The Zodiac Signs Who Have Actual Luck In Their Relationships On October 10

Moon conjunct Venus is here to keep the peace in our relationships.

couple who are luckiest in love Giuseppe Ramos V and Georgijevic from Getty Images Signature both via Canva Pro/Alexandre P. Junior from Pexels via Canva 

October 10, 2023, brings three zodiac signs, a rather pleasant day for love and romance, thanks to the transit of Moon conjunct Venus. Today, many of us will witness that we're not up for anything that takes too much effort. While that may imply that we're a little lazy, it also implies that we're not up for battling it out with either our romantic partners or just about anyone, for that matter.

The transit Moon conjunct Venus is known for its harmonious ways. We can adapt very easily during this time, and on October 10, 2023, our partners want what they'll get ... because we will be only too happy to provide them with their desires.




In a way, this day is what we strive for when we get into romantic relationships. While we might think it's all about passion or commitment and the hundred other great expectations that come with new romance, we eventually wish for peace, security and knowing that the person we love is someone we trust enough to relax around. That's what Moon conjunct Venus brings us: this knowledge that our partners are 'safe.'


Today is not a day for high drama or low blows. Everyone who gets to experience the better part of Moon conjunct Venus knows that the highest state we can attain in love is the one where we're at peace. We don't feel threatened or suspicious. Three zodiac signs here today are simply able to relax and kick back, knowing that the love they have is the best in the world.

These three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on October 10, 2023:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

You spend a lot of time trying to balance your life out and because you are a positive energy person, you always tend to find the bright side in any situation. This day, October 10, 2023, provides you with all bright sides as you simply refuse to see anything in a way that could damage your impression. You want to see things happily, and so you create the conditions for happiness.

This is seen in your love life most of all. What's fortunate is that you are with a partner who is just as 'rose-tinted' as you are. They, too, wish for only the best. The thing about transits like Moon conjunct Venus is that they work well for personalities like yours. If you want the best, you tend to get it mainly because you won't settle for less. Moon conjunct Venus optimizes that effect for you, Taurus.


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2. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

Life has been changing for you for a while now, and while this change hits you in every department, you'll find that on October 10, 2023, love and romance will be the topic of the day ... in all the right ways. You've got the lovely and loving transit of Moon conjunct Venus working for you on this day, and it will bring you and the person you adore together in a way you didn't know was possible.

Perhaps you had an idea about this person, something you wanted them to live up to ... and yet, today has you seeing something you'd never expect and it has very little to do with your ideal or expectations. So, Moon conjunct Venus brings surprises, which are calm and peaceful. October 10 isn't about mad passion but sweet words and kind understanding. How nice.


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3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

If you could hold on to today's attitude, you might be able to live your life feeling exactly as you've always wished to feel when it comes to your romance. While you know all about how love comes with its ups and downs, you also prefer the middle road. During Moon conjunct Venus on October 10, 2023, you will experience that very feeling of 'everything being equal.'


It's as if the balance has been restored and all the drama and heartache this relationship has come with has been returned to its 'factory settings' meaning — you feel you've getting a second chance to love and be loved by the person you are with. Perhaps this signifies a new beginning, which makes sense during Moon conjunct Venus. Stay with it, and continue to believe in the love you have, Pisces.

RELATED: Your Romance Archetype And How It Affects Your Zodiac Compatibility, Based On Your Sign


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
