production, togetherness and team effort. That's why it really brings you down: You feel so charged up due to Moon square Mars' insane power hit, and everyone around you is seemingly content to sit and navel gaze for hours on end. This is the day you come to realize that everyone on Earth is in love with their phone.


You may want to scream and shout during Moon square Mars, and you may very well end up doing so, but your loud rebellion won't make a difference. The thing about Moon square Mars is that it's pretty much a stable and secure transit; it gets its way. Then, fortunately, it passes. You'll see better days, Scorpio, so try not to bust a gut on December 18, 2023. Things will get better shortly. Don't blow it all on one bad day.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
