50 Quotes About Finding Your Passion When You're Not Quite Sure What To Do With Your Life

For anyone who needs a little motivation to find your passion.

50 Quotes About Finding Your Passion When You're Not Quite Sure What To Do With Your Life

No one ever said finding your passion is easy. Dedicating time to figuring out what makes you happy can be confusing and often frustrating. To figure out what to do with your life, you must first take the time to understand yourself.

Every day of our lives, we are exposed to new things that give us the chance to explore a potential passion. There are also hobbies and practices that people can become naturally attracted to based on their personality.


For example, someone who enjoys reading might enjoy writing a book. Or someone who is very detail-oriented might do better in medicine than someone who is naturally expressive (this person may lean more towards the arts).

With that being said, this does not mean that your personality completely dictates where you end up in life. People with many different personality traits can do things in life that contradict heir natural traits.

Despite this, to truly be happy you must find something that can resonate with how you feel deep inside.

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The main issue is that when someone feels uninterested or bored with their life, it can cause them to not put any effort towards themselves personally or professionally. Working at a job your hate or being in a loveless relationship can take a heavy toll on your self-esteem and discourage you're from your self-improvement journey. This is because when people are unhappy and feel like there’s nothing better, they will feel no need to work harder.

When you are passionate about something, you will work harder to become better at it because it satisfies your thirst for self- improvement.

There's no one way to find your passion. The truth is that everyone is so unique that you have to find your own path. It takes introspection to see who you are and what you are naturally fond of doing. Secondly, it takes time to explore your options and try your hand and many different things. You’ll never know what you truly enjoy without actually trying it out first.

Despite this, there will be times where you might second guess yourself and feel like your making a mistake or that you no longer enjoy it. This is normal and it is solved by taking the time to understand yourself every day. Everyone is dynamic and changes every day so it’s unrealistic to assume that you will always feel the same way about things.


Spend time to think about what interests you and ways to explore it. Joining a book club, taking an art class, or taking dancing lessons are all examples of this. Once you find what you are truly passionate about, you can begin t work hard at it and reach incredible milestones. You might not think much of the situation at first, but when you expose yourself to a new environment, you never know what you will find.

If you feel stuck in life, here are 50 quotes about finding your passion to inspire you.

1. “A passion for one's work makes life happier and work no longer work.” — Catherine Pulsifer

2. "Serve someone such as by charity and if not money simply by helping people in pursuing their passion or motivating them." — Lisa Adams

3. "My meaning simply is, that whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do well; that whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to completely; that in great aims and in small, I have always been thoroughly in earnest." — Charles Dickens


4. "Passion is of the nature of seed, and finds nourishment within, tending to a predominance which determines all currents towards itself, and makes the whole life it's tributary." — George Eliot

5. "If you are not passionate in what you do, or cannot find it with you to be passionate about your current job, either change your attitude or change your job." — Byron Pulsifer

6. "Perhaps because of pressure from parents or school, or from society, many people go through life doing work that they hate, and denying them the opportunity to develop their true talents and strengths and passions." — Joshua Osenga

7. "When you feel passionate about your work, there is no great difference between the way you feel on Monday morning and the way you feel on Saturday morning." — Larry Smith


8. "Look. You can’t plan out your life. What you have to do is first discover your passion — what you really care about." — Barack Obama

9. "The passion of artists throughout history have blanketed the globe through generations and thousands of years." — Bob Arrigo

10. "When we embrace minimalism, we are immediately freed to pursue our greatest passions. And for some of us, it’s been a long time since we’ve had access to the resources required to chase our hearts’ greatest delights — however we define those delights. — Joshua Becker

11. "If you have a dream there is a chance to turn it into reality with a good plan of action and when coupled with a burning passion, there is hope that it will turn out." — Catherine Pulsifer


12. "By chasing our passion, not our pension, we all can receive the gift that comes from knowing that all life - present and future - has been nurtured by our individual contributions." — Denis Waitley

13. "Enthusiasm or passion means throwing ourselves into a relationship, goal, dream, or activity. It means casting aside worries or distractions and embracing instead the delights of the moment or the hope of success." — Folorunsho Mejabi

14. "Passion gives you the motivation to keep trying, even if you fail time after time." — David A. Hunter


15. "Planning to retire? Before you do find your hidden passion, do the thing that you have always wanted to do." — Catherine Pulsifer

16. "Ford is one of the best examples of someone who created something out of nothing. He had little to no education, and held nothing but a passion for machinery at a young age, which he pursued throughout his entire lifetime." — Michael Winicott

