3 Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love During The First Quarter Moon On December 19

We are not perturbed by other people's negativity.

zodiac signs luckiest in love on december 19 quarter moon Mode-list from Getty Images, Andika Setiawan from Dikas Studio, Odua Images | Canva Pro

Wouldn't it be nice if we could see the glass as half full, in the way of optimism and hope? Three zodiac signs will do just that, as these are the people who refuse to drop down to the level of the hopeless masses who believe that nothing good comes of anything. If we stay the course and keep our hopes up, we will find that all departments of our lives benefit from that kind of thinking.

On December 19, 2023, we have the First Quarter Moon in Pisces and right before it goes into Aries, we will feel as though we have a choice as to which way we will set our intentions. These early lunar phases show us promise, but we have to be there, mentally and emotionally, to show that we believe. We need to believe in order to create. On this day, we set our intentions toward love and peace within the household.


During the First Quarter Moon in Pisces, we may even feel excited about the days to come. This is when the three zodiac signs who can allow themselves what could only be called 'the holiday spirit' go for it. Other people's negativity does not perturb us. We acknowledge that it exists, but we stick to ourselves and share only with the people we love.

Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on December 19, 2023:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

If you stare too long at the TV, you'll eventually get swallowed whole by the 'world news' and the constant advertising for things we need to buy but cannot afford. This is why you turn away from the media: You don't want to be influenced by things you cannot control. The truth is, Aries, that you want this holiday season to be kind and lighthearted; you want genuine love and the softness that comes with a good heart and a gentle attitude.


As you turn from media, you settle into what you really enjoy, which is being with family, friends and a romantic partner. You and the person you've been seeing are quite content to enjoy the First Quarter Moon in Pisces in peace, without the constant stream of noise.

On December 19, 2023, you won't need Mariah Carey to tell you what's going on, nor will you need to condemn her for making a zillion dollars in royalties for a song that no one wants to hear anymore. You're just fine 'as is,' and this is the attitude you and your partner adopt for the holidays.

The First Quarter Moon brings you contentment with what you have. You won't feel the need to explore the world of negativity and pain. If one must do such a thing, then let them do it 'over there' where you don't have to watch. You are quite adamant about being at peace on this day, and December 19 will bring you the right environment to be at peace with your partner. It is going to be a good day.

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2. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

Because the First Quarter Moon in Pisces shows us that all we have is potential, if we happen to be someone who believes in positive energy, as are you, Cancer, then we can know with certainty that this is the day we lead ourselves into happy conditions. We do so because we create it that way. The potential is the first stage of growth, and on December 19, 2023, we believe in the potential of love and romance.

You will find that you don't have to do much to get the attention of your romantic partner, as they are quite willing to get with the idea that it's all about potential. They, too, believe that all will work out very well. When two minds get together, that think tank can't help but churn out love, light, and positivity. You need all the support you can get, and during the First Quarter Moon in Pisces, you'll get it in cosmically affirmed doses.

Being that this lunar phase is just like its beautiful beginning, you'll find that on this day, you and your partner might decide on some new undertaking. That's how potential works in your relationship; something comes from nothing, like magic. During the First Quarter Moon in Pisces, you'll both feel like starting something new, and that will give you much to look forward to in the days and months to come. Nice work!


RELATED: 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Cancer (As Written By One)

3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

Your natural ability to find peace wherever you go works well with this transit, the First Quarter Moon in Pisces. You will most definitely find that December 19, 2023, seems to be one of the better days this month in terms of you and your love life. If you are in a romantic relationship, you'll see that communications run very smoothly. If you're only starting with someone new, you'll find that it's very natural to converse with them. No pressure, no strain.

In a way, this day comes to you and delivers hope. It's not this massive hop bomb. It's more along the lines of something soft and unassuming. You just feel good about your life and you see that when it comes to love, you aren't out of the picture. In fact, there's a very homey and sweet picture that you have in your mind. It's one that you see yourself fitting into quite easily. That's how hope works for you, Pisces. You see yourself as able to be happy.


Another thing that the First Quarter Moon in Pisces brings you is the sense that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You reject expectations because you see a better path, and when it comes to love and romance, you are quite sure of yourself now. You know what you want out of a relationship and you will settle for nothing but the best ... and in your case, 'the best' is something you are already just now getting a taste of.

RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Pisces Soulmates


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
