7 Adorable Things Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You When They Roll Over To Show You Their Belly

Your furry best friend is letting you know just how much they love you.

two people petting their dog's belly Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels 

Dogs are a human’s constant companions. They're our furry little shadows that sleep in our beds, curl up by our feet, and snuggle with us on the couch.

Dogs show no shortage of cute behavior, but there’s one patented pup move that can melt hearts no matter what.

Here are 7 adorable things your dog is telling you when they roll over and show their belly:

1. They trust you.

When a dog flips onto their back to reveal their belly, it’s the ultimate sign that they trust you. 


Back when they were undomesticated, dogs were on constant alert to stay safe. By showing you their soft, sweet bellies, it means they’re giving you access to their vulnerable underside and leaving their internal organs unprotected.

So, if a dog is giving you access to their perfect little tummy, it’s their way of saying just how safe they feel around you.



RELATED: 15 Sweet Signs Your Dog Thinks Of You As Their Mom Or Dad


2. They feel afraid.

Sometimes, a dog will show their belly if they feel afraid. If they feel scared, they might roll onto their back and exhibit other behavior that expresses fear or anxiety, like tucking their tail in or licking you.



If you think a dog is belly-up because they’re scared, take care to not approach them suddenly or pet them without warning.

Give the pup some time to calm down and get comfy. Allow them some space so that they know that they are ultimately in a safe space.


3. They’re being submissive.

A dog showing you their belly can be a symbol of respect. It’s also their way of letting you know that they’re not a threat. Rolling over is a sign that they’re avoiding confrontation, and they don’t want any trouble.



4. They want love, attention, and care.

If you have a young puppy, they’re especially likely to show you their belly. In their early months, puppies are completely dependent on us for care.

If you happen to have an older dog along with a new fur baby, you might notice that when the two dogs play, the little one rolls over to prove to the older one that it’s still small and needs special care.


Adorable Things Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You When They Show You Their BellyPhoto: Sergio Souza / Pexels 

RELATED: The Main Personality Difference Between Dog People And Cat People

5. They want to cool off.

In hot weather, rolling over can be a sign your dog needs to cool down. While panting is one way they release heat, dogs also have sweat glands in their paws. So, putting them up in the air helps them get some much-needed relief. 




Dogs also radiate heat from their chests, so when they expose their stomachs, it helps them beat the heat. 

6. They’re scratching a hard-to-reach itch.

If you see your dog rolling over and wiggling, it could be that they have an itch they need to scratch, and they’re relying on their animal instincts to take care of it.

Adorable Things Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You When They Show You Their BellyPhoto: Fox / Pexels


7. They just want a belly rub.

Dogs have a lot of nerve endings on their stomachs, so ultimately, getting a belly rub from you just feels great! 



Giving your dog a belly rub is a way to relieve their stress and anxiety. Petting your pup also acts as a stress release mechanism for you, too, so, scritch away!


When your doggo rolls over and asks for love, it's their way of showing that they want a sweet, connective moment with you, their beloved pet parent and best friend for life. 

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Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers pet care, pop culture topics, and all things to do with the entertainment industry.