August 2021 Monthly One Card Tarot Reading For All Zodiac Signs
This month we all need to monitor our health.

Your August 2021 monthly one card tarot reading for all zodiac signs is here with a prediction for the next 31 days.
August 2021 monthly one card tarot reading for all zodiac signs:
Welcome to the Tarot Card reading for August, as per each sign of the Zodiac. We're seeing a lot of great success stories, as well as a few near misses.
Health seems to be an issue that keeps coming up - one we'd be advised to work on, as if our lives depend on it.
Which, of course, they do. Hence the warning. Let's not overdo it, friends, simply because 'we can.'
Another thing to look out for in August is the pressure to 'do things' as if 'doing things' makes us smarter, better or more competitive.
Yes, of course we need to 'do things' but we don't need to do what we don't want to do - just because it's expected of us. That's a strong warning there that says, "Be yourself. Trust in your own self. You know what's best for you - now do it!"
Our Tarot cards give us...
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Queen of Pentacles
It looks like this month is going to all business and all the success that comes with it. The Queen of Pentacles is no joke: this card represents accomplishment and the fortune one can make if a person puts their mind to it.
You are that person, Aries, and you should see this reading not only as a sign of hope and acknowledgement of your potential, but as a map by which you can follow, all the way to that destined success.
If the map says that by doing this, that and the other thing, you will attain what you need in order to call yourself successful, then you need to stick to the rules. We are talking major achievement this month - but it comes with discipline, planning and energy.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Page of Pentacles
This is a similar reading to that of Aries, in so much as you are lined up for great success this month. Where you differ is in the idea that your success comes as an accident.
While that might sound like 'good luck', it's actually about an inadvertent choice you made...perhaps even a regrettable one.
The Page is symbolic of youth - or foolishness, but the Page of Pentacles is a bit different in so much as there is a promise of financial wealth here.
Essentially, this can translate as money made through foolish or risky methods. You would be advised to watch your back as well as your bank account during this time.
Success may come with bells and whistles, but one false move and you could lose everything, including your freedom. So make your bold moves, Taurus, and have a good time - but don't do anything Ruby wouldn't do!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Ten of Swords, reversed
This card has a tendency to invoke matters of health and of well-being. Reversed, it's like dodging a bullet; perhaps you just got vaccinated...perhaps you got away with something that someone else might not have, in terms of health and risk.
This card is an absolute wake up call to you, Gemini, and it's telling you that you have to take care of yourself. You may be loathe to do things like exercise or watch your food intake, but the Gods of Health are coming in this month with an intervention.
You can't get away with your lifestyle forever, Gemini, and this is for you to get on top of, right now, this very second. Simply because you have not suffered from your present lifestyle does not mean you have immunity from disease or illness. It's time to come to terms with this - make this month all about changing your bad eating habits. Health is King.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Nine of Cups
And you thought July was a good month! Well, say hello to your new friend, August, who is about to show you a truly good time. This is your 'break out' month, Cancer, and what's meant by that is that the pressure is finally off of you, and you're now free to be yourself.
This kind of authenticity is what's going to attract people to you - in love, and in friendship. You don't feel you need to impress anyone anymore, you've sort of 'gotten over' that, and you certainly aren't interested in living up to anyone's expectations.
What you are creating here is a vibration of freedom; you are free from neediness, and that in itself is a near-miracle. Usually we are so caught up in what we want that our vibe reads as though it's a bottomless pit - never to be filled. You, on the other hand, will spend August living as a free spirit - and because of this unencumbered vibe, you'll see nothing but love, sweet love.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Four of Wands
You are fortunate, because not only is August your month, it also happens to be one that allows you an extraordinary array of opportunities - many of them work-related. Your work has been noticed, and people are talking; you may become a wanted commodity this month, Leo.
You are multi-talented, which is why opportunities of all kinds will come your way. What's most exciting is that the cards show you as being involved in just about every opportunity that presents itself, so be prepared for a very busy month. The advice here is to strike while the iron is hot, in terms of work and opportunity. Check it all out, see what's best for you...and then seize the day.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Seven of Swords, reversed
It's going to be about attitude this month, Virgo, and if you're to endure what's ahead, you'd better check your attitude at the door. What's ahead is a self-imposed prison made up of your own inability to accept certain changes in life.
You will find yourself playing the ignorant card; you simply don't want to know. You are about to make this month so much worse for yourself simply because you are obstinate and will not accept change.
