The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Reject Love During Moon Sextile Uranus On December 10, 2022

We don't ordinarily think of love as something we'd reject, especially after all the hype we place accepting it.
But on December 10, 2022 three zodiac signs reject love, and part of what pushes them over the fence is the Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus.
We fight for love to appear in our lives and work towards keeping that love alive but rarely reject it. And, if, for some reason, we DO reject love, we can assume there's a perfect reason for it.
One thing we DO know: if Moon sextile Uranus is in the sky, we have an easier time knowing what we want and don't want, and on this day, December 10, 2022, during this astro transit, we have good reason to reject love. It's personal.
Love is a great teacher; we see how it both opens our eyes and shuts them simultaneously. Love puts us through the most demanding tests of our lives, and while all of these tests help us become the people we are today, there are times — like today — when we don't want another lesson.
We reject love on this day because we are tired of it. We don't hate it. We don't even dislike it; we are tired of being thrashed around by it. Ah, love, what a cruel mistress you can be!
As we feel the influence of Moon sextile Uranus, we will see how our choice to reject love will not be popular, and that's when we will know for sure that we are not living our lives for the sake of other people.
If we need to stave off the arrows of love for a while, that's our choice, and Moon sextile Uranus is all about choice. Carry on.
The three zodiac signs who reject love during the Moon sextile Uranus on December 10, 2022:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
The only reason you reject love today is that you feel more assertive about taking care of yourself now and less inclined to hold up the world, which is what it feels like to you when you're in love.
You aren't strong enough right now to support the emotional weight of other people and their needs, and you are looking forward to taking a break from love altogether.
Sure, love is the cat's meow, but you're more into learning other lessons right now. To make way for yourself, you will be rejecting love.
Maybe another day, but for now, the focus is on you, on healing your life and on focusing on all the positive things in your life. Love is not one of those things now, which is fine. And because you know it, you reject it. It's all OK.
2. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
While it's known that you are the most independent of the signs, you have always made yourself available to love and the experience of falling in love. In other words, been there, done that, time to write the book. And in 'writing the book,' you feel you should take a break from love just so you can think about your life.
Right now, love needs to take a backseat. It's distracting and dramatic, and you need focus and determination. You need your vision to be steady and pinpointed on your goal in the way of the true Sagittarius — the Centaur Archer.
Love has its purpose in your life, and as it stands, during Moon sextile Uranus, that purpose is to be part of the background and not the star of the show. Rather than 'rejecting' love on this day, your feeling is more like putting it aside for a while because you know better.
3. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
Others might not understand why you reject love on this day. Still, you know yourself very well, and if you 'feel' like there's something wrong, you avoid it, no matter the topic. Love doesn't feel right to you right now. You have picked up on something alarming about the person you might have given your love to, and now, you're all about backing off.
You feel you have the right to do whatever you wish in this lifetime, and if you DON'T want to succumb to love's call, then you don't.
Right now, you have other things that occupy your time, and you don't want to be distracted. During Moon sextile Uranus, your feeling will be "mind your own business." You'll love when you're ready, and if not, 'ain't nobody's business but my own.'
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.