Woman Raising 10 Kids With 3 Men Says The Children Have 'Great Lives' Because All The Stuff The 'Baby Daddies' Do For Them
The more the merrier!

Some people would assume that having multiple children from different fathers would make life more difficult for everyone involved. However, one woman with 10 children from three men is arguing that her family dynamics make life easier for her, her baby daddies, and their children.
In a TikTok video that has been viewed over 52,000 times, she explains how they all make it work and rely on each other.
The mother claims that her children have ‘great lives’ because of all the things her ‘baby daddies’ do for them.
Tiffany Connell, who has six biological children and four children she considers to be her stepchildren, is praising the efforts of all of her baby daddies and what they do for her children, biologically related or not.
“I raised 10 kids with three men,” she says. “And you are not gonna believe the stuff that they do.”
Connell displays proof of how her children’s fathers step in to make the family’s life easier however they can. For example, when her daughter, Tru, needed money for a prom dress, she sent a text to DJ, Tru’s father, asking if he could send her $50 to help pay for the dress she wanted. He did without hesitation, sending the money over less than 15 minutes after Connell asked.
A few weeks before that, he had sent her $300 when she and his children went on a shopping trip. DJ is not the only one of her children's fathers that steps in to help.
Jeremy, with whom Connell has three biological children, is happy to look after her other daughter, Maizy, whom she shares with her current husband, Kobe.
“I asked Jeremy if he could keep Maizy one weekend so that me and Kobe could take Tru and Dalton out,” she explains. Tru and Dalton are the children she has with DJ, who are happy to spend time with their mother and stepfather. Luckily, Maizy also has a great relationship with her siblings' dad. “She loves him so much and he loves her,” Connell says.
The mother praises all three of her baby daddies for being “so nice” and allowing her children to have the best life possible.
“Our kids have such a good life because of these men,” she says. “Even the ones who are not biologically related to them benefit greatly from having them be a part of their lives.” Connell is happy to report that she has ten “incredibly happy” children thanks to the efforts of the three men, even though the relationships took a long time to build.
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Most TikTok users admired the efforts of Connell and her baby daddies for establishing the best lives for their children.
“This says a lot about your character as well that you are all connected and co-parents, that’s really admirable,” one user commented. “Be proud mama, you’re setting a great example.” “This is amazing! My husband and I separated two years ago and my girls have the most amazing daddy. These men deserved to be recognized,” another user shared. “How did you find not one, but three good men? We need your wisdom,” another user added.
However, others believed that the fathers were doing the bare minimum and did not deserve the praise that they were receiving. Connell posted a follow-up video, explaining why she will never stop bragging about the efforts of her children’s fathers and their dedication to [making] peaceful co-parenting possible.
“My kids' dads are my best friends… and I know even if we’re not friends, they’re still gonna be there for their kids, they’re still gonna help me out with money for the kids,” she claims. “They’re always gonna be good dads no matter what and I value that.”
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Just like her baby daddies strive to be good parents to all of Connell’s children, biological relation or not, she does the same for their children she is not biologically related to. “I know what it’s like to see a kid’s heartbreak because that other parent made a bunch of false promises,” she says.
She recalls one Christmas when her stepson was promised a letter from his mother that never arrived. “I know what it’s like to have both the good and the bad, and it makes me more grateful for the good,” Connell explains.
Not only is healthy co-parenting important for the parents to balance responsibility, but it is also essential for the development of the children involved since it reduces stress and provides them with comfort and stability.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.