The One-Line Manifestation Every Zodiac Sign Should Say During The New Moon In Taurus

It's time to set your intentions during this precious new lunar phase.

intention to set during the new moon in taurus 2023 Oscar Gutierrez from inmagenes de oscar gutierrez via Canva Pro

Breathe deep and know you are safe. You are grounded. The sensual earth is beneath your feet and the dreamy stars provide the backdrop of your dreams. New Moon lunar phases are a time for intention setting. A moment to plant seeds for what you hope to grow during the next lunar cycle.  

Within this phase, you are called to reflect on your sense of security, stability, and the pleasures you embrace within life. The New Moon in Taurus is a chance to settle your soul after a chaotic eclipse season and to return home to your soul. Take time out during this lunation to rest, to embrace those who add benefit to your life, and to remember the goal of life is to create one you don’t feel the need to escape from. 


New Moon In Taurus one-line manifestation for each zodiac sign, May 2023:


(March 21 - April 19)  

The New Moon in Taurus will activate your wealth and personal property sector allowing you to make big changes in your financial status.

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I create abundance within myself and my life.  

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(April 20 - May 20) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I am who I am meant to be and can share my light with others.  

This lunar event in Taurus is all about owning your authenticity so that you can embrace the power you hold within. 


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(May 21 - June 20) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I am safe to see the truth in all situations within my life.  

The New Moon in Taurus will help you dive deep into your subconscious and those hidden areas of your life, allowing you to embrace the truth for your highest benefit. 

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(June 21 - July 22) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I open myself to receive the positive aligned energy of those meant to be in my life.  

Taurus energy activates your social sector which means during the New Moon you will be more conscious of having healthy and positive relationships in your life. 


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(July 23 - August 22) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I am deeply connected to my purpose, and it shines through in all I do.  

The New Moon in Taurus highlights all matters related to your career sector so during this time you will be drawn to discover your unique purpose. 

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(August 23 - September 22) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I will embrace expansion in my life as I trust it is the path forward to living my dreams.  

This is an expansive New Moon in Taurus for you as it will shine a light on your luckiest sector helping you to embrace your dreams and all the opportunities that surround you. 


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(September 23 - October 22) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I am always seeking to become better so I can continue to transform my life.  

Under the New Moon in Taurus, it's time to step into transformation as this secure earth sign rules all matters of depth and change in your life. 

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(October 23 - November 21) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I am worthy of healthy, passionate, and reciprocal love.  

Taurus is your opposing sign so with the New Moon occurring here it means that it's going to be all about romance, relationships, and love. 


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(November 22 - December 21) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I will create the time and space in my life for what matters most to me.  

The New Moon in Taurus will bring up matters related to your health and daily routine sector so it's time to reevaluate how you spend your time so that you make the most of every moment. 

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(December 22 - January 19) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I am able to live a life of both joy and success.  


This lunar event in Taurus will help you embrace all that represents pleasure and happiness within your life, helping you to see that a life of balance is also one that allows more opportunities for what matters most. 

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(January 20 - February 18) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I am building a safe, secure, and healthy home within myself and my life.  

The New Moon in Taurus is ushering in a new beginning within your healing, home, and family sector which will bring not only changes to where you call home but also to the one within your soul. 


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(February 19 - March 20) 

New Moon in Taurus Manifestation: I will communicate my feelings and dreams effectively to help achieve success in my life.  

Taurus rules all matters of communication, so during this New Moon it's important to get out there, speak your truth and allow yourself to use your words to create the reality that you want to live. 

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work. For more of her work, visit her website. 
