The 3 Zodiac Signs With Great Weekly Horoscopes For February 19 - 25, 2023

This week brings three zodiac signs, some very good news, and so much of it will come in the form of love and some interesting opportunities presented to us by friends and family.
We've just entered Pisces season, so the general feeling is one of ease; Pisces helps with the flow of positive energy, and as the week progresses, these three zodiac signs will come to experience both hopeful dreams and surprisingly good choices.
Venus in Aries comes quickly and wakes up our love lives in ways that we won't be expecting, and with Mercury square Uranus following shortly after, we can take that love and explore exactly what it has to give.
We will be very talkative during this time, and the idea of inhibition will be near to non-existent. We may be tested here or there as the transit Moon sextile Mars may make us a little too sensitive at times, but we'll be able to relax when the Moon enters Taurus, on the 24th, giving us a well-deserved break.
With Venus trine Black Moon Lilith on that same day, we may feel as though we are finally on to something, where healing is concerned, and that transit will be in fine form with the help of the sun sextile Moon. Together, these events will complete our healing process.
By week's end, those of us who will benefit most by this week's transits will conclude with Moon conjunct Uranus, which will add to our love lives and provide us with enough imagination to make just about everything we do seem like fun.
The three zodiac signs with great weekly horoscopes for February 19 - 25, 2023:
1. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
Don't be surprised if you find yourself in the right place at the right time, thanks to a friend who has invited you along for the ride. What this refers to is that, during the week of February 19 - 25, you will hear about a job offer that will tantalize you and get you thinking that maybe you don't have to stick with the rough job you have right now.
Your friend believes in you, and because they also love and care about you, they take it upon themselves to introduce you to someone who might be able to help you out. You were just getting used to the idea of making less money, too, and being that you were in an accepting state of mind, the universe granted you the boon of a job offer. This week will have you scrambling and nervous...but it's the kind of frenetic energy you need to change your life and make your money!
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
Not only are you going to get opportunities galore this week, the kind of opportunities will be very specific for your needs. Something is about to take place that will come as a shock for you; you did not see this coming and it is massively positive. It could be financial, but it's not job related. Virgo's will experience boundless optimism during the week, as many of the old wounds seem to be closing up, spiritually and emotionally.
You are finally ready to move on, and you feel good about it, Virgo. Whereas only last week you might have felt as though nothing was going right, this helpful surprise has the power to change your life. Stay with it; don't doubt it and try not to judge. You have the power on your side this week, make the best of it.
3. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
Fresh off your birthday season and you are feeling mighty fine. The week holds promise in store for you, Aquarius, but not only that: you'll notice that something about YOU has changed, and it has to do with an upgrade in your health.
Perhaps you've been trying hard to maintain a proper diet for the purpose of getting clean and healthy, or maybe you've cut certain things out of your life, but it will be during this week that you'll notice that it's working.
That Lilith energy can be a mind blower if you're not careful, but you ARE careful, and that's why you end up a winner this week. You'll be inspired to purchase new clothes this week, as vanity plays a large, but positive, role in your week's activities. This week is all about you, your looks, your health and your self-confidence. Sounds good to me, Aquarius. Enjoy, salut!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.