5 Easy Organization Tips To Add Structure To Your Day
Do your days blend one into the other?

Are you feeling out of sorts? You know... sort of blah? Well, you've probably already realized that you are not alone. Many of us are feeling that way right now.
One day sort of blends into the next. There is not a whole lot to distinguish one day from another.
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is causing a change in our daily lives, which can affect our mental health.
My cousin gave me this analogy: It is like having continual snow days without the snow.
Another friend said it is like New Year's Day every day because there is no traffic and most stores are closed. I thought that was a very fitting remark.
Luckily, there are 5 easy organization tips that have helped me — and can help you — overcome the feeling of being out of sorts and add structure to your day.
1. Make your bed.
Set your alarm, get up, and get moving. Recently, I read a fabulous little book called "Make Your Bed" by Admiral William H. McRaven. He asserts that when you start your day by making your bed, you have accomplished one task.
Even if this is the only task you accomplish in the day, you have at least done that. (The book is a quick read and full of great stories illustrating important life lessons.)
I am a big advocate of making your bed. Your room will look more organized, and if you are feeling out of sorts, accomplishing this task will add a bright spot to your day.
Teach your children to make their beds and make sure to add that chore to their morning routine. Before you know it, making their bed will become a habit.
Note to parents: Please don't go back in and fix the bed so that it looks perfect. Teach your children how, and then let them keep trying. It will undermine their self-confidence if you perfect your child’s effort.
2. Get dressed.
Do not give in to the urge to wear your pajamas all day. I know they are comfy and we are all looking for comfort.
However, add structure to your day by getting dressed. Changing out of your pajamas and into clothes signals that your day is starting.
Help yourself feel less out of sorts by putting together a nice outfit. Admire yourself in the mirror. That should put a smile on your face.
Did you know there are health benefits related to smiling?
3. Organize your day.
Create a plan of things to do during the day. Get your day organized by deciding what to do in the morning and in the afternoon. Make your plan the night before.
The days blend when there is nothing that sets them apart. This is what contributes to feeling out of sorts — at least, for me.
Making a plan for the day adds structure or a framework to the day. You can help yourself distinguish between the days of the week by assigning a specific household chore to each day.
For example, Monday could be laundry day, Tuesday clean the kitchen day, and so on. Then, when you wake, you can say to yourself, "Today is Monday. That means I am doing laundry today." You now have something on which to focus.
If you are working from home and have children at home, help them help you by giving them small tasks. If you are doing laundry — and they are old enough — they can transfer the laundry from the washer to the dryer.
They can also fold, sort socks, and help put laundry away. The more you engage your children in doing household chores, the more they will become accustomed to doing them. Doing chores is an important life skill.
4. Schedule breaks.
Take regular breaks. Two hours of work and a 30-minute break or something like that works for me.
Remember to schedule in some form of exercise. Gyms may be closed, but there are all kinds of free exercise programs online and on TV right now. Exercise is a great way to chase away the feeling of being out of sorts.
I have two dogs, so my daily exercise is walking Miles and Josie. We walk every morning after breakfast and often in the afternoon, also.
I like to walk around the neighborhood and when I spot other people out on their own walks, I wave a friendly greeting all the while maintaining a physical distance.
5. Make future plans.
I've been thinking a bit about making plans. This is way out of all of our control because none of us knows when stores, restaurants, movies, museums, and theatres will be once again available.
However, I like to dream. When I am feeling really out of sorts, I add items to my list of things I want to do. It is sort of a bucket list of things I plan to do.
Are you making a similar list?
I have my fingers and toes crossed with the hope that we will begin to see signs that a new normal is coming our way.
Diane N. Quintana is a Certified Professional Organizer®, Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization®, Master Trainer and owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC based in Atlanta, Georgia. Diane teaches busy people how to become organized and provides them with strategies and solutions for maintaining order in their lives. She specializes in residential and home-office organizing and in working with people affected by ADD, Hoarding, and chronic disorganization.