Why 2020 Is The Best Year Ever For All Capricorn Zodiac Signs

2020 will be a good year for all Capricon zodiac signs, people born between the dates December 22nd and January 20th, according to astrology.
If you are a Capricorn zodiac sign then you most likely have an ambitious personality, and you are hard-working with an ability to withstand more than any other zodiac sign.
What does 2020 have in store for your horoscope if you are a Capricorn zodiac sign?
Much of what takes place in a positive sense is due to the current placement of your ruling planet Saturn.
Your ruling planet, Saturn takes 29.5 years to travel around the Sun. So, if you were born about 30 years ago, you could be experiencing your first Saturn return or you may be about to.
Saturn is in the sign of its dignity since 2017, and even though this slow-moving planet tends to take only 2.5 years to transit a single zodiac sign, retrograde season allowed Saturn to be in Capricorn longer than it had for some time.
You are still in the midst of a personal transformation that began when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. Saturn entered Capricorn in late 2017.
Your tendency to work harder, longer, and with more passion than most can be due to the fact that you're ruled by Saturn, and while it's conjunct with Pluto there can be changes taking place in your life, according to your own natal chart.
Then Jupiter entered for a rare triple conjunction this past December. If you can balance the energy of these three planets, you will learn new wisdom and life lessons that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Now, that this planet is preparing to conjunct with Pluto perfectly at 23 degrees, and then the Sun the following day, and later on Jupiter in Capricorn, things in your life are preparing to improve.
Your life may never be the same and it can all be for the better. It's time to get to work and live your life the way it was meant to be lived because you have earned it through your own sweat and determination.
Here are your annual horoscope predictions + why 2020 will be the best year for all Capricorn zodiac signs, per astrology with a monthly forecast.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for January 2020
Plan your schedule for 2020 while the Sun and other planets visit Capricorn. Mercury is in Capricorn until the 