The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friendships Improve During The Moon In Aries, February 22 - 24, 2023
Things just keep getting better and better.

There's a very good chance that the transit we will be experiencing today will be one that benefits our life, but most especially our friendships.
On February 22, 2023, we will see how the Moon in Aries influences our attitude towards friendship, and we will also find out exactly what our friends, or 'certain' friends mean to us.
This day's transit has the power to bring us closer together, and in order to do so, we have to be open to the renewed power that comes with the Aries Moon.
When the Moon is in Aries, we tend to feel strong. We own our ideas and we stand by our words.
Because Aries transits tend to be somewhat overwhelming, we may become very in touch with some of our deeper feelings, and we may not even be aware that we had these feelings until today, as the Moon in Aries shows us the way.
We will recognize many things on this day, and one of them will be in how polarized our feelings are, where people are concerned. The doubt and anger we have towards some will most definitely show us now how lucky we are for having found the special people that DO remain in our lives.
Some of us have best friends, and oh how lucky we are for this. Having a best friend is like having a soothing balm that will always relieve us of our pain. Today brings us closer with that best friend, and lets us know how much they mean to us.
For some zodiac signs, the feeling of profound love will be so heart-warming and monumental, that the only real feeling we'll be experiencing today is gratitude.
The three zodiac signs whose friendships improve during the Moon in Aries, February 22 - 24, 2023:
1. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
No matter what goes on in your life, no matter how bad your moods get or how intense you feel your life has gotten, there's always one things that remains steadfast and true: your friendships.
You have got friendship on lock, Gemini, and in a way, friendship is the saving grace in your life. While romance may not always be the focus in your world, friends seem to be eternally there for you, always devoted, always sensitive to your needs.
During the Moon in Aries, you and your buddies will feel a sense of closeness that warms your heart and gives you courage to face the next day. And you can trust in these people to be there tomorrow, as today puts you in touch with the gratitude you have for them, and they, for you. The Moon in Aries lets you know that your friendships are real and forever.
2. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21)
There is nothing better than calling your best friend up at the end of the day to go over the events that took place, no matter how boring, no matter how redundant.
On this day, February 22, during the Moon in Aries, you'll treasure this one friend above all others, because you can trust that they will always be there for you. You aren't moving either; you enjoy knowing that you can give all of yourself to this one person as well, and it makes you feel like a better person because of it.
While you may not think of this day as anything that special, because you're not sure you CAN improve on a friendship that appears to be perfect, the one thing you can do is believe in it all the more and be grateful that you've been given such a precious gift in this lifetime.
3. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
You love having a good conversation with a friend, because you need to fill a quote in your life, and that quota revolves around intelligent and out of the box thinking. You need friends who match your wit, your humor and your vision, and thankfully, you have one such friend who fits the bill.
During the Moon in Aries, you'll have a conversation with this person and it will last for hours. You two need to stop once you get on a roll, and today provides you with ample concepts to go over.
Your relationship will improve because your conversations are so interesting; this person clearly gets you, and you honor your time spent with them. During the Moon in Aries, friendships that are already great, tend to get even greater. How luck you are!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.