The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Fall Apart During The Moon Trine Saturn On Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Hang in there.

As we come to the end of July, we simultaneously experience that feeling of summer coming to a close. While that's not happening until much later on, there's a feeling of finality in the air, for some couples, during this time.
We have Moon trine Saturn on this day, July 27, 2022, and this could be what's at the heart of the draining, dragging feeling that comes up between couples. Maybe things just didn't work out as we planned, or maybe we felt we made the wrong decision when we got together with them.
And, as with emotions, they are like seeds. Once they take root, they begin to flower; in this case, the flower is one of distrust and deterioration. Something happened, and we might have tried to brush it aside or ignore it, but today isn't going to let that happen.
We are being forced to confront this ugliness. If we are honest with ourselves, we will come to know one thing: this is the downfall of our current relationship. Our love lives are about to fall apart, and we know for sure that we're not going to stand in the way of it happening.
Moon trine Saturn is not a bad transit, per se ... but in its effective way of bringing out our own individual needs, we tend to realize that there is no going back. Once we see it, we can't unsee it, so to speak.
Something happened that we cannot unsee in our current relationship, and Moon trine Saturn speaks to the part inside us that knows we cannot go backward. We can't take the lies, the repressed emotion, or the false hope any longer. For our lives to flourish, our love lives must first fall apart, and we know it.
The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Falls Apart During Moon Trine Saturn On Wednesday, July 27, 2022
1. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
Today is the day you will give yourself a choice: stay with the person you have committed to, or begin the process of leaving them. You do not want to cheat and aren't into anyone else, anyway. Still, the person you are with is a serious disappointment to you, and you feel it may not be too late to just forge a plan and escape.
This is a significant time for you, as you did not want to be put in this position; alas, you cannot stand the person you are with, and the options of leaving are equally impossible to bear.
This day is tough for you, as there's a good chance you won't leave them, which will only provide many more years of disappointment and bitter resentment. What to do, what to do ... it's your call, and during Moon trine Saturn, it's a tough call indeed.
2. Capricorn
(December 22 - January 19)
With Moon trine Saturn as your influence today, you will once again put in touch with something you've known for a while: your love life is falling apart, and something has to be done about it. You will feel the pressure of 'it's now or never, and it will irk you that you can't seem to make up your mind about what to do.
This relationship has lasted for what feels like a thousand years, and it's not as glamorous or romantic as that sounds; it's been more like a few good moments spent together in the earlier part of the relationship that has turned into an endless amount of fighting, disagreeing and humoring each other.
You wonder why you signed on for this, as you feel you knew you were getting into something that was bound for failure. You felt it right initially, yet you stayed on as if you didn't have a choice. Well, Moon trine Saturn is back, pushing you to choose. Freedom and the unknown, imprisonment and the state you've come to accept as your love life.
3. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
What today brings is a harsh look at something you've been lying to yourself about for a long time, and that is, of course, your love life. This isn't a love life; it's a fantasy life where you keep on avoiding the reality of what's actually going on.
You have shut down all communications with the person you are partnered with, and you've started to convince yourself that everything is just perfect 'as is.' That's all well and good until Moon trine Saturn upsets your faux reality and puts you in touch with what's going on.
The truth here is that the person you are kidding yourself about? They are no longer in love with you, nor do they wish to fit into your fantasy world where everything is perfect. They want out, and while it's hard for you to deal with, you know they are right; this thing is falling apart, and no amount of fantasy will save it.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.