3 Zodiac Signs Will Have Challenging Horoscopes, December 8 - 10, 2023

Our best bet is to let things pass, and to avoid taking things too seriously,

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The end of the week promises a few moments of stress (as usual in human life ... ), and we may find that we seek out new ways to cope with that kind of tension. This is a good thing, as there's nothing here to suggest that we 'won't' be coping. What we have is a double dose of aggressive Lilith energy, with much Mercury involved. All this really means is that we're probably going to have a misunderstanding or two with our romantic partners.


What creates stress is that nobody likes fighting with their partner, and things always get out of hand because love has a big ego, and nobody wants to get hurt. Moon square Pluto is heading our way at the same time that the Moon enters Scorpio, and that takes place on December 8 ... watch out for this day. If you are one of the three zodiac signs mentioned here in this blog, then understand that this day brings out our 'fickle' side.

Our best bet is to let things pass and to avoid taking things so seriously that we make a huge piece of performance art out of them. The key is not to get dramatic, and these three zodiac signs are already theater majors when it comes to love.


Three zodiac signs may have challenging horoscopes, December 8 - 10, during the Moon in Scorpio:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

The interesting thing about you, Aries, is that you know what you are capable of and that you can also take that created energy and use it to destroy something good. It's not that you want negativity, but you are oddly attracted to dramatic actions, and you might intentionally start a fire between you and your romantic partner. To add fuel to that fire, you'll whip out your intelligence and lay it on thickly.

You may be smart, but you know that you make poor choices, and that is mainly because you let emotion overrule reason so much of the time. You've got Venus in Scorpio kicking you into hyperdrive, and that means that you start the week out with a bad, explosive temper. Moon square Mars has you convinced that your attitude is exactly what you need. You feel like you need the warlike environment to charge you up, but all you are doing is stirring up drama.

Neptune, thankfully, goes direct on the 6, and that will definitely have you witnessing your wild actions and coming down off that heated cloud of yours. It will be around this time that you finally come to your senses and just chill. Your partner will see the moment when you decide to 'let them live,' and they will rest at ease, once again, knowing that you've 'come back.' It's a week of stress and drama, that is for sure.


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2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

The last thing you want to hear coming out of your mouth are sob stories and the sound of your voice asking things like, "Why me?" Well, why not you, Virgo? The reality is that we get some and we lose some, and while you might feel as though some of your 'losses' are personal, the truth is that they are not. Yes, it's a stressed-out week for you and you'll be going over many 'events' of the year, but it's nothing you can't handle, and you know it.

One of the reasons you feel so much tension during this time is because of the many Neptune transits that occur. These transits have you doing what you do best: overthinking. Yes, you are quite the expert when it comes to overanalyzing a situation until all you can see is bad in it, and you will make sure to throw your romantic life into the mix, too, simply because ... it's there.


With the week ending on an uppity note, with Moon square Scorpio and a Scorpio Moon, you may find that the only way you can calm down is by doing something like punching a pillow or screaming into the night sky. You'd be surprised how much of your angst is something you can get rid of by doing something physical and active. Working out or simply getting on a treadmill at this time would be an awesome idea.

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3. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

You've got Lilith motivating you, and that's not necessarily a good thing ... although it doesn't have to be as bad as you could potentially make it. At the top, you've got Mars square Lilith, which will have you believing that something is wrong with the person you are with. There is nothing wrong with the situation but with the person. With Venus trine Saturn coming the next day, you might even decide that your partner is just ... dead wrong.


As Mercury trines Lilith on December 9th, you'll start to play the blame game, but you, yourself, will take no responsibility. The thing is, Scorpio, all you really feel during this week is angsty and unsatisfied with something in your life that has nothing to do with your romantic partner, and yet, you feel the need to pin it all on them, as they are there for that, right? Wrong, Scorpio. You can't make them your target, especially when you know that they are blameless in this regard.

You do have Moon trine Neptune closing your week out, and that will let you stand back and see that there's no point in continuing on this way, meaning, why beat your partner up when the problem lies elsewhere? This could be the moment when you come to terms with the real problem in your life and let your partner off freely. You can make something very good out of this week, but you have to accept that your partner is not the problem here.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.