25 Signs Your Spiritual Journey Is Finally On The Right Track
Here's how to know you've stopped taking wrong turns.

It’s so common to feel bursts of motivation and inspiration to connect to our spiritual nature. And it is equally as common to feel the opposite of these sorts of feelings as we navigate what it means for us to expand on our spiritual journey.
These transformative twenties are calling forth a desire in many to live more in tune with their spiritual nature. For some, that means slowing down. For others, it means creating a meditation practice. For some, it equates to pursuing a plant medicine journey to clear some PTSD.
What is often overlooked by practitioners and facilitators of these spiritually-oriented processes and practices is a stronger feedback loop. In the absence of feedback about whether what we are experiencing is evidence of growth or indicative of a wrong turn, many do flounder.
I invite you to consider this — any evidence of growth is evidence that your spiritual journey is on the right track. We are spirits in a human body. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Your spirit is central to all that you do in this world. Rest assured that as you evolve on your journey as a spiritual being, many things can serve to reassure you that you are on the right track.
Here are 25 signs that your spiritual journey is on the right track
1. You find yourself taking other peoples’ choices less personally.
2. Things seem to be lining up for you and more opportunities are presenting themselves.
3. You see more depth in the details of life.
4. You enjoy some snippets of solitude in your day.
5. You notice inspiration within yourself and others.
6. You value creativity more than you used to.
7. You see evidence of your faith and its growth.
8. You find yourself more present.
9. You are taking time to smell the roses.
10. You feel hope more readily.
11. You are hearing people more deeply.
12. You experience gratitude increasing & rising within you more frequently.
13. You encounter obstacles that still want to be cleared.
14. You better discern which obstacles to conquer and which to turn away from.
15. You find yourself feeling both curious and satisfied more often.
16. Relationships fall away as you expand.
17. New people come into your life and perhaps in timely ways.
18. You make peace with your past.
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19. Joy finds you!
20. You are learning new things.
21. You feel more resilience within you.
22. Your capacity for flexibility increases.
23. Old wounds have less of an emotional charge to them.
24. Your inner critic is around less.
25. You see the world and yourself with softer eyes.
Newsflash — any growth and movement forward on your spiritual journey would be considered a "right track." There truly isn’t a way to get this sort of journey wrong. I wish you richness and enjoyment of your journey, wherever it may lead you.
Angela Bixby is a certified psychic medium and Reiki master. She helps connect people to their consciousness and their intuition.