While this card generally implies sadness, when reversed, it means unnecessary sadness - the kind we give ourselves for no good reason. It's like you're about to spend the month indulging in self pity. Why bother wasting such precious time? Get over it now, and allow yourself to experience the positive side of change.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Eight of Pentacles, reversed
So far this year has been off and on for you, Libra. You've felt anti-social for a while - and then, you'll suddenly have the urge to mingle, which sends you right back to your person-cave, where you sulk and complain about the human race for hours at a time.
You are someone who has a very kind, graceful way about you - but this tends to be an act, and keeping up the act really grates on your nerves after a while. It's not that you're a monster when left to your own device, it's that you truly do not want to be around people, and in August, this disdain is going to be at an all-time high.
You want to be alone, at home, working on your crafts, or projects, or technical thingees. During August, you won't care who's having a blast at the water park, or who is going to what rave - all you'll want is to be home alone.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): King of Swords
You'll be in your power this month, Scorpio. On top of the game - no matter what the game is, and in top form. This king means business and during August you'll be looking at some slick moves and a few precise strikes.
You don't have time for people's feelings or the recitations of their woes; you, too, like the king - are all business, and when it comes to work, you are a true savage. You will fight for what you believe is yours, and you will accomplish everything you set out to do.
What is noticeable - and perhaps a little terrifying - is how little you care for those around you. You will step on someone's neck if it gives you a better view of what you wish to see, and honestly, that's not going to make you very likable. The good news? You don't care if you're liked, loved, hated or made into a tuna sandwich...power is power, and you like the sound of that.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Seven of Pentacles, reversed
Similar to your friend, Gemini, above, you, too, will be dealing with matters of health. What's up is this, Sagittarius: you keep saying you're going to 'stop' these bad habits of yours, and what do you do? You keep on doing the wrong thing by yourself, health-wise.
As a Sagittarius, you tend to think of yourself as invulnerable - not subject to the pitfalls of other mere mortals. Here's where your wake-up call comes in, and it's called August, 2021. This is the month where all of your overindulgences suddenly seem... less than fun.
Your choices are no longer working for you, even though you stick to the same bad-choice path. What do you need in order to see things clearly? This Seven, reversed, is about overdoing it - over-eating, over-drinking; it's about excess and the lack of balance. Try to spend some of August hashing out a new plan of action - your health and well being require a change.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Three of Swords
August is going to present you with a challenge: Who's it going to be? While that may seem vague, "Who's it going to be" is at the core of all your wonderings, because you know who you want it to be - you, of course.
This may be work-related, but it has far reaching value as a warning, and it speaks of obsession and distraction, as well. In other words, something is going to consume your thoughts this month, Capricorn, and the end result has someone - you, or someone else - in line for a promotion or a pay raise.
It can be no one other than you, in your mind. Still, there's always room for overthinking and worry, and you'll be spending ample amounts of time doing just that. This card here shows you that the competition is on, it's fierce, and you had better be on your game this month or you're going to blow it.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Queen of Cups, reversed
It's going to be a month of love - and a little heartache, for you, Aquarius. No, no one's going to break your heart, but you might feel rejected or forgotten during the latter weeks of August. This could look like you giving loving advice to a personal friend, who goes off and does just the opposite of what you've advised.
It could also manifest as someone in your family not taking your side in an argument. The love is there, but the respect is not, and that is something that could hurt you if you spend too much time dwelling on it.
You are a champion of love, Aquarius, and you do your very best to be nice to people, so it's to be expected that when they don't return the favor, it hurts you. Keep in mind, everyone lives in their own world, and nothing is really personal. You are royalty when it comes to love - don't let the haters get you down.
Pisces (February 19 - March 10): Two of Swords, reversed
You may have bit off more than you can chew, this month, Pisces. What we're looking at here is busy-ness. Nonstop action. You will be booked to Kingdom Come throughout the month, and it will start to feel oppressive after a while.
Between family issues and social gatherings during the month, you'll be heavily craving a vacation. Not this month - no vacay for you! This is the month where you are involved in...everything. Did you want that? Yes, you did.
Did you sign on for this kind of super crazy scheduling? Yeppers, you sure did. Will you take the hint and create less havoc next time you plan ahead? Absolutely, and learning this lesson will be the highlight of the month.
You believe that things like popularity, social meetups, partying and resting very little is what makes you successful - or at least you did. August has the ability to change your point of view on socializing. Don't overbook yourself, Pisces. You're only one person.
Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
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