Daily One Card Tarot Reading For All Zodiac Signs, April 23, 2021

Your daily one card tarot reading for all zodiac signs is here for Friday, April 23, 2021, with a prediction using numerology and astrology while the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is in Virgo. Friday is a Life Path Number 5, the Freedom Seeker.
This is your time to break free from all that you've got going on and to have fun before the weekend starts.
The Moon in Virgo points us all to The Hermit tarot card, so if you plan to hang out close to home, make time for a little time for yourself.
Learn what your zodiac sign's daily tarot card reading has in store for you on Friday, April 23, 2021.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Tarot card: The Star
Trust yourself. When you have poured your heart and soul into something special, it's really and truly your baby.
So, don't look to others for affirmation or confirmation that you're headed in the right direction. You took your first step uncertain.
You might have to take each one that follows feeling the same level of doubt. Trust in your higher power, and believe that truth will guide the way.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune
Take chances. A chance has no guarantee, but that doesn't mean it's any less worthwhile taking.
You have seen miracles in the lives of others, but they had to do something that scared them. You'll have to do a scary thing, too.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Tarot card: Strength
Life can be hard, but that's why your heart is a resilient place to hide.
In those moments where you're ready to throw in the towel, dip into your hiding place that's nestled inside of your chest.
The core of who you are will help to strengthen you. You have lots of good things that you bring to the world.
Hang on to what you know you provide, even if you're tired and not sure you can go on another minute.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Tarot card: The Hierophant, reversed
Rules are there to protect you, but someone needs to start the process of change if they are no longer useful or helpful.
This will demand that you understand why you feel this way and how your experience relates to what's happening to others.
You may be their advocate, and so you'll want to know which arguments will come up and prepare to fight the system for the cause you believe in.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Tarot card: The High Priestess, reversed
There's a time to follow and a time to lead. You may be standing at a crossroads wondering if you ought to pass the baton to someone else.
If your instincts are telling you that you've outgrown this place, then maybe you are holding someone back from their joy, and you're also keeping yourself from experience a new adventure that's perfect for you now but that you weren't ready for in the past.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Tarot card: The Chariot, reversed
Should you hang on or let go?
Releasing someone to their own vices can make you feel like you gave up too soon, but if you're drowning, and they are drowning, why would you want to go down together?
Your decision to move on can be their wake-up call. You might not feel that way right now, but
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Tarot card: Two of Swords
Decision-making is notably not your strongest attribute, so you may be wrestling back and forth a bit until you come to that jumping point.
You might find yourself needing to sit quietly for a bit to think your options through.
Unless this choice is urgent, don't let the timing of when to bother you as much as how or why you want to take a certain direction.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Tarot card: Three of Wands
Creativity is so personal. You have such wonderful ideas. You don't want to stifle your creative growth by trying hard to be perfect.
You can do something a little bit at a time and see what direction your creative project takes.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Tarot card: Five of Swords
You aren't a stranger to changes, but you are also not always willing to push it. There are reasons why you may be hesitant to jump the boat at your job right now.
You aren't necessarily ready to really take the leap of faith yet. So, as you emotionally prepare yourself to be the catalyst of new things take a deep breath. This won't be easy but it will be worth it once it is done.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Tarot card: Two of Pentacles
So, you've got a ton of new responsibilities that you're trying to juggle, and it's super busy these days. There are lots of things to catch up on.
Work truly is important, but so are you. Tend to your inner garden as much as you do the outer world's. You deserve some downtime to rest and unwind.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Tarot card: The Magician
With so many options for you to try, which skill do you feel would be the best for you to use?
Do you think you need to take a moderate approach or be more assertive? A gentle hand might be what works the best.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Tarot card: Ace of Cups
You're in a great position. Your heart is wide open to love and the universe is receptive to your positive energy.
All you need now is to give yourself the gift of time.
Embrace the belief that anything can happen in the world when you believe in yourself and are willing to work hard for it.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.