The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships During The Month Of October 2022
A break-up is a chance for a breakthrough.

October is an active month in the heavens as planets start turning direct. Eclipse season is here once again, and everything is changing.
October will be the breaking point that you have known was coming for some time.
With so many planets in retrograde motion, as much as you may have wanted to end a relationship last month, there was no way you felt like you could.
You were being drawn to reflect, think, and slow down, even if it felt painful or exhausting staying in your current relationship.
Of course, you still could have been in denial in September as well, yet either way, October is not just an opportunity for truth, but it is also a chance to start moving ahead in the ways you have wanted to.
Use this to your advantage and while there is no perfect time to make this decision, trust that the longer you put off doing what you know you have to, the more difficult everything else becomes.
This is your chance to use your break-up as the breakthrough you have been hoping for.
The four zodiac signs who fall out of love and end relationships on October 2022 are:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
There has been a lot going on beneath your surface lately, and while you have not done a lot regarding talking about it, this is the month that will occur. The Full Moon in your sign at the beginning of October sets the tone for the entire month.
You are done letting yourself coast along into what you can only call oblivion at this point. Just because you do not choose to address something does not mean that it will go away or magically fix itself.
It is time for you to take everything that you have been processing with Jupiter retrograde in your sign because this planet also shifts back into Pisces at the end of the month.
The month ahead is less about you being in your head and more about trusting yourself to move forward. Often no matter how you plan things out or spend time thinking about them, you will not know how they will actually play out until you start doing it.
You have an amazing ability to act when others cannot, but the more you question yourself, the less you will do anything. If you do not want to be in this position a year from now, you need to take control and start speaking up in your relationship.
This month has a break-up all over it, but it does not need to be awful or sad. Instead, it can be what you need to do to start improving everything in your life finally.
2. Cancer
(June 21 - July 22)
Pluto turns directly in Capricorn at the beginning of the month, representing being able to face and deal with the darkness. In this case, as Capricorn rules your romantic life, it means that you will finally be in a place where there is no more putting something off for a later date or pretending any longer.
What you will start seeing around the beginning of the month is the reality you have always lived within.
It is just that you were never ready to do anything until now. As you move into this space of accepting the truth and understanding what you can do to shed light on your life, you will start to feel stronger and more confident. Life has felt restrictive for everyone recently, but October is when all of those changes.
As you go through the month, remain committed to speaking your truth and trusting that the path ahead is the one you may take. You do not have to put up with anything just because that is all another can offer or give.
It is time to set yourself free and regain control of your life. Let your partner sit in their darkness because it is not something you should or even can carry any longer. It does not mean you can part ways with love, but it does mean that this particular chapter of your life is truly over.
3. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
Saturn has been making its way through Aquarius since 2020, which means that it has also been activating your romantic relationship and love life.
This may have felt like a minimal time for you. It is because you could not figure out your feelings or even see a way out of a relationship. The restriction you felt was overwhelming, which caused you to start doubting yourself and spending time together at a standstill for an extended period.
Saturn has been retrograded, for the last time in Aquarius, during the last few months, yet finally turns direct at the end of October.
Yes, you may have to put up with a few more weeks of restriction, but with so many other planets turning direct, you will start to feel that more possibilities exist. While Saturn leaving retrograde can mean an improvement for some, for you, it represents the freedom to leave what has not been working finally.
You likely have had to not only do a great deal of self-work but also fully understand what you needed to focus on to be in the place to initiate this ending.
You have been in this situation far longer than you could have been, but it was also exactly what you needed. Make sure you take time this month to affirm just how capable you are of moving forward and freeing yourself from everything, including that relationship that has been holding you back.
4. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
The month ahead will be interesting for you, Virgo, because it seems that you will no longer be able to hold yourself back from actually moving forward with your life.
Juno, the asteroid that governs marriage and committed relationships, will turn direct again in Pisces, while Jupiter will return to this romantic water sign during its retrograde.
The beginning of the month may be fraught with conversations about the future and thoughts about whether or not things have changed.
As the month progresses, it will be time for you to embrace that the relationship that you are in is not in alignment with where you want to go. Whether you are with someone who is commitment shy or their idea of a relationship is not what you envisioned or need for yourself, it is time to call things as they are.
As long as you hold onto something for fear of not having anything, you will not be able to have the space in your life for what truly is in alignment with you. It is not that people are bad or that a relationship has failed, but you owe it to yourself to be in a connection that wants to go in the same direction.
While you can often look at the time that you have invested within a particular person and feel like you cannot start over, knowing you are staying somewhere that is not in alignment with you will not lead to happiness or fulfillment. Know when to call it and move on.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.