150 Celestial Names For Babies That Are Out Of This World
These celestial names are out of this world.

Celestial names are a sure way to make your baby girl or baby boy stand out on the playground.
From cosmic and space names to names straight out of Greek mythology, here's a variety of celestial baby names to think about.
Gender-Neutral Celestial Names
1. Phoenix
A phoenix is a creature from Greek and Egyptian mythology that has the power to rise from its own ashes.
2. Blaze
Blaze is a name of Latin origin that means fire.
3. Saturn
Saturn is a planet in the solar system, named after the Roman God of Agriculture.
4. Cosmo
The Cosmos is another word for "The Universe"
5. Comet
A comet is a cosmic snowball made out of dust, rock, and frozen gas.
6. Sky
This one's pretty straightforward.
7. Galaxy
Galaxy means "star system."
8. Kennedy
Named after the John F. Kennedy space center.
9. Alpha
Alpha Centauri is the name of our closest star system.
10. Io
One of the moons of Jupiter.
11. Eris
Eris is the goddess of discord. It’s a gender-neutral baby name that’s also the name of a dwarf planet.
12. Polaris
Polaris is also known as the North Star.
13. Ariel
Ariel is a name of Hebrew origin that translates to "lion of God."
14. Vega
Vega means "falling star" in Arabic.
15. Astra
Astra is a name of Latin origin that means "star."
16. Dawn
Dawn means daybreak.
17. Cyrus
Cyrus means sun.
18. Archer
This is the perfect name for a Sagittarius baby since the archer is the symbol for this aloof zodiac sign.
19. Pluto
Formerly a planet, now a dwarf planet.
20. Cupid
Cupid is the god of erotic love and attraction.
21. Zenith
An astronomy term that refers to the point in the sky directly above an observer.
22. Lupus
Lupus is Latin for "wolf." It also is the name of a constellation in the mid-Southern sky.
23. Thebe
One of the moons of Jupiter.
24. Ursa
Ursa Minor and Ursa Major are the constellations in the sky that resemble bears.
In Urdu, "Ursa" means bear or little bear.
25. Octan
Octans is a constellation that covers the south celestial pole in the southern sky.
26. Shadow
A shadow on the moon is called a lunar eclipse.
27. Star
Star means a luminous astronomical object seen in the night sky.
28. Astrid
Astrid is a Scandinavian name, meaning "divinely beautiful." A lot of people confuse the name “Astrid” with “Astra,” which means “altar of the sky.”
29. Crater
A crater is a giant, bowl-shaped cavity on the surface of a planet or moon.
Usually, a crater is caused by the impact of a meteorite or celestial body or an explosion.
30. Halo
Halo is a space-age name that translates to "divine aura."
31. Solar
Solar is a word relating to the sun.
The Solar System is where the planet Earth lives, in addition to all of the other objects that orbit around the sun.
32. Pleiades
Pleiades is an open star cluster that contains hot B-type stars in the northwest of the Taurus constellation. It’s also known as Messier 45 and The Seven Sisters.
33. Antares
Antares is the fifteenth-brightest star in the night sky. It is also the brightest object in the Scorpius constellation.
When viewed with a naked eye, it is bright red.
34. Universe
The Universe, also known as the cosmos, is all existing space and matter considered as a whole.
35. Rory
Rory is a variation on the name Aurora and also means "dawn."
36. Nova
Nova is a name of a star that increases in brightness.
37. Zora
Zora is a Persian name that means dawn.
38. Tal
Tal is a name that means “dew” or “rain.”
39. Earth
Earth is the third planet from the sun.
40. Epsilon
Epsilon Eridani is a star in the constellation Eridanus.
41. Skylar
Apparently, “Skylar” means “eternal life,” “strength,” and “the sky.”
42. Heaven
You know, like heaven? Heaven above?
43. Virgo
Virgo is one of the twelve zodiac signs.
44. Neptune
Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun.
45. Nash
Nash is the name of the star Gamma Sagittarii found in the constellation Sagittarius.
