Why This Week's Horoscopes Are Life Changing For All Zodiac Signs Starting October 30

This week sets us on a new path.

weekly horoscope for october 30 - november 5, 2023 Giuseppe Ramos V and titoOnz from Getty Images both via Canva Pro/fauxels from Pexels via Canva

Welcome to the week of October 30 - November 5, 2023. Each zodiac sign will receive a personalized horoscope to match their zodiac sign. By the look of things, this first week of November may very well prove to be challenging and life-changing.

We will have the opportunity to change our lives radically, and believe it or not, some of that change may happen by realizing that we were better off doing it the old way. That's how major transits like Saturn direct flex, and we can see that heading our way on November 4, 2023. 


Of course, there's much more than just Saturn going direct. We've got the power push of Sun trine Moon, which will jumpstart many of our love lives and let us feel as though we can believe in love again. With Moon trine Mercury heading our way on the 3rd, we can kick back and know that our words have power and that if we use them correctly, we will know success ... in whatever 'territory' we wish to use it in.

We're also looking at how the Leo Moon helps round the week out for us by giving us confidence and self-belief. What starts with the childlike behavior that accompanies us on Halloween, which is the last day of October, turns into a celebration of adulthood and achievement. We are walking into November with our heads held high. This is going to be a great week, no matter what challenges we may face.


Here's why this week's horoscopes are life changing for all zodiac signs starting October 30: 


(March 21 - April 19) 

Dates of importance:  October 31, November 1, 3, 4

Best days for love: November 2, 3

Best money days: November 1,4, 5

Day to watch out for: November 4 during Saturn direct


Best day for opportunity: November 3

There's nothing that's going to keep you from owning your actions this week, and what's meant by that is that from October 30 - November 5, 2023, you will be feeling very secure in what you decide upon ... and decisions will be important for you this week. You've got a lot of oppositional transits heading your way, but you'll find that you do well under pressure. Moon trine Mars allows you to finally accept that you might very well be the only person around who truly knows what's going on.

You feel smart and capable during the week of October 30 - November 5, 2023. As Venus opposite Neptune challenges you in terms of romance and believing in the person you are with, you will roll with the challenges and rise to the top, a smarter person because of it. You will see that you have, indeed, made a wise choice by associating yourself with the romantic partner that's presently in your life. It may have taken its sweet time presenting itself, but with Saturn going direct, it's as if it's all smooth sailing from here on in with this one person.

Dates and moments to keep in mind: Stay clearheaded on Halloween and don't fall into the idea that November brings on the unknown. You can look forward to big ideas coming your way on November 3 and 4 during the transits of Sun opposite Jupiter, Venus opposite Neptune and Mercury opposite Uranus. Use this opposing energy to your favor ... you can. That's why it's there.


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(April 20 - May 20)

Dates of importance: October 31, November 2

Best days for love: October 31, November 1, 2, 3

Best money days: November 3, 4

Days to watch out for: October 30, 31

Best days for opportunity: November 3, 4, 5

What's most important to you this week is keeping your love life running smoothly. While that sounds like 'just another day in the life,' you're going to find that your partner is going through something and that they need your understanding during this time. What they are going through is more 'their' thing than yours, but you are always present for them. You might not have had 'being there constantly for your loved one' as one of the items on your to-do list, but you'll do what you can.


Sun trine Moon on November 2 gives you that extra 'oomph' of energy so that you can have the patience required to deal with this loved one of yours. Don't worry about a thing; you'll be able to get to all of your other items as well. In fact, you might find that being there for your loved one gives you a little rush of power and that you get to enjoy the payback that comes from giving extra. The week is dedicated to love and romance, even if it also requires patience in abundance.

Dates and moments to keep in mind: Think about Saturn direct as a guiding light this week. That takes place on November 4, Taurus, and where you're concerned, this is like a personal 'reset' button. This is the day when you can reclaim whatever it is that you feel you've lost throughout the year. Make November a month of pure victory.

