The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign July 10 - 16, 2023

Mercury enters Leo this week showing how your luck always turns at the most unexpected of moments.

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Here is each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week for July 10 - 16, 2023, during Mercury entering Leo on the 11th. During the week of July 10 – 16, 2023, this new energy is at play as Mercury, the planet of communication, shifts into passionate and bold Leo. This is when you can make your most incredible comeback and finally understand why abundance comes to those brave enough never to give up. 


Mercury rules how you think and speak; it becomes passionate, driven, and focused in Leo. While you may be more prone to embrace dramatic declarations, it’s only because you finally feel the intensity of trusting that you can achieve what you want — it will require you to continue working for it. 



When you honor your truth over what matters most, you tap into a different energy frequency. This is where each moment is weighted and holds significance simply because you no longer want to waste precious time. But as Mars and asteroid Pallas shift into Virgo, you must understand that time is on your side.  


Mars rules ambition and drive, while Pallas governs wisdom and intuition. In Virgo, they create a dedication to deeper understanding, more significant commitment, and even compromise. During this time, it’s not just about speaking with conviction or courage but also looking at what details you missed so that you can be the one to turn your luck around.  

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Luck isn’t just created; it’s a vibration you can embrace where everything happening is done for your highest good. This is the shift from something happening to you, versus it happening for you. Embrace your inner voice, reflect on a proper plan for success — and whatever you do, don’t give up because your luck is about to change.  

Luckiest Day Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign for The Week of July 10 – 16, 2023 


(March 21 - April 19)  


Luckiest Day: Monday, July 10, 2023 

Pluto has reentered Capricorn as part of its retrograde journey allowing you to reflect on the decisions and choices you’ve made in your career. As Mercury in Cancer aligns with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, themes arise within your home and professional sectors. Whether this is about finding greater balance or working from home, a shift is available to you that will help increase your overall abundance.  

Abundance isn’t about having money in the bank; it also involves how you can live your life, filling it with moments and experiences that lift your soul. Take the opportunity this week to create both.  

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(April 20 - May 20) 

Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 

Right now, there is a significant focus on your domestic life as Mars in Virgo is activating themes of commitment and pleasure. At the same time, Mercury in Leo highlights those of your home, family, and healing. Sometimes you must realize that the big break you’re waiting for in your life is one found closer to home. Instead of focusing on accumulating things, make sure you find gratitude for the connections in your life.  

Getting caught up in attaining material wealth or even those luxury items is easy, but none of this will bring you happiness. Instead, it’s those you share your life with and your relationship with yourself which will get you what you seek.  


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(May 21 - June 20) 

Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 

You are entering an exciting period where Mercury, ruler of all themes of communication, enters your sector that governs it as well. You will have a special gift with your words as Mercury enters Leo during the week of July 10 – 16, 2023. While you can be known for being social or even talkative, there’s a difference between simply being chatty and finding the perfect choice of words in any situation. The latter is the gift that will let you excel in every area of your life. 

Embrace your words' power right now, and be mindful of what you are speaking into existence. While not every conversation may be life-changing, it's essential to remain aware that some can be - and those are the ones where you can rise to the occasion.  


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(June 21 - July 22) 

Luckiest Day: Monday, July 10, 2023 

Mars is the planet of action, ambition, and passion. In the week of July 10 – 16, 2023, this fiery planet enters Virgo, where it’s asked to slow down, cool off a bit and focus on what needs to be settled. Mars in Virgo activates your communication sector, representing that this will be an intense time for figuring things out, bringing in new creative solutions, and even making plans for your future.  

You may feel that your momentum slows down, but the purpose is to allow you time to put better plans in place. Work with this energy and challenge yourself to see what it’s trying to reveal, as it also offers you a massive up-leveling in your life and what you can create.  


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(July 23 - August 22) 

Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 

Expressing yourself authentically is essential to creating a life you can’t wait to wake up to. During the week of July 10 – 16, 2023, Mercury shifts into your sign of Leo, allowing you to articulate many of the feelings and ideas that you’ve been sitting on. Even if you’re unsure how to start a conversation, it’s essential to begin by expressing what has recently come up for you and the realizations you’ve been reflecting on.  

Luck is found when you can ask for what you want, which means as Mercury shifts into Leo, you are given the gift of articulating everything necessary to create the life you desire genuinely. No more excuses; you hold the key to the kingdom.  


