Sisters Send Their 'Confessions To Our Mom' One Year After Her Passing & They Can't Stop Laughing
You can’t help but laugh with them.

Laughter is a natural healer. And for two sisters, laughter is bringing them together to honor their mother in a hilarious way that garnered over 2 million likes on TikTok.
A confessional of memories in the most difficult year of their lives, these sisters give hope to anyone going through the loss of a parent, reminding them of the power of laughter amidst sadness.
Two sisters bond over hilarious confessions to their mom, who passed just under a year ago.
Sara Wollner and her sister Katie brought smiles through tears as they shared everything they've done wrong in life since they lost their mom to cancer a year ago.
They start off by confessing that they had no idea they had to file taxes! Katie then shared she had been driving her mom's car around uninsured for over seven months. Through infectious laughter and wheezing hilarity they "confessed" to their mom that her license plate had been suspended after she got caught!
Remembering the numbers and letters that were plastered to the back of their childhood car, they erupted into laughter at how everyone forgot to tell them the importance of renewing car insurance.
The laughs continued throughout their confessions confirming the heartwarming bond between the two girls, proof that grief is not exclusively defined by sadness.
Wollner is using social media to document her journey into motherhood without her own mom.
While the pair promised to continue their series of laughter and memories after their mother’s passing, Wollner is using her platform to voice a story of grief she finds abruptly lost in online conversations about losing a parent.
“I’m Sara and I’m a first-time mom,” @sarawollner posted in a video, “and 373 days ago I lost my mom to pancreatic cancer.”
Despite stories and conversations about losing a parent on TikTok, many of which help to acknowledge the void left after the death of some near and dear, she revealed one area that’s continuously left out, becoming a mother without having your own to support you.
“I’ve decided to document all the moments, highs and lows,” she shared, “as part of my healing journey, in hopes that this gets somewhat easier.”
Commenters found community in empathizing with Wollner in her journey of grief, pointing out a sentiment that hits home for so many, “My mother taught me everything ... except how to live without her.”
Outside of laughter and confessions, one sister shared another strategy she used to connect with her mom after her passing.
Whether it’s feathers, coins, or a cardinal, signs from loved ones after passing are a universal experience likely to provide comfort even in the harshest of times. Another phenomenon hardly explained by science, but strongly explained by overwhelming human connection, Wollner detailed that looking “for signs” from her mother has helped her through the pain of loss.
She’s far from alone — many people’s connections with loved ones who’ve passed arrive in seemingly “unexplainable” ways through signs in everyday life.
So, whether it be through laughter or a confession of the pain of navigating life with a baby without the guidance of a mom, these sisters are providing hope and community for anyone grieving a loss.
Stories like this remind us that while grief might not go away completely or even fade at all, it can follow us into beautiful moments of joy and compassion.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a news and entertainment writer at YourTango focusing on pop culture analysis and human interest stories.