What The Valentine's Day Uranus-Chiron Semi-Sextile Means For Your Zodiac Sign's Love Life Until 2021
Healing changes both you and how you love.

Maybe it’s not the chocolates and flowers you had hoped for this Valentine's Day, but as our zodiac signs experience Uranus semi-sextile Chiron on February 14th, we’re given a deeper chance to heal and grow.
In astrology, Uranus is the planet of sudden and unexpected change. But what is Chiron? Chiron is the minor planet and comet, which is known as the wounded healer.
These two have been within each other’s grasp since 2008 and will complete their dance in 2021. This means we are at the tail end of all we’ve had to go through the last few years.
The world wasn’t ready to learn about Chiron and Uranus’ dance until now because part of this evolution of these two is that astrology is now a more widely accepted and valued spiritual practice. This isn’t just sun signs, but looking to the stars so we can be guided here on earth.
As a collective, we’ve come far since the days of 2008. Think back to your own life at that point and take a moment to remember what made up the story of your life.
Reflection is the key to awareness. With astrology, we are asked to pause and reflect so we can get hints about what we should expect to encounter this time around. For many, 2008 seems like another lifetime ago, but it was just about 12 years and had so many lessons.
This is partially why, even though it’s fun to celebrate a new decade and era, we still must remember that we can’t erase the past. That's because there are often congruent timelines occurring all at once within our lives.
Love is the theme for February, thanks to Venus, Pisces and the Mercury retrograde. Perhaps you had the same partner then as you do now, and if that’s the case, congratulations! But for the rest of us, let’s think about how our ideals, expectations, needs and even romantic situation has grown and changed since 2008.
While we are all different since 2008, we will have similar themes along the lines of personal growth, worthiness, and healing of our karma and ancestral cycles.
That’s a lot to think about this Valentine’s Day, and while it may not sound romantic, here’s why it is. There aren't many of us out there who really care more about Valentine’s Day than having that loving, beautiful relationship on a regular Tuesday. We understand it’s just a holiday, and because of that we’re focused on the long-term, how we feel about someone, whether we align or not, and if we have similar beliefs.
Yet to be aware of that requires work, growth and healing. This is what we’ve come to realize the past 12 years: personal accountability and growth is the sexiest thing we see in a potential partner.
Sure, perhaps he has a good job and his eyes or build are a bonus, but as women, we are so over just wanting a boyfriend or provider. Instead, we are looking for that warrior to move through life with, someone who gets us, understands us and pushes us to do better, just as we would do for them.
This is part of Uranus and Chiron, because while we thought they were only changing our status, it turns out they were really changing us.
Uranus is the planet that creates sudden and unexpected change, and the past 12 years has certainly had its fair share of just that. But last year, this planet moved into Taurus for a new seven-year cycle, which means we’re getting less of the explosive surprises and more of the beautiful grounded ones.
But Chiron has switched signs too; no longer in fellow wounded Pisces, this minor planet is now in Aries, and has done a lot of the work and healing that he came into this life ready to complete. This is about us accomplishing the soul contracts we came into this life with, which means once we’ve grown into a better version of ourselves, we learn how to love better.
This is what makes this Valentine’s Day so special. We’re not just saying we love someone, and we’re not just being sweet because it’s February 14th; we’ve grown into the people who know how to fully love.
Heading into Valentine’s Day, we’re in the pre-shadow energy of Mercury’s first retrograde of the year, so expect that feelings or someone from the past will be coming around; it may even be revisiting a situation you thought was done and over with. We’re seeing a lot of energy associated with big change and truth when it comes to our lives, specifically our romantic relationships, thanks to Venus, Uranus and Pluto.
We all might be realizing that just because we had everything figured out in the beginning of the year, it doesn’t mean we’re immune to change or to life going differently than we had planned. So far, 2020 has taught us that it’s not so much about what we want, but what we need.
And while we have an idea of what that is, until we’re healed — and our inner child is no longer crying out for love, and until our abandonment wound isn’t expecting to be let down, and until we’re feeling worthy and able to validate ourselves — we don’t know what those needs truly are, or if they’re based in our wounding or healing.
Valentine’s Day is the start of an entirely new chapter for every zodiac sign — not just in our lives, but in our relationships.
When we feel empowered, it's not just to make any remaining changes, but to own the idea that who we are now is no longer who we were. Because of everything we’ve gone through, what we need has changed — and so has our idea of love.
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.