The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, April 9, 2022
Realizations always come when you least expect them.

Wonderful things are manifesting for three zodiac signs on April 9, 2022, and if you're a Cancer, Pisces, or an Aries, this holds special meaning for you.
As you settle into the new landscape of astrology this month, today brings some sudden realizations that help to bring clarity.
Approaching the Jupiter and Neptune connection next week, you are starting to have more synchronicities and ah-ha moments.
This is because as we near the Taurus Eclipse at the end of the month, you are going to be ushered to act and begin many of the ideas that you have been reflecting on since the start of the year. But to do that you need to have clarity about the purpose of everything and everyone in your life right now.
Some years are for learning and others are for transition because this is the latter, which means that it is going to be filled with more opportunities for growth than others.
This also means that you will be guided to take full advantage of everything. Today is an active day in the skies with our building connection between Jupiter and Neptune. These two planets are moving through the energy that Mercury and Mars are infusing into your life.
This brings a sense of impending destiny into play while feeling very motivated and inspired to keep doing the work necessary to bring about change. Mercury and Mars help with this by feeling like you can get a great deal accomplished in a short amount of time, which is also that feeling of fate that astrology is bringing to the day.
When things are truly meant for you, it also just flows. The First Quarter Moon will be in Cancer helping to fuse together your emotions with the ability to put the action behind them.
Because while realizations are possible today, it is also a matter of finally being ready to see what was always there.
Cancer, Pisces, and Aries zodiac signs get the best energy on Saturday, April 9, 2022.
1. Cancer
(June 21 - July 22)
You should feel a deep sense of determination today to achieve what it is you have been considering or dreaming about. There is a big life path change on the horizon.
Whether it is a physical move, the ending or beginning of a meaningful relationship, or even just a small step towards a life that feels more like yours, today brings an unstoppable energy forward.
This should feel like you are flying high today, not focused on what could go wrong or even fears but instead should fill you with nothing but optimism for what is to come.
The Moon in your zodiac sign crosses paths with several planets today helping to fuse this new foundation for you with the ability to creatively see a way where previously all it seemed were obstacles.
The most important thing today is to embrace how you feel about this new vision in your life because by doing this you will be supported by the universe. This is a month that will get you closer to your dreams, all you must do is keep following the steppingstones even if you are not positive yet where they will lead.
2. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
Under a Cancer Moon, your feelings will be more prominent today, especially those related to your home and family. As a Pisces water sign, you are always more sensitive to emotions and effects when there is a great deal of that energy present like it is now.
Combining that with the Moon’s connections to both Jupiter and Neptune in your sign and the building-fated meeting of both in just a few days, you can feel how powerful this time is.
Whatever you think now you are likely to start seeing manifest in your life immediately. This is to show you just how connected you are to the universe and to help you see the power behind your thoughts.
Right now, you can create anything that you can dream of, so make sure to not entertain fears or doubts for exceptionally long. One of the things that you are being shown today is the strength behind your emotions.
You feel like your emotional depth is a curse often is something that you must work through because it is your ultimate gift. The power and inspiration that you feel today comes from harnessing the strength of your emotions and dreams, use it to your full advantage.
3. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
Do not let yourself become lost in all the water-energy right now as it helps bring you more into that inner space of determination and confidence.
You have no problem knowing what it is you want but validating it for yourself so that you feel you deserve it is another matter.
It does not matter what is on your mind right now, you should be able to believe in it strongly enough to know that you deserve it and so much more.
The water-energy around right now with powerful planets like Jupiter is going to help you bring this new reality into place.
A big part of it is the space that you take up in your own life. Really embracing your own authenticity and self regardless of the limitations or expectations of those around you.
As you step into this, you will be taking up more space because you will no longer be playing small or as if you are living in a way that feels like one big apology.
You cannot have predicted that this is where you would be, but deep down there is a part of you that is not surprising. Let yourself embrace the truth of exactly who you are and do not hesitate to take control of your own path.
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.