46. Helios
The name of the "God of the Sun."
47. Sol
In Roman Mythology, Sol is a Roman Sun god.
48. Juno
Juno is an ancient Roman Goddess.
49. Lyra
Lyra is the name of the constellation in Orpheus. It is shaped like a lyre.
50. Ciro
Ciro is the Italian variation of "Cyrus" which means sun.
51. Drake
Drake is a variation of the name "Draco."
52. Ganymede
The largest moon of Jupiter.
53. Andromeda
In Greek mythology, Andromeda is the name of the woman who turned into a constellation.
54. Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia is Andromeda's mother.
55. Sagittarius
Sagittarius is one of the twelve zodiac signs.
56. Astro
Astro is a name of Greek origin, meaning "of the stars."
57. Taurus
Taurus is one of the twelve zodiac signs.
58. Sunny
A variation on "Sun."
59. Megaros
He's the son of Zeus.
60. Meteor
Meteor comes from the Greek meteōros, which means “high in the air.”
Also known as a shooting star or falling star, a meteor is the visible passage of a glowing meteoroid through Earth’s atmosphere.
61. Jet
If you’re looking for an aerospace-themed name, Jet might be your best bet.
A jet aircraft is an aircraft that is propelled by jet engines.
62. Vesper
Vesper is a name of Latin origin that means "evening star."
Celestial Names for Boys:
63. Themis
Themis is the name of an asteroid family.
64. Jupiter
Jupiter is a planet in the solar system.
65. Hercules
Hercules is the son of Jupiter and Alcmene. In Roman mythology, he is famous for his super strength.
66. Orion
In Greek mythology, Orion is a hunter. One of the most famous constellations is named after him.
67. Holmes
Holmes is the name of a periodic comet in the solar system, founded by Edwin Holmes in 1892.
68. Jovian
This is a name of Slavic origin that is derived from Jupiter.
69. Mars
The fourth planet from the sun.
70. Oberon
Oberon is one of Uranus' moons.
71. Orpheus
Both the name of a telescope and a space asteroid.
72. Ravi
Ravi is a name of Sanskrit origin that means "sun."
73. Sirius
Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.
74. Samson
In Hebrew, Samson translates to "Sun."
75. Theta
Theta Setpentis is the triple star system in the Seprens constellation.
76. Avery
Avery is a name that means “ruler of the elves.”
77. Ceres
Ceres is the ancient Roman goddess of agriculture and motherly relationships.
78. Meridian
Meridian is a name that means the “highest point.” It is the imaginary north-south line.
79. Hoku
Hoku is a name of Hawaiian origin that means "star."
80. Draco
Draco means "dragon" and is the name of a constellation.
81. Isaac
The name Isaac is of Hebrew origin which means “laughing.”
Sir Isaac Newton was the name of the man who discovered gravity.
82. Apollo
In Greek Mythology, Apollo is the god of the sun.
83. Aries
Aries is one of the twelve astrological signs.
84. Nicolaus
Inspired by Nicolaus Copernicus, the famous astronomer and mathematician who developed the astronomical model, Copernican heliocentricism.
85. Elio
Elio is a name that means "Greek god of the sun."
86. Galileo
Galileo Galilei, often referred to as the father of modern physics, discovered four of Jupiter's largest moons.
87. Hamal
Hamal is the brightest star in the Aries constellation.
88. Izar
Izar is a name of Basque origin that means star.
89. Kepler
Johannes Kepler was a well-known astrologer and astronomer who formed the laws of planetary motion
90. Neptune
Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun — that we know of.
91. Titan
Titan is Saturn’s largest moon.
92. Callisto
One of the moons of Jupiter.
93. Qamar
Qamar is an Arabic name that means “moon.”
94. Ra
Ra is an Egyptian name that means "the sun."
95. Ciro
Ciro is a name of Spanish origin that means “throne” or the “sun.”
