3 Zodiac Signs End A Karmic Relationship Beginning December 20
If everything has a reason, then yes, we must be able to let go of karmic relationships, too.

If there could be an astrological transit that speeds things along and ends them promptly and succinctly, it would more than likely be the transit of Moon square Mercury.
On December 20, 2023, we have the pleasure of experiencing what this transit has to offer, although the results may be surprising.
There are people that we meet in a lifetime that we know, in our hearts, are temporary fixtures. They are in our lives with a purpose, and that may be to heal or even ... to harm us.
Their presence exists to deliver a lesson and one that we will learn a great deal from.
For three zodiac signs, we will see the end of one of these relationships occur on this day, December 20, 2023.
Of course, we don't want someone who brings pain into our lives, so naturally, we are happy when that relationship ends, but what about those who bring us joy or enlightenment?
Must those connections end, too? Well, if everything has a reason, then yes, we must be able to let go of the karmic relationships that come and go throughout our lives.
Three zodiac signs end their karmic relationships on December 20, 2023:
1. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
You love your friends just as much as anyone else does, and so when you come to that place when you know in your heart that the end of this friendship must take place, you feel sad but resigned. You have come to realize that what you have with this person was relegated to a certain time in your life and that that time is now ... over. It's OK. You've been down this road before and during the transit of Moon square Mercury, you'll recognize that it's, once again, time to move on.
On December 20, 2023, you'll feel something 'click' inside you, and it will tell you that there is no purpose in going any further with this person or even trying to make something out of whatever it is that you have left. You feel that we're all taught to think that friendships are things that last forever if they're good, but you've come to understand that not all friendships are bound for life. The one that is now coming to a close; it served its purpose.
While you may smile a sad smile, knowing what you and this person have been through together, you will also heed the mental energy that comes with Moon square Mercury, and it will guide you to a new understanding of what this person was to you in this lifetime. They were a backbone, a true friend, a support system when you needed one. You will always treasure them for who they were, and you will let them go, as you know that's what's meant to be.
2. Cancer
(June 21 - July 22)
Let's face it: you had a whole lot of fun with that one friend of yours, but you know deep down in your heart that something has changed and that it may just be time to accept that this one friend may not be in your life forever. Either something happened recently that jolted you into awareness, or you and this person have slowly but surely come to realize that the end of your friendship is just part of the natural process.
On this day, December 20, 2023, during the transit of Moon square Mercury, you're going to feel the urge to remove yourself from the friendship, and while that may sound cold or even calculating when nature calls, you answer. This is a gut feeling that you cannot deny, and even though your friend may not know it yet, they, too, will realize that even friendships have their expiration date. During Moon square Mercury, you will be alerted of one such date.
It's OK, however, because even though it brings with it a pang of sadness, you also know that what is inevitable is inevitable and cannot be any other way. You have both 'outgrown' the friendship, but you recognize how valuable you both were to each other when the time was right. You had a karmic connection, and you completed what was necessary. Now, you are free, and it will all be just fine, Cancer.
3. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
You have come to see who your friends really are, and even though there's that one person in your life whom you really trusted and believed in, you will see that on December 20, 2023, this person was not the person you thought they were. Perhaps you put too much faith into this person, thinking that because you got along so well, naturally, they'd be a permanent fixture in your life. Alas, they were not meant to be, not in a permanent way, at least.
During Moon square Mercury, you'll want to be very clear about your next move as this transit clears your mind and lets you feel good about your actions. Because this friend wasn't there for you in your time of need, you've come to see them as someone you can be with only under specific conditions, like to party with or go out on the town with. This is a person who has a purpose, and that purpose is not to be close to you but to be there ... for the party.
You feel foolish in thinking that they were a true friend, but you aren't going to give it any further thought. What's done is done and you cannot trust this person to become any closer than they are, which is mediocre, at best.
OK, they are there to have fun with, but nothing heavier than that. It might be time for you to let them go, as you know that you need more than just a night out on the town. You need a real, long-lasting, trustworthy friend. They served their purpose. The karmic tie is now severed.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.