Love Horoscope For October 13, 2023

When Mars and Saturn trine, it's stirs conflict.

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Love horoscope for October 13, 2023 brings strife to love, during the Mars trine Saturn transit. Avoid being overly assertive when interacting with people. We can become easily agitated over small things; focus on love instead. With the Moon entering into Libra, we may feel our best when socializing and doing things that foster a sense of togetherness and unity.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Friday, October 13, 2023:



Endings happen, Aries. During Mars trine Saturn, you may experience a surge of resolve whereby you decide it's time to put an end to something inhibiting your growth. One thing to be careful about is acting impulsively, especially while both these malefic planets are in critical and unstable degrees. Act cautiously. Ponder what causes you to feel suspicious, and try not to act without thinking things through first.

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Someone among your friendship circle may want more from you than you feel willing or able to give. With Mars in a trine to Saturn, activating both your commitment and networking sector, you may be caught between a rock and a hard place. A person who holds influence in your business relationships may let you know that they are romantically interested. If feelings are mutual, enter this relationship slowly especially since eclipse season is active this week.

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You can work hard for the love you want or you can choose to let your personality shine and attract the one whose heart you hope to keep. Mars will transit through your house of wellness, which means something isn't working the way you hope it would in the love department. With Saturn in harmony with Mars, you may find a solution by removing a routine that robs you of your time. Look at your schedule carefully to see what can be done to make space for dating and enjoying time with your partner.

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How do you define passion, Cancer? While Mars begins to transit through your house of lust and creativity you may feel a strong desire to connect with someone on a spiritual and emotional level. During Saturn's communication to Mars, you have a wonderful opportunity to explore how real love can be magnified when you have made the right connection. This is a time to pursue sincere and authentic love and not a fling, so be careful to avoid settling for less than what you truly desire.

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Family and friends may not let on that they know problems are happening in your relationship. If you're going through a hard time and have been keeping it to yourself, there's a high probability that they already can tell. With Mars trine Saturn, it's not going to be easy to hide the truth from others. You can use this time to share your experience with a trusted friend, especially if you feel you need to express yourself free of judgment.

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Why argue? During Mars trine Saturn,you may feel like you're so close to getting into a debate with the person you love. With Mars in your communication sector, you may come across as being difficult to speak with even if you're making every effort to be agreeable. With Mars in hamony with Saturn, a mature and forthcoming approach can help smooth things over. Instead of ignoring the problem, this is a good time to address it head on with love.

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You hope for your relationship to be give and take, and during Mars trine Saturn, you may feel a bit sensitive to territorial behavior you see in others. Mars in your sector of money can have you feeling protective about finances. You may feel better avoiding this topic until after the eclipse. Or if you need to talk about bills and expenses, do so with an understanding that this could trigger feelings of anxiousness, thanks to the eclipse preparing to take place in your sign this week.

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Me first, eh, Scorpio? While this may feel unloving, the Mars trine Saturn transit will have you pulling back a bit in order to have a clear perspective on your love life. Saturn in your passion house can have you being more practical about your relationship. You may dislike 'wasting time' on frivolous things, and desire more focused energy on you and what you mean to your significant other.

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Are you thinking about breaking up with your partner? You may feel like you want some space and perhaps you feel distant and ready to increase your autonomy. The influence of Mars trine Saturn in both your house of family and hidden enemies can be a tough one to manage when you're unaware that this is what's happening. You may sense when others are acting a little more controlling or demonstrating behavior you find both cunning and manipulative. This can push you to take a stand and decide to pull back to think things over. It can also bring out your best side — working hard to make love work better for you.

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Where are your friends when you want to hang out? During Mars trine Saturn, you may have some free time to do a friends' night out on the town. But, if you wait until the last minute to coordinate schedules with your friends, you could fall short in getting what you want. Scheduling and communication conflicts could present themselves closer to the end of the week. Plan as far ahead as possible, or make plans for next week.

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You're working harder and smarter lately, but you may still feel as though you're unable to save money right now. This feeling of having finances out of control can put a damper in your feelings of romance and love. During Mars trine Saturn, try not to put all your energy into work, as you may be prone to do. Instead, focus on finding a way to save what you can by cutting back on expenses, especially if you're dating.

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Beliefs can be complicated and hard to express. Mars in your sector of faith speaks to Saturn in your identity sector, and you could be guarded and less open to the opinions of others. While it may seem inauthentic or closed-minded to avoid topics that trigger arguments including politics or religion, this transit may imply it's better to table these talks until later.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
