Dad Is Upset With His Son's Mother For The Way He Was Dressed On His First Day Of School — 'This Is What My Child Support Pays For?'
Maybe he should have taken his son shopping instead.

A single mother received backlash from her child's father for the way his son was dressed for his first day at high school.
Many moms receive child support payments, but oftentimes, these payments aren’t enough to cover the costs of raising a child. Single moms have it hard, and this father embarrassed his "baby mama" on Facebook for the way that she dressed their child.
He claimed that he would never send his son to school looking the way his mom dressed him.
A woman who goes by Jessica Bailey Hassan (@jessicabaileyhassan on TikTok) posted a video to her account and discussed a recent post to Facebook that shocked the internet. In Hassan's video, she included a photo of the Facebook post made by a father who was upset with his son’s mother for the way she had dressed him for his first day of 9th grade.
Jeremie wrote in his post, “‘This is what my child support pays for?’ It’s gonna be a long yr for the lil fella. I would never send my kids that live with me to school looking like this!”
He continued to make fun of his child’s outfit and said, “All that money she get and she’s sending that boy to school in some Wranglers and a wrinkled Baptist deacon button up!”
Jeremie even updated his post later on and told Facebook that his son and another boy got sent home for almost fighting. He said that his son got told that, “He looks like he has to go to Alcohol Anonymous meetings after he gets out of school.”
Photo: Facebook / TikTok
This post sparked conversation on how difficult life is as a single mother, and even started a debate on child support payments and how unhelpful they can be.
The facts and numbers surrounding child support payments are concerning.
According to USAFacts, “30% of parents who are owed child support payments get nothing, according to data from the Census Bureau.” Also, on average, parents receive about 62% of the amount that they are supposed to receive while only 46% get the full amount of what is owed to them.
These numbers are quite shocking and they truly show the hardships of single-parent families.
Also according to USAFacts, the average amount of child support payments received was $1,800. It may seem like a lot, but these numbers don’t account for multiple children. Raising a child is costly, and $1,800 may not be enough to live comfortably while providing basic needs, and paying bills/rent.
Even with single parents having their own jobs, the extra money may not be enough to cover the daily expenses of having children. Also, payment plans for child support range within the parents, and not all fathers provide child support monthly.
Many bashed Jeremie and said that he should have taken his son out to go clothes shopping for the school year, rather than embarrassing his son’s mother on the internet.
People shared their experiences with child support payments and discussed how this situation should have been handled.
One person wrote, “Then Jeremy can take him shopping and see how much it costs! Seriously this is NOT OKAY. That may be what she can afford, he may have refused.” Clothes are expensive, and for single parents, getting their children lavish clothes may not be budget-friendly.
Others in the comments were guessing the amount of money Jeremie pays in child support, saying, “And Jeremy probably pays the minimum, maybe he should take his son clothes shopping.” Some believe that his son picked it out, but many of the comments agree that Jeremie should have taken his son school shopping instead.
Although, some suggested that his mother should have at least ironed the shirt to make it look nicer. Money plays a role in almost every aspect of life, and with limited funds comes limited outcomes, and his son was likely not able to be the most fashionable.
Life as a single parent is not easy, as both single mothers and fathers deal with immense financial and emotional hardships. Single mothers experience tremendous stigma as they’re seen more frequently. Having a low-paying job, having to pay for rent, food, and bills makes it harder to provide for children.
Sometimes, the child support money doesn’t help much at all, and that’s if they are receiving any to begin with.
Cortney Crowell is a writer and frequent contributor to YourTango from New Jersey who covers entertainment, news, and human interest stories.