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(May 21 - June 20)


Dates of importance: November 1

Best days for love: November 2, 3 

Best money days: November 2, 4, 5 

Days to watch out for: November 3, 4

Best days for opportunity: November 1, 2, 5

It definitely does seem like almost everyone here is going to benefit in the love and romance department during the week of October 30 - November 5, 2023, and you, Gemini, are part of the mad rush ... hooray! What you can expect at this time is the love and acceptance for who you are coming from the person you are with. The challenge here is that you will wonder if you accept them 'as is' in the same way as they have decided to accept you. Interesting twist, eh?

Merry-making is happening in abundance, and you'll really enjoy the fact that the person you are with is so uninhibited as you feel they have the power to release you from your inhibitions. You'll find transit like Moon sextile Jupiter is helpful in guiding you towards freedom and you'll opt less for situations that hold you back. With Mercury opposite Uranus, you may feel as though the entire world is about to change for you, and you'd be correct ... and so much of it has to do with love.


Dates and moments to keep in mind: Don't get too caught up overanalyzing your love life. Yes, you've got Sun opposite Jupiter to give you the impression that you are always right, but that doesn't mean they are always wrong. The Leo Moon on November 4 helps you to feel strong but also to believe in the strength of your romantic partner.

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(June 21 - July 22)

Dates of importance: October 30, November 1

Best days for love: November 1, 2

Best money day: November 3

Days to watch out for: November 2, 3

Best days for opportunity: November 2, 3, 5

What October 30 - November 5, 2023, brings you is a clear view of your past and exactly what you need to do in order to bring the future in on a good note. You are one hundred percent ready to let it all go now so that you can open the door to love, romance and success. You feel as though November is a bit of good luck for you, and just that kind of thinking alone makes so much sense to you and acts like a lucky charm in terms of the Law of Attraction.


There's much to look forward to, and as October closes, you will spend a few last days looking back and reminiscing. It's OK. You need to know where you came from in order to really appreciate what you have right now and what you're capable of creating for yourself throughout the rest of the month. You feel strong, stoic and resolved. This has taken a long time for you to feel this sturdy, but it looks good on you, Cancer.

Dates and moments to keep in mind: What starts on October 31, 2023, takes you all the way through the week and comes to you in the form of transits, Moon trine Saturn, Saturn direct and ends up with Moon square Mars. You'll be tempted to stomp your feet and demand your way. Let things fall into place naturally. They will.

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(July 23 - August 22)


Dates of importance:  October 31, November 1

Best days for love: October 31, November 1

Best money days: November 3, 4

Days to watch out for: October 31 and November 4

Best days for opportunity: November 4, 5

You can't get to the celebrations fast enough, Leo, as October 30 - November 5, 2023, has you feeling very much in the spirit of the party animal. By the time Sun trine Moon rolls around on November 2, 2023, you're going to want to be with friends as much as you possibly can. by the look of things, you've done so much good work this year that you deserve this kind of wind down. You will find that the love you adore so much comes to you in the form of great friendships this week.


One of your friends is more than likely your romantic partner and you include them in everything you do. You couldn't have the kind of success that you have now, in love and romance, if the person you were with wasn't your best friend. With the Moon in Leo coming around on November 4, you might find that you're not only the center of attention but that both your partner and your best buddies all want more, more, more of you.

Dates and moments to keep in mind: Between the big Leo energy that's going to support you on November 4 and the fun that seems to have been jumpstarted on October 31, you're going to find that your best moments will be the ones lived during Mercury opposite Uranus and the Leo Moon, both falling on the 4th. Moon trine Mercury adds electricity to romantic moves on the 3rd.

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(August 23 - September 22)


Dates of importance: October 30, November 2

Best days for love: October 31, November 2, 3

Best money days: November 4, 5 

Days to watch out for: October 31, November 4

Best days for opportunity: November 4, 5

You might be able to get through this week with a victory call by the time it's over. During this life-changing week, you, Virgo, are going to be calling the shots, and it's your forceful presence and self-confidence that will let people know that you are not playing around. While you may have shrunken yourself in the past to accommodate the whims of others, October 30 - November 5, 2023, has you stepping up and owning it all.

