Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For September 4 - 10, 2023
This week is a period of reflection and revelations.

Your weekly Chinese zodiac sign horoscope for September 4 - 10, 2023 is here! First, let's look at the week's message for everyone. What has been gained? What has been lost? These are some questions to ponder this week.
The energy at this time is pensive, which makes it perfect for taking a closer look at your life. If you have a particular area of your life that constantly strains you or causes you to worry — be it your career, your love life or your children's future — solely focus on it for the next four days and don't flinch away from the difficult questions and undertakings. If a nursery rhyme or childhood story resonates with you strongly to this day, the universe is calling on you to find out why.
This week's i-ching hexagram is mountain over water (#4), changing to fire over earth (#35). It's okay to make mistakes, no matter if you are young or old. It's important not to forget the lessons learned from them.
The best students of life do not depend on a teacher to teach them but learn directly from the wind, water, plants and everything else around them. What is the earth trying to say to you? What is your heart whispering back? Let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for September 4 - 10.
Chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope for September 4 - 10, 2023:
1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
General Overview:
The energy this week is hot and cold for you, Rat. The beginning of the week will feel like a whirlwind and bring many challenges and surprises, while the last four days will be relatively pleasant and boring. You are being urged to take it easy at this time.
Lucky Day in Love: September 7
Your love life may not be very significant this week. Some may even want to break things off with a partner whose values and principles don't match yours. Take your time with this decision if needed, but don't pull the wool before your eyes.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 9
Friendships and acquaintances with friendly people will be the highlight of this week for you. If you feel weird in the presence of someone, pay attention. They may have ulterior motives and are not as good at hiding it as they believe.
Lucky Day for Career: September 4
Don't burden yourself with too many responsibilities this week in your career, especially if you have a small child at home or are dealing with a pregnancy. Now's the time to evaluate. The time for action will be later.
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
General Overview:
Ox, focus on what truly matters this week and don't allow anything else to distract you. You are on the verge of a breakthrough, but your momentum will subside if you are not careful. If you are in contact with someone with a history of holding you back, stay away from them now.
Lucky Day in Love: September 5
Love will not be at the forefront of your mind this week. Neither romantic nor platonic. The energy is more self-focused at this time because you are about to enter a more productive period of your life.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 6
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" may be an adage some of you have followed all your life, but are you truly enemies as you believe you are? Or do you and your friends allow stubbornness, petty concerns and immaturity to ruin your friendship too often?
Lucky Day for Career: September 7
Mapping out your plans and strategizing for your career growth are indicated for you this week. So take some time and make those lists. You can even read a productivity book or get a bullet journal to help you.
1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
General Overview:
Pay attention to your dreams and your intuition this week, Tiger. You may excavate some extraordinary ideas from those depths. Just beware of critics trying to take over the steering wheel of your creative process. Ignore them if they are not directly involved in the outcome.
Lucky Day in Love: September 7
The energy this week is perfect for a candle ritual for love. Whether single or with someone, focus on what you want to invite into your life, create with your partner and then light a candle. Then, allow the candle to burn down in its entirety.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 7
If you suddenly feel like sharing an idea or concern with a friend this week, go for it. They may be the key to helping you solve it. Fate will make you think of them exactly when you need them the most.
Lucky Day for Career: September 8
Be careful of your pride this week. You may be on the verge of starting an unnecessary fight. Disagreements and differing opinions are perfectly normal. There's no need to start World War III over it. Try to find common ground instead and see the other side's perspective even as you try to explain yours.
1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
General Overview:
Rabbit, be prepared for extraordinary times and blessings. Fate is trying to turn up the fun and creativity in your life, but it can only bless you if you want it. Don't allow your workaholicism to stop you from enjoying this beautiful gift.
Lucky Day in Love: September 7
An ounce of patience and a bucket of tries is what you need to embrace this week for the sake of your love life. Everybody makes mistakes. Don't shoulder all the blame, but don't be excessively harsh if your significant other has unconsciously created a mess. How can you fix this together?
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 9
You really need to take a closer look at your friendships at this time. Some of you will benefit from journaling your true feelings about your friends and if they are not enemies in disguise.
Lucky Day for Career: September 9
Hard work and perseverance will get you farther than politics this week. Don't waste your time with time-wasters. You know where you want to go. Fate won't let them join you there.
1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
General Overview:
Dragon, you get to decide what your week will be like now. If you focus on your top priorities or figure out what they are, you will benefit three weeks from when a new cycle begins.
Lucky Day in Love: September 10
You deserve the right kind of love. Create a self-care affirmation for yourself this week that will help you change your habits in your love life. Here's a good one: I deserve respect and kindness in love.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 10
This week's energy is perfect for a "flip the script" ritual to help you close out old chapters and invite new ones. You will need a sheet of paper for this and a pen. Then, write all your grievances on one side and all your hopes on the other before you burn it. Make sure to "let go" when the paper is burning.
Lucky Day for Career: September 9
Don't make any hasty decisions this week in your career. You still need more information. Watch out for people who may try to force your hand.
