Leonardo DiCaprio’s Former Assistant Reveals How The Actor Treats His Employees
What is he like in real life?

Leonardo DiCaprio may be one of Hollywood's most famous men but he's an expert at keeping his private life hidden. We have gotten occasional peeks into his relationships through paparazzi photos and infrequent interviews but perhaps the biggest clue about what DiCaprio is really like comes from someone who worked closely with him at the height of his career — his assistant.
Leonardo DiCaprio's former assistant has opened up about working with the actor.
Kasi Brown was DiCapro’s assistant back in 2003 when he was filming for “The Aviator” and quit after the shooting wrapped up. She got the job from her friend who had been DiCaprio's assistant during the shooting of 2002's "Catch Me If You Can." Brown got the chance to bond with everyone during the shooting of "Catch Me If You Can" and became DiCaprio's assistant when her friend moved on to other projects. Since then,
Brown has had nothing but nice things to say about DiCaprio.
"Leo and I always had fun on set," Brown told Huffington Post in 2016, explaining the two would often goof around on the set while imitating accents. Their relationship was filled with humor and the two joked around often. She also revealed a joke the two had between them on numerous accounts.
"Sometimes, I would pretend that he was the stereotype of an entitled celebrity," Brown said. "And when he would ask me to do something, I would bow and in a beaten-down voice say, 'Yes, sir, anything you like sir, anything else, sir?' and he would laugh and tell me to knock it off."
She mentioned that DiCaprio is very 'down to earth.'
Brown who was an aspiring filmmaker mentioned that she learned a lot from DiCaprio on set. He was also smart and got along well with everyone on the set.
She said, “He's extremely down to earth, and he likes to share stories and life experiences with people.”
Additionally, watching him do his work with passion had been an inspiration for her.
"On the way to set one day, I saw that he kept stepping on all the cracks and spots on the floor in our path," Brown said. "He was playing Howard Hughes, who has OCD, and I realized that he was getting into character."
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Brown also got the chance to act in “The Aviator” when one of the stars was unable to reshoot a scene. Both Dicaprio and the director of the movie, Martin Scorsese, praised her immensely for her acting skills.
"When they cut, Marty came up to me and said, 'You’re an actress!' and Leo stepped off set and said, 'Kasi!' in an impressed voice," Brown said. "They both made me feel really good about my acting and the work that I was doing to learn everything I could on set while assisting Leo."
Even after Brown was no longer DiCaprio’s assistant, the two still kept in touch. When Brown started working on her own projects, DiCaprio encouraged her to submit work to his production company. In 2015, Brown was finally able to write and direct a comedy movie, “Gone Doggy Gone.” She mentioned that DiCaprio was one of those people who remained supportive and helped her throughout her career.
DiCaprio has since set a strict NDA in place for his employees.
Brown's first-person account of working with DiCaprio may be the last we'll receive in a while, as the Los Angeles Times reported that to work with the actor, employees must sign an "aggressive" non-disclosure agreement that prevents them from talking about "the existence of the contractor's business and/or personal relationship with DiCaprio."
Sanika Nalgirkar is a News & Entertainment Writer based in India. She has a master's degree in Creative Writing. See more of her writing on her website.