The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes The Week Of The Solar Eclipse In Libra
The pressure is on.

October 9 - 15, 2023, is here to change the direction of our lives. We probably had a feeling something as epic as this was coming our way, and while change has a way of making people nervous, oftentimes, that change is exactly what we need. What makes this week feel rough or trepidatious is that we don't know exactly what's coming, only that something IS coming and it puts us on edge.
That's not to say we aren't in line for some tremendously positive transformation. We may just be right in line for that. Depending on our Sun sign, we could be on our way to having an amazing and eye-opening time this week.
However, there's the wait and the not knowing, and for three zodiac signs, that's enough to drive them up a wall. Let's look at our transit lineup for the week of October 9 - 15, 2023. The Waning Moon in Leo starts the week off on a weak note, or rather, it doesn't prepare us with enough energy to cope with what's about to come.
We've got Venus opposite Saturn coming on the same day as Pluto goes direct, which means someone will break up with their partner this week — no doubt about that. Mars enters Scorpio and has us feeling mean and snotty, so know this: if you are about to break up, it will probably not go down smoothly.
Mars trine Saturn and brings order back, but it's also working with Moon opposite Neptune so that nothing will feel that secure this week. Even if we sort things out, many of us will still have moments of paranoia and insecurity.
We end the week on an ironically positive note, with Moon trine Saturn and Moon sextile Venus telling us that while it was a hard road getting here, the journey will be worth our while. These three zodiac signs will feel it very intensely during the week of October 9 - 15, 2023.
Three zodiac signs with rough weekly horoscopes this week:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
OK, so you must deal with one more week of hard times. It's nothing you aren't used to and even though you could use a break, you'll deal with the last of it this week. What's good is that all you've suffered has finally peaked. There is nowhere else to go as you've hit rock bottom. Your transformation begins as Pluto goes direct, and you will feel this transit very intensely as if a great weight has been lifted off your chest.
While you're not 'there,' you are less afraid of what the future may bring than last week. You feel as though you've been through the wringer and that you've lived to tell ... and tell is something you'll be engaged in in the coming months. You are capable of processing your pain through creative acts. This is a promise.
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
At this point, you're ready for this year to end, as you feel you've paid the price for whatever you've owed and are tuckered out by it all. What's good is that this week ushers in Pluto direct and that sort of sets you back on track. Yes, you're back on track with everything you dread doing, but at least you're not being dragged into something you want no part of.
It's just a week where you realize that the status quo, for all of its mundane boredom, is better than tragic depression or the idea that you're just apathetic. You feel signs of life returning to your love life. While it's not yet a parade of love and affection, you feel it will all work out in the long run, and it will, Virgo. You've worked too hard to give anything up. Hang tight and strive for success.
3. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21)
You are about to go through something that you could only call the results of your efforts. You have created this week, and we are merely supporting your efforts. This week feels rough because you asked for a lot. You put in so much intensity and effort that it's almost hard to see so much energy manifested the way it will be seen.
You have never gone easy on yourself, so you both expect and are shocked by this week and its incredible transformative powers. This week gives you an idea of how powerful you are as a human being. While you created the pressure you will endure during the week of October 9 - 15, 2023, you can also deal with it. This is your element, Scorpio. The pressure is on, and, well ... you love it.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.