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(August 23 - September 22) 

Luckiest Day: Monday, July 10, 2023 

You’ll feel at home in the energies as Mars shifts into Virgo during the week of July 10 – 16, 2023 bringing you an opportune moment to start planning what you’ve been dreaming of. You often have no problem focusing on the details, yet you can get so hung up on them you end up never taking action. This is a cycle of overanalyzing, trying to have everything perfect, and even self-doubt. But you will take that first step if you still subscribe to the old ways.  

Mars in Virgo allows you to reflect on all you need to find success, regardless of what area of your life it’s occurring within. But the most significant difference is that Mars won’t let you get stuck in endless cycles, as there will be a moment when you finally understand that planning is only one part of finally making your dream work.  


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(September 23 - October 22) 

Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 

It’s time to open yourself up and embrace all the connections in your life for your benefit. You are a sign which represents partnerships, yet you often underestimate or overlook the robust network of people surrounding you. Whether you need help with a business or even moving through a personal problem, it’s time to branch out and start asking for help.  

Asking for help isn’t weak. Instead, it’s a way to receive different viewpoints and even likely learn something which will help propel you forward into the next level of your life. You are surrounded by the people you are for a reason, don’t be afraid to take advantage of that during the week of July 10 – 16, 2023.  


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(October 23 - November 21) 

Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 

Leo energy rules your career and professional life sector, which means as Mercury makes its big entrance here this week, you can expect this part of your life to light up. Not only will things pick up in this arena, but you will also be given the power to show just how competent you are, leading to tremendous success. As part of this wave, Mercury in Leo will also give you the ability to voice your thoughts and opinions more strongly, which means that your views will be an asset in your professional life. 

Don’t hide your light or second guess the value of what you can bring to the table. You are entering a phase of greater recognition and importance in your career, but it’s up to you to step up.  


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(November 22 - December 21) 

Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 

Regarding luck, you always inherently feel that the universe is on your side. But as Mercury shifts into Leo during the week of July 10 – 16, 2023, it will activate your luck sector, giving you the insight and ability to step into greatness truly. This part of your life also governs new experiences and even a deeper understanding of life and the lessons that you have mastered as part of your journey.  

All of this will come up as Mercury highlights this part of your life, but as much as there is abundance on tap for you, you must incorporate the lessons of your past to embrace it fully. Speak what you want into existence, embrace the classes, and let yourself truly become better from everything you have experienced.  


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(December 22 - January 19) 

Luckiest Day: Monday, July 10, 2023 


Get ready to start walking your talk as you enter a space where you can create anything your heart desires. Mars, the planet of passion and action, shifts into Virgo, ruler of your luck sector, initiating a total time for new beginnings and for you to take some risks to be able to seize them. Often, it’s not that you don’t have good luck, but that you are afraid to take the chance on them or yourself. You have unique dreams and know that you want more in your life than you currently have – but to get that, you will have to take a risk.  

The thing with the risk this time is that it’s one you’ll be able to prepare and plan for. There will always be a point of uncertainty when doing something new or incorporating more luck into your life, but when you plan first, or even multiple times, then you are planning for your success.  

RELATED: Why You Need To Find Your Own Luck, And Not Wait For Luck To Find You


(January 20 - February 18) 


Luckiest Day: Monday, July 10, 2023 

You feel you can’t change more than you already have or prefer not to. But now, a more significant transformation is in store as Mars shifts into Virgo, activating themes of change and intimacy. While this could affect your relationships, it could also have to do with your relationship with yourself.  

By utilizing the energy of Mars in Virgo, you can slow down to reflect on if your current path will help you reach the destination you’re dreaming about. If it's not, you will be able to focus on the details of how to change it while also working on themes of self-love and acceptance so that you will be able to receive the abundance in store for you. 

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(February 19 - March 20) 

Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 

The most important thing you can do right now is focus on yourself. Invest in your overall well-being, whether taking better care of your physical body or  trying to improve your emotional health. You matter, and the best way to tell yourself that is to care for yourself, as well as you do those you love. When you tend to yourself, raise the bar for anyone else and raise your vibration. This puts you in a completely different position to attract greater abundance and luck into your life.  

Mercury will shift into Leo during July 10 – 16, 2023, activating all themes involving health, well-being, routines, and boundaries. Don’t be afraid to put yourself first, scale back your schedule, or do whatever you must to feel like your best self. All of this will help set the beautiful new chapter that is just beginning to take root. Take care of yourself now, so you can enjoy all to come.  


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website. 
