Where & How To Get Birth Control During A Pandemic

Birth control is essential healthcare, too!

Where & How To Get Birth Control During A Pandemic getty

Quarantined couples are finding themselves with a lot more free time and might just be making use of one particular bedroom activity to occupy it. You catch my drift?

This has sparked a lot of conversation about relationships and sex during coronavirus. Nothing makes me think “Yikes” more than the chat about whether or not coronavirus will produce a baby boom in 9 months.

If the assumption is that this pandemic will cause us to through all of our family planning concerns out the window, I have to politely disagree. I don’t know about you, but nothing about spending endless hours quarantining with a partner would make me think about starting a family.


In light of this, I’m here to give you a friendly reminder that you still have options.

Where and how can you get birth control during the pandemic?

RELATED: A Guide To The Best Birth Control For Every Type Of Woman

Birth control is a necessary form of healthcare, no matter your political stance. You don’t have to think twice about whether or not you should contact a health professional with your queries.


With many women wondering how to get birth control, especially now that many local doctors offices have closed, there are resources available.

Many PlannedParenthoods are operating during this time, and you can use their website to find your local center should you require any of their services. Also, in case you didn’t already know, many pharmacies such as CVS will deliver prescriptions straight to your door.

The good news is that accessing birth control is easy and safe to do during this time. 

If you’re unsure of how to go about getting contraception, here are your birth control options and how to access them during the coronavirus pandemic.


Birth Control Pill, Patch or Ring

If you use any of these methods for contraception or are looking to start one of them, the same rules apply for all three.

Each of these barrier methods releases hormones that will prevent pregnancy and are so straightforward to use that they are among the most popular birth control options.

If your prescription is set to expire, it should be pretty clear for your doctor or nurse to refill it and send it straight to your local drugstore without you having to go to an appointment. You can even ask for an extra 1-3 month's supply to stock up so you don’t have to frequent a pharmacy. 

RELATED: How Antibiotics & Grapefruit Affect Your Birth Control, Plus 5 Other Things To Know When Using Hormonal Contraception


Birth Control Shot

This shot injects the hormone progestin into your body, which prevents ovulation. The shots last for about 12-13 weeks, and after this time you must get another shot from your doctor or nurse.

Make sure to call your healthcare provider to schedule this shot, as most routine procedures like this will still be carried out despite the pandemic. Lots of pharmacies, PlannedParenthood centers, and walk-in clinic can also administer these shots if your doctor is too far away.

You may even be able to get a supply of shots that you can use at-home, so ask your doctor about your options. 

Birth Control Implant or IUD

These are great get-it-and-forget-it methods, but you need to be extra careful if your IUD or implant is expiring soon. Quick trips to the doctor are not as easy these days.


The IUD is inserted into the uterus, and the implant releases hormones that prevent pregnancy through a bar in your arm. They last for several years depending on which brand and method you choose, and recent studies show that they may last longer than what your doctor originally told you.

Call the doctor who placed your implant/IUD if you think it's due to expire. They will make any necessary arrangements to give you a replacement or alternative.

RELATED: How To Get Your Favorite Type Of Birth Control Online (Yes, Really)

The Morning-After Pill

If you’ve had unprotected sex and aren;t using any birth control method (or if it has expired), you can still access emergency contraception. Pharmacies are still open and ready for your request.


If you don’t feel comfortable leaving the house, many will even allow you to order it online, so you may not have to speak to anyone. Just make sure the pill will be delivered to you in time for it to be effective — usually, they can work for up 72 hours after intercourse. 

New Contraception Requests

If you have never or aren't currently using any birth control methods, you may find yourself wanting to access a prescribed barrier method.


Your doctor should be able to call or video chat with you to discuss your options and find a method that's best suited to your needs. Where possible, they will send a prescription to your local drugstore or send you a birth control method directly.

If your chosen method isn't accessible at this time (new implants and IUDs are difficult to access), they will suggest an effective alternative until it's safe to start your chosen method.

Remember that doctors are still just a call away and are ready to answer your queries about any health issues, not just those related to the pandemic.

As an extra precaution, make sure you and your partner are well-stocked on condoms so you have protection in case your birth control expires. You can easily order condoms online or pick them up from a drugstore, gas station, or grocery store.


And, as a bonus, these will prevent STIs whereas birth control does not.

RELATED: The Best Birth Control For Controlling Your Menstrual Cycle

Alice Kelly is a writer with a passion for lifestyle, entertainment, and trending topics.