Horoscope For Today, December 10, 2020
Make it an awesome day!

Your horoscope for today is here with a daily astrology forecast for each of the zodiac signs on December 10, 2020.
So many good things can happen for you on Thursday with the Sun and Moon in astrology.
The Moon starts the day in the zodiac sign of Libra, which brings our attention to friendships and the people we enjoy spending time with.
Libra is about balance.
So be sure that your day is both fun and productive.
If your birthday is today:
If December 10 is your birthday, you are a Sagittarius zodiac sign.
Famous people who share your birthday include writer Emily Dickinson and celebrity chef Bobby Flay.
You are so much fun to be around.
You are a good friend and a loyal partner.
People like getting to know you.
Even those who never meet you enjoy learning about your adventures.
Your best relationship matches include Aries, Gemini, and Aquarius zodiac signs.
Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Thursday, December 10, 2020.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of relationships, and so make this area of your life a priority.
Make your phone calls earlier in the day. Try to connect with people you need to speak with.
Have appointments or meetings to schedule, set to do them first thing.
Anticipate good things coming out of where you invested your time.
You may reap a benefit from an interaction by the time the Moon enters Scorpio, your shared resources sector in the evening.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of daily duties and health.
If you haven't already, set an intention for good practices that enhance your health and overall sense of wellbeing.
With the winter months here, it can be hard to priorities a fitness routine, but try to do it anyway.
Find an accountability partner, even if it's an app that you download on your cell phone.
When the Moon enters Scorpio, your sector of relationships and commitments, you will enjoy having support from others.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of creativity and romance.
You may be in the mood to do something sweet and kind for a person you love.
If you're in the mood for romance, plan your dinner date early with a friend or a partner. Don't be spontaneous, get a confirmation down.
The Moon enters Scorpio, your sector of daily duties and health, and it can disrupt your night.
You could easily become swept into work or a situation that was not how you wanted your evening to be spent.
So control it as much as you can by having a plan in place.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of home and family.
This is the perfect time to see where everyone is at emotionally or mentally when it comes to the holidays.
Check-in with friends and family and see where they are in the holiday planning stage. You may need to pivot and make changes.
The Moon enters Scorpio, your sector of creativity and romance.
Your partner may need some of your understanding and attention, as family dynamics (even the best of them) can be stressful on a mate. Be sensitive and a good listener.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of communication.
You have a window of time where you are open and receptive to the ideas and needs of others.
The daytime is perfect for connecting with friends and colleagues.
If you have to schedule a meeting, the morning may be a great time to get one in, but the afternoon is less so.
Family demands will be required of you in the evening once the Moon enters Scorpio, your sector of home and family.
Be intentional about your time with the people you love, especially those you live with.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of money and personal property.
This is a great time to balance a checkbook, pay bills, or to see what needs to be managed financially.
If you split bills with someone else, you may need to discuss what's fair, especially if you feel that you are giving too much or too little during this time.
The Moon enters Scorpio, your sector of communication, and short-term travel.
If you are planning to go out of town and need things to be taken care of while you are gone, this is the time to look for a pet sitter or a house sitter to water plants, bring in the mail and make sure everything remains OK while you're out.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of identity.
If you haven't gotten that haircut or things that you need to tend to personally, the day is still great for your me-time.
The Moon enters Scorpio, your money and personal property, so investing in your self or taking care of your living space is also a priority.
Focus on the aesthetics of your life: physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of karma and hidden things.
If you have something that you're looking for, this may be the time to start looking as it may unexpectedly manifest in the most unusual area.
When the Moon enters Scorpio, your sector identity, you may get a desire to reorganize your personal space and make things more structured and organized.
It can be hard for you to concentrate in cluttered environments where things are out of sorts this week.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of friendships.
This is a great time to connect with friends and catch up with your lives.
You will enjoy the banter and knowing how people in your life are doing.
The Moon enters Scorpio, your sector of karma and hidden things.
If you've been looking for a lost friend, try social media over the next few days. You may find who you are looking for by doing a search online or Facebook.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of career and social status.
This is a great time to ask for letters of recommendation or people to give you leads if you're looking to enter a new career field.
If you're happy with your current job, you might want to work within a team and build your reputation as a positive contributor to the workplace.
The Moon enters Scorpio, your sector of friendship and networking, again emphasizing that in many respects knowing the right people can be good for you.
So, keep working on building your network. When you meet someone, try to keep in touch in sincere ways.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of higher learning and personal philosophy. It's a great time for reading or listening to a book.
You can expand your knowledge about concepts or theories, especially if you're learning about history, philosophy, politics or pop culture.
The Moon enters Scorpio, your sector career and social status, and you never know whether or not what you learn today will become beneficial to you at your job.
Stay growing and don't allow your mind to become stagnant.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
The Moon starts the day in Libra, your house of shared resources. This is a great time for you to put your feelers out to the universe for something that you feel you need.
You may be pleasantly surprised by how things happen in a natural way. Someone may be there to help you unexpectedly.
The Moon enters Scorpio, your sector of higher learning. Faith and spiritual trust may be areas that you need to work on this week.
You may find this to be the most productive way to spend some of your energy and free time.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.