17. Having a passionate interest in something burns our heart and ignites the fire and makes us concentrate on what we love, curiously learn more about it and persistently follow our desires and create a productive impression out of it. Pantea Kalhor, Rules of Change For the Better

18. "Life is going to give you just what you put in it. Put your whole heart in everything you do, and pray, then you can wait." — Maya Angelou


19. "Ditch the dream and be a doer, not a dreamer, whether or not you know what your 'passion' might be. The truth is, it doesn't matter. You don't have to know. You just have to keep moving forward. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, staying open to trying something new." — Shonda Rhimes

20. "Let your love be your guide. Let your courage be your driver, and let your passion be your road to enjoy this magnificent life to the fullest." — Debasish Mridha

21. "Making sure our goals are properly aligned with our passions only makes sense." — Josh Hinds

22. "And, like everything we do not have a passion for, it is very easy to give up when it becomes too much work. Work without passion is work rather not done. Byron Pulsifer


23. "Passion and perseverance, it turns out, matter more than talent or intelligence when it comes to being successful." — Linda Kaplan Thaler

24. "If the sole reason you want to follow your passion is to become rich and famous, then it is not about your passion but about the later two." — K. Elizabeth

25. "People who know what their passion is and actively engage in pursuing that passion lead more fulfilling lives." — Dennis Houchin

RELATED: 7 Steps To Finding (Or Creating) A Career You’re Passionate About

26. "So try to pursue the very things that you are passionate about- that is the difference between good and great!"— Shawn Doyle

27. "All you need is passion. If you have a passion for something, you'll create the talent." — Yanni


28. "I do believe that such a life can only be found by living one's true passion." — Tony Robbins

29. "Avoid engaging in 'what if' thinking and lead a life where passion for what you do is real, and where 'someday' is never thought of or spoken about." — Byron Pulsifer

30. "Meanwhile the desire to express myself grew. The few signs I used became less and less adequate, and my failures to make myself understood were invariably followed by outbursts of passion." — Helen Keller


31. "Passion serves its purpose to help give a person motivation to learn the necessary skills and overcome the hardships they're going to face." — Derek C. Doepker

32. "I believe that we each have a set of skills, interests, and passions that give us clues to our true life purpose - the one that we were put here to do." — Linda Chaousis Thurston

33. "You have to have a passion for your work. How can we expect people to be passionate if you, as their coach, does not have a passion?" — Byron and Catherine Pulsifer

34. "We can find passion in what we do but it cannot be found in what you detest doing." — Byron Pulsifer

35. "We are all capable if we have faith and passion." — Yanni


36. "Passion that is so deep within that all we need to do is release the passion inside so that we become energized with a newness that all will want to share in." — M. Lee

37. "Life starts when you find a passion and begin writing down a plan to obtain your dreams." — Grommit Howard

38. "The truth is that the people who are the most successful and focused in their lives are generally doing something they are passionate about." — Justin Byers


39. "It is simply because changing anybody's habits is a true struggle in the first place, even if it is something that they want to do. When you try to do something that you are not passionate about, this makes the process almost impossible to accomplish." — Michael Lombardi

40. "Passion gives us the strength to make the impossible possible. It gives us the courage to face our worst fears. It gives us the determination to press forward in spite of innumerable failures." — Maya Angelou

41. "These are the signs of someone who lacks passion for life. Life has become a monotonous, droning chore that they get no joy out of any longer. Who would want to live like this day in and day out?" — Tamara Rasheed

42. "...by having gratitude you held the key to happiness. It's known as the most passionate force in the universe. It's been referred to as "the secret of life" and "the key to open all doors". — Lainey Garretson


43. "Live authentically and passionately — let these things show. They can be contagious. — Christian Motley

44. "Not every day will be perfect but the majority of your days should be filled with so much passion for your work you forget it is actually work." — Sandra Leon

45. "The only thing you have control over is your life and your choices. Are you doing what you're passionate about?" — Joe Gaebel

46. "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." — Albert Einstein


47. "An athlete is a normal person with the gift of an undying passion to be the best and achieve greatness." — Amanda Ring

48. "Your parents were your first fans and they are probably still your biggest supporters. Their encouragement and passion for your success will likely be instrumental along your journey toward greatness." — Darrin Wiggins

49. "The power of persistence in one person is truly effective but when combined with the efforts of others, the intensity of your perseverance can become even stronger. Seek the help of those who share the same passion or goals as you do." — Thelma Barnes

50. “If you feel like there’s something out there that you’re supposed to be doing, if you have a passion for it, then stop wishing and just do it.” — Wanda Sykes


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Maatie Kalokoh is a writer who covers astrology, spirituality, love and relationship topics.