What Men Want — And How Women Can Benefit
How men and women can mutually satisfy each other.

What men crave most from women might surprise you. Many women think that men just want to be intimate, and yes, some do. But there's a deeper aspect to this longing. So what do men want in a relationship? The truth is that men's and women's needs are very different. But if both men and women can work together to satisfy this craving, then we can make this a more harmonious and pleasurable world.
There won’t be a big divide between genders. You’ll find a place to meet in the middle, and everyone — including your community — will benefit. You see, I imagine a world where men are our gatekeepers. They are benevolent protectors and hold space for women to claim true sensual divinity. Sounds kind of idealistic, but that’s my dream. So, what do men want? What do they crave, and how can women benefit when this craving is satisfied?
Men are often believed to be selfish lovers, and this happens for a reason. This world has been patriarchal for over the last 2,000 years. The white male has been the dominant authority. The structures and systems in our society have been based on a white man’s point of view, and mainly have only considered his needs.
With the advent of the coronavirus, the lockdown, and the literal collapse of society, you're witnessing the ending of this male-dominated era. Things are changing. Structures are changing. Relationships are changing. The (now old) patriarchy affected intimate relationships.
Men have been catered to. Men’s intimate needs are much more physical, whereas a woman’s intimate response system is more emotional and sensual. Yes, these are generalities, but because of the way males and females have been socialized, this isn't far from the truth. But that's changing. Men have been selfish lovers.
Adult videos are rampant on the internet, and intimacy and the selling of intimacy is a big industry. Women selling their bodies is one of the oldest professions. There's also a double standard in society and culture saying it’s okay for men to be promiscuous, but a woman is considered a wanton if she sleeps around. A woman expressing her sensuality must show restraint.
That's an unspoken societal rule. And intimate duty is a common plight of women. So, women get stuck satisfying their man, and the couple's intimate relationship becomes nothing more than satisfying him. But what a man craves is more than just a dutiful wife. He goes to bed at night, starts pawing on his wife, and they engage in intimacy. He gets it over pretty quickly with a few slobbery kisses, rolls over, and falls asleep.
Maybe she gets up and cleans herself up. And then she finds she can’t fall asleep that easily because something in her was awakened, but she has no idea what it is. She’s not connected to her body or her divine feminine essence. She thinks she must be a good wife. And taking care of him in this way is what she believes she is supposed to do. Day after day, night after night the couple becomes disconnected. Their intimacy doesn’t have any depth and both of them are dissatisfied. Both of them are longing for something more.
What is this "something more" both genders long for? What men crave is a woman who is open, loving, and uninhibited intimately. This is often a painfully unmet need. A woman, however, desires to express the soulful and sensual side of her heart. She wants to be touched fully, deeply, and slowly. Not just intimately, but over her whole body; her whole being. Men crave a woman who's connected to her body and her divine feminine essence. He may not even know that’s what he’s craving.
What men crave is your feminine radiance. Whether a woman is outwardly drop-dead gorgeous or not, it’s a woman’s divine aura they want. When a man pleasures a woman and knows how to awaken her desires, both genders benefit. When a woman is in a state of authentic pleasure, her aura expands. This is a blessing for her man. He benefits from the bath of divine radiance she emits.
A wise man told me once, “The sole purpose of a man is to penetrate a woman in such a way as to awaken her full human potential.” Women need men who have wands of light instead of swords. You need these wands of light to penetrate you in a way that empowers you. Is that happening? Not enough. There’s a lot of intimacy programming that needs to be looked at and healed. And when both genders do, they'll all benefit. Men and women can become each other’s healers instead of each other's wounds in a relationship.
Anna-Thea is an author and certified divine Feminine educator who educates people on how to claim their power lovingly.