The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, July 28, 2022

A brand new beginning has just arrived.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, July 28, 2022 Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

July 28, 2022 ushers in the Leo New Moon and Jupiter retrograde in Aries, prompting a profound new beginning to take place within yourself and your life.

The New Moon in Leo is exact on Thursday afternoon, so while it would have been celebrated with any rituals last night, the energy will still be incredibly potent today.

New Moons herald times of new beginnings and change.

It’s when you can plant the seeds for your new intentions that will be the leading theme for the next six months until the Full Moon within that same sign, in this case, February 5, 2023.


When making intentions, certain themes will naturally arise during certain Moons because of the qualities of that particular zodiac sign.

Leo rules the heart and will bring out your desire to find and follow your passions confidently.

This can affect your career, home life, and romantic relationship.



During the next six months, whatever you consciously try to change or manifest along with the themes that organically arise during this time, will be the focus. But, Jupiter turning retrograde in Aries also brings fresh energy.


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Jupiter is the planet of good luck and abundance. In Aries, it has been asking you to reflect on what has been blocking you from achieving or creating what you desire so that you can move forward without hesitancy or delay towards it.

Both Aries and Leo are fire signs which bring focus, determination and passion to your life.

When Jupiter is retrograde, though, instead of trying to build abundance and luck outside of yourself, it invites you to go within.


This is a powerful time for you to reflect more deeply on what growth you have achieved or are in the process of moving through that will open many of those doors that you have felt constrained by.

Jupiter retrograde is a phase of intense internal growth in which lessons are learned and moments marked by pivotal awareness take place.

This is a slower process, though, one that will continue to roll through November 23, 2022, once Jupiter turns directly back into Pisces, which is also where it began the year.

The thing with new beginnings is that they often take place long before you are aware of them because it’s not usually a big action that marks the start of something but instead a thought or feeling that change is desired.


This is what is beginning today and what will continue to play out, encouraging you to make sure that it’s one where you do not just follow your heart but also your truth.

For these three zodiac signs, the New Moon and Jupiter retrograde bring powerful changes.

And, that's why Leo, Aries, and Taurus have the best horoscopes on July 28, 2022.

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

The energies were high yesterday, but it’s nothing compared to what will peak today. A new Moon in Leo is powerful, bringing the desire to break away from anything that you don’t feel intimately connected to so that you can live a life that is more connected to your heart.

Jupiter turning retrograde at the same thought suggests that the changes you desire to make aren’t from simply wanting something different but from truly having outgrown a past version of your own self, which is the catalyst for what you want to change externally.


You tend to want to do things dramatically and quickly as a fire sign. The idea that there has to be a delay in your gratification because things take time to come together or others who are part of the equation need to do their own work doesn’t usually sit well.

When you feel that desire begin to stir within yourself, you want to move ahead and do something to create change. But this new Moon, because of Jupiter retrograde, also gives you some perspective. Even if you still want to rush into the future that you have been dreaming of, you may also be experiencing more patience as you recognize that you don’t have control over everything.

This will be the start of your new beginning so that as you move through today and the next six months, you remain focused on your goal while also unattached to the outcome.

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2. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Jupiter has been in your sign for a few months, bringing you all sorts of opportunities for growth and change. This is the planet that is known for representing good luck and abundance. But it’s also about the uplevel that it brings to your life. Jupiter isn’t concerned about what change you think you should bring to your life and will work on the universe's behalf for you.

This means that this planet will seldom bring the changes that you think are necessary and will help you evolve the necessary parts of your life. There may have been some resistance to what Jupiter first began when it entered your sign; now, as it turns retrograde, you will be asked to focus on those feelings to truly get to the bottom of your feelings.

Because Jupiter is turning retrograde on a new Moon, it will inherently bring about a new beginning for you in which you will be able to see that when you turn within and face what is there, dissolving blocks with passion, you will automatically step into a new beginning. Use this energy to your advantage as you are invited to step into a process. It’s one without a quick answer but which will thankfully bring lasting results.


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3. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

As Uranus continues to work through your sign, uniting with Mercury in Leo today, you’re seeing firsthand that while you may make plans in life, it doesn’t mean that the universe doesn’t have its own. You’ve had to let go of many of the pictures or ideas that you thought would manifest in the last few years and have been invited to rebuild your faith that plans made can actually come to fruition.

A big part of this is learning what it means and what it feels like to work with the universe rather than against it. When you work with the universe, your plans are supported versus trying to swim upstream against what the divine is trying to orchestrate. During this lunation, Uranus, the planet of sudden and unexpected change, unites with Mercury, ruler of communication, in Leo today.


You will find that conversations and declarations of truth are at the forefront of this lunation, giving you more insight into those sacred plans from the universe. Let yourself see that life can turn out far better than you could ever imagine, especially if you allow it to.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website