1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
General Overview:
Don't take any undue risks at this time, Snake. The energy this week is not in your favor. You will be fine if you stay practical and avoid control-freak tendencies. Take a deep breath when you feel overwhelmed and then relax your muscles while you release it.
Lucky Day in Love: September 4
Your love life will be really good this week ... but only if you act on your intuition's whispers. Don't let your fears stop deepening your relationship with your loved one.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 5
Your friendships and platonic relationships may cause frustrations for you this week. Don't allow anyone to use your insecurities against you. Don't take it personally if your friends are too busy to socialize. They may not want to share the behind-the-scenes story with you.
Lucky Day for Career: September 6
You are entering a fortunate period in your career at this time. Keep your head straight and your affairs in order and you will get to the next level without too many obstacles. Ensure you don't become too hasty or impatient when crossing the halfway mark.
1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
General Overview:
A this-or-that situation will grace your doorstep this week, Horse. You must stay calm and evaluate the matter before deciding on anything. So don't let your impatience get the best of you. A fidget toy or slime squishy can help you regulate this.
Lucky Day in Love: September 7
Pay attention to the romantic relationships in your inner circle and family. You may unconsciously mimic them, especially the patterns in some of the more toxic ones.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 8
An outing with friends is what the doctor calls for this week. If your circle is busy, join a group of solo folks who want to do something together, like a gaming team, a book club or even a football club.
Lucky Day for Career: September 8
This week's energy is not good for your career if you work on a team with dependencies. You may suffer from delays or unexpected technical problems. There may even be a fight on your hands if tempers flare out of control.
1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
General Overview:
Pay attention to your heart this week, Goat. Some of you may be headed towards a heartbreak or a betrayal. If your intuition has spoken, don't ignore it.
Lucky Day in Love: September 5
Your love life will either be extraordinary this week or the worst it can be. It all depends on who you choose to interact with. Some of you allow a red-flag individual to have too much say in your life.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 4
True friends are a real blessing. Share the love with them this week and express it to them if you haven't already. Whether you do it through tiny gifts and memorabilia or a spa day together is up to you.
Lucky Day for Career: September 4
Be extra careful of your words and assumptions this week. You may inadvertently cause a rift with an important workmate or your boss. Don't let anyone force you into a compromising situation or disrupt your boundaries.
1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
General Overview:
Speak your mind and don't be afraid, Monkey. This week's energy is in your favor, no matter who may not be. Regardless of conflicts and drama, you will emerge at the top and claim what is rightfully yours.
Lucky Day in Love: September 4
In love, you and your partner have a choice to make. To nurture your relationship, stick through the magic and mundane or let it all fade away like it meant nothing. If you are single, take some time out this week to fully dedicate to yourself and no one else.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 5
Would you be happy if an outsider said you are much like your friends? Is that a compliment or a curse to you? Whatever the answer, take some time this week to journal your thoughts about it. The truth never harms.
Lucky Day for Career: September 6
Take a chance on yourself this week in career matters. If you want to suggest an idea to your boss, go for it. If you want to try something new, experiment. If you want to study more, now's the time to open those books and dig into those technical podcasts.
1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
General Overview:
The energy this week is light and smooth for you, Rooster. You will feel at ease and ideas will flow like nobody's business. Are you going to seize them or will you let them fade away? The choice is yours.
Lucky Day in Love: September 7
Matters of the heart may not come to a head this week but don't lose hope. Let it build organically and respect each other's boundaries. If someone isn't respecting you, show them the door.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 8
Your friends will be of much help to you at this time. Ask for it if you need it. Some of you have worked hard on building your relationships to what they are now. That in itself is a cause for celebration.
Lucky Day for Career: September 8
Abundance is here for you this week with regards to your career. Your hard work is paying off and your talents are being recognized. It's not the time to be complacent, though. Keep moving forward!
1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
General Overview:
You will be extremely creative this week, Dog. Don't hold yourself back and don't let your insecurities sabotage you. You have more talent in your little finger than those who laugh at you.
Lucky Day in Love: September 9
Concerning times and challenges are in store for your love life this week. Be careful of lies and lying. White lies will get you in trouble, too, because what might be white to you may be black to another.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 10
Take it easy in terms of socializing this week. Peer pressure may have an undue influence on you at this time, leading to regrets shortly.
Lucky Day for Career: September 10
Success and wealth are coming for you. It's your time to shine in your career! Just make sure to invest your wins for greater wins in the future (and this has nothing to do with gambling).
1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
General Overview:
Pig, if you feel trapped or judged by your peers and superiors at this time, ease back on the socializing and go into introvert mode. How can you know what's right for you and what's not if you are flayed raw by the opinions of others and, thus, stand to be influenced wrongly by them?
Lucky Day in Love: September 10
If a long-term relationship shatters at the seams, don't hide from the truth or brush the new problems under the rug. Therapy and counseling can help you find the answers if everything is murky.
Lucky Day in Friendship: September 10
Keep your own counsel, but try to be polite. It's a hard balance to strike, but you have it inside of you to do just that.
Lucky Day for Career: September 10
Your workmates will be your friends this week. Share laughs and help each other, and soon, you will find yourself looking forward to the work week.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.