96. Aten
The Aten was an aspect of Ra, the Egyptian sun god. It refers to the disc of the sun
97. Dorado
A name of Dutch origin, "Doroda" was the name given to a constellation that was founded by Dutch explorers.
98. Sun
The Sun is the star, which is the center of the solar system.
99. Armstrong
Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the surface of the moon.
100. Aries
Aries is one of the twelve astrological signs.
101. Atlas
Atlas is a boy’s name of Greek origin. Atlas was a mythical Titan who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.
It also is the name of a comet.
102. Arthit
In Thai, Arthit means “sun.”
103. Gibbous
A gibbous moon is a moon that looks more than half lighted but less than full.
104. Calypso
Calypso is one of Saturn’s moons.
105. Pluto
Pluto is a dwarf planet.
106. Vulcan
Vulcan is a hypothetical planet that was thought to exist in an orbit somewhere between Mercury and the Sun.
107. Mercury
Mercury is the first planet from the sun.
108. Leo
Leo is the name of a constellation and one of the 12 zodiac signs.
109. Kuiper
The Kuiper belt is a disc in the outer solar system.
110. Rigel
Rigel is a star in the Orion constellation.
111. Castor
Castor is the second-brightest star in the Gemini constellation.
112. Arche
Arche is the name of a moon that orbits Jupiter.
113. Gunay
Gunay means “a moon that is seen in daylight.”
114. Mehr
A name of Arabic origin that means “full moon” and “sun”
115. Najm
Najm is an Arabic word that means “morning star.”
116. Pictor
Pictor is a constellation in the Southern celestial hemisphere.
117. Proteus
In Greek mythology, Proteus is a sea god.
118. Jericho
A name of Arabic origin that translates to "city of the moon."
119. Deimos
Deimos is the god of dread and terror.
120. Kale
Kale is a moon orbiting Jupiter.
121. Utu
Utu is the name of the ancient Mesopotamian sun god. He is also the god of justice, morality, and truth.
122. Tarvos
Tarvos, discovered by John J. Kavelaars is a prograde irregular satellite of Saturn.
Celestial Names for Girls:
123. Artemis
Artemis is a name of Greek origin that translates to the goddess of the moon.
124. Celestina
This name is an Italian and Spanish variation of the name "Celeste."
125. Kalani
Kalani is a name of Hawaiian origin that means “the sky,” “the heavens,” or “royal one.”
126. Norma
Norma is a name of Latin origin that means “normal.” It is also a constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere. Its four brightest stars are Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Eta.
127. Rhea
Rhea is the goddess of fertility and motherhood.
128. Dione
In Greek mythology, Dione is the wife of Zeus and the mother of Aphrodite.
129. Bianca
Bianca is the name of Uranus' moon.
130. Cordelia
Cordelia is also the name of a Uranus moon, meaning "daughter of the sea."
131. Aurora
An Aurora is a natural light display in the Earth's sky. It's also referred to as aurora borealis or the northern lights.
132. Capella
Capella is the name for the Goat Star.
133. Celeste
Celeste means "heavenly" in Latin.
134. Venus
Venus is the Goddess of Love.
135. Mona
Mona is a word for "moon."
136. Luna
Luna is another word for "moon," and the name of the most celestial character in all of Harry Potter.
137. Danica
Danica is a name of Slavic and Latin origin that means "morning star."
138. Cressida
Cressida is one of Uranus' moons.
139. Diana
Diana is the ancient Roman goddess of the hunt and the moon.
140. Estela
In Spanish, Estela translates to "star."
141. Phoebe
One of Saturn's moons.
142. Lunetta
Similar to Luna, Lunetta means moon.
143. Miranda
Miranda is one of Uranus' moons.
144. Ophelia
One of Uranus' moons.
145. Pandora
One of Saturn's moons.
146. Lani
In Hawaiian, Lani means heaven or sky.
147. Portia
One of Uranus' moons.
148. Julia
The name Juliet is a variation of Julia.
149. Araceli
Araceli means "altar of heaven."
150. Kamaria
In Swahili, Kamaria means "moonlight."
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