There's a lot of Leo energy prodding you into place and by the time the Leo Moon arrives on the 4th, you're going to be sitting pretty and in your full power. You are able to demand things that at one point, you shied away from even asking about. You feel that time is of the essence now and that you're the only one who is really going to go to bat for yourself ... and so, you do. You work the magic and you hit pay dirt. 


Dates and moments to keep in mind: What starts with a Gemini Moon takes you through all your paces and lands you feeling strong and mighty during the Leo Moon on November 4. Keep in mind that on that same day, you'll experience your power during Saturn direct. Trust your gut implicitly on this date, Virgo.

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(September 23 - October 22)

Dates of importance: October 30, 31, November 2

Best days for love: October 31, November 5

Best money day: November 5

Days to watch out for: October 31, November 3, 4

Best days for opportunity: November 4, 5

What's past is past and even if there's someone 'out there' whom you believe still owns your heart, and you will get over them and move on. You've come to realize that all you've been doing is wasting your own time and that time is way too precious for you to spend thinking about someone who you know doesn't think about you. However, this week allows you that 'click' moment when you know that you're finally 'over' them.


You can't nurse this wound forever, and you want November to bring you what it's always brought you in the past: hope, dreams, love. You've got Moon sextile Venus and a Half Moon in Leo to stir things up for you, so don't be surprised if you suddenly find a new love interest ... just like that. Hey, stranger things have happened, Libra, and you know it. Love is a revolving door and well, that works for you.

Dates and moments to keep in mind: Because of the many Uranus transits happening this week, you're going to see that you aren't as locked in as you might have thought you were. In fact, on November 1, 3, and 4, you're going to notice that you are quite adaptable to change. Use it to improve your lot in life, Libra. This is possible.

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(October 23 - November 21)


Dates of importance: November 1, 4

Best days for love: November 1, 2, 4

Best money day: November 4

Days to watch out for: October 31, November 1

Best days for opportunity: November 1, 5

October 30 - November 5, 2023, puts you smack dab in arguments of a political nature. Did you want to get this involved? Perhaps not, but you are also someone who doesn't back down once you feel you have a point that needs to be made ... and understood. The idea that politics is involved really heats the kettle, and you may end up spending a good deal of time during this week, feeling steamed ... to say the least.

What you love is that people listen to you and take what you have to say into serious consideration. What you don't love is how Moon opposition, Pluto, puts you into the position of being the loudmouth who can't change. You don't like being perceived in this way, but you'll also be very aware that this was all about different points of view and that you can't expect to be agreed with all of the time. State your case and detach, if possible.


Dates and moments to keep in mind: While the entire week seems to be in your favor, to a point, you have to know that it's not until the end of the week, around November 4 and 5, that you really start to feel satisfied with what's going on. Moon Square Mars really gives you that positive jolt on the 5th and you'll need it by then.

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(November 22 - December 21)

Dates of importance: October 31, November 3, 4

Best days for love: November 1, 2, 3

Best money days: November 3, 5

Days to watch out for: October 30, November 2, 3

Best days for opportunity: October 31, November 5


There's something from your past that continuously comes up, and you've come to understand that just like Michael Corleone in The Godfather, they keep 'dragging you back in.' That's you and your life, Sagittarius, and whatever it is that you did so long ago has its season coming up. Halloween jumpstarts the attention, and if you're not used to it by now, then you'll never get used to it.

While this may sound vague, there are other things to keep in mind this week, and during Moon square Jupiter, you may find that it's better to keep your brilliant ideas to yourself. There's so much good going on in your life right now, and this week puts you in the right place to understand that it's sometimes best NOT to speak up. You'll know the moment when it comes to you, and hopefully, if discretion is needed, you'll heed that cosmic law.

Dates and moments to keep in mind: You'll be feeling as though you missed the boat on October 31, but you'll pick it right up again as the Jupiter energy starts to radiate your way on November 2. With Moon square Jupiter coming at you on November 4, you'll be taking no flack from anyone. Stay you, stay true.

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(December 22 - January 19)

Dates of importance: October 31

Best days for love: November 3, 5


Best money days: November 4, 5

Days to watch out for: October 31, November 2

Best days for opportunity: October 30, 31, November 3

Ironically, it's hard for you to accept that this is basically the beginning of the end of the year. It all changes from here on in, and in a way, this brings out a melancholy note for you. During the week of October 30 - November 5, 2023, you'll find yourself missing certain people and certain activities. You might even feel as though you're getting older, no matter how forever young you may be. It happens, and it happens a lot during November, especially when we have transits like Saturn direct and Mercury opposite Uranus in the sky.


This doesn't imply that you won't be strong or stoic. In fact, you'll use all energies available to feel positive and uplifted; there's just that one little note ... is it regret? Is it fear of the future? It's all OK, Capricorn. You know yourself all too well; you are a survivor and there's nothing that requires of you more strength than you already have. You'll break the week up into sad reflections on the past and enthusiastic views of the future.

Dates and moments to keep in mind: Keep your schedule open around November 3, as there's much coming your way in terms of social life and engagements that might demand your presence. Stay open to the idea of mingling with acquaintances during this time, and know that when Saturn goes direct, you'll feel very stable and secure once again.

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(January 20 - February 18)


Dates of importance: October 31, November 2

Best days for love: November 1, 2, 4

Best money days: November 4, 5 

Days to watch out for: October 31, November 1, 4

Best days for opportunity: November 1, 2, 5

You see the week of October 30 - November 5, 2023, as the beginning of something new and marvelous. With Saturn going direct on November 4, you will want to get with that program and work hard on what you know you've been slacking in. You are very honest with yourself during this time, and you are able to fully see where you've messed up and what needs work. You have big dreams to accomplish, and you know that no one's going to make those dreams happen for you.


Leo energy gives you that extra positivity booster this week, and you may do something that you rarely do: organize your workload. While this may seem like alien territory to you, you recognize now that you have got to get organized and that your scattered Aquarius energy needs to be experienced in smaller amounts. Concentration is key this week, and it will give you that added zing, which is exactly what you need. You're a person on a mission, and you mean to complete it.

Dates and moments to keep in mind: Getting your life together is going to feel like a fun project and that's mainly because on November 3, you're going to get the full brunt of Moon trine Mercury's attention. This plays out in your life as structure and design. Great ideas come to you on this day.

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(February 19 - March 20)


Dates of importance: October 30, November 1, 2, 3

Best days for love: November 1, 2, 3 

Best money days: November 3, 4 

Days to watch out for: October 31, November 1

Best days for opportunity: November 1, 2, 5

Money, money, money. That's the stuff that's on your mind, and while you probably just shrugged your shoulders or giggled upon reading this, you know it's true. What's good is that during the week you won't see ourself as drawing in a sea of endless debt. In fact, there's wisdom here, and you'll notice that it's not worth spending your entire life worrying about things you can't control.

Mercury opposite Uranus comes to you on the same day as Saturn goes direct, and between the two cosmic transits, you'll find that 'what will be, will be.' Your tendency to go with the flow will become the norm. You don't feel like making the rest of the year about worry, financial stress or anything that doesn't bring you absolute joy. Hey, you're in control of this matter, Pisces. You can take your life back and the way it appears. October 30 - November 5, 2023, is the week when that starts in earnest.


Dates and moments to keep in mind: You'll be kissing October goodbye and good riddance, as November 1 brings you all the promise you need in order to believe that this week is going to be a goody. Moon trine Saturn establishes order on that first day and gives you a dose of well-needed reality ... and it seems that reality isn't that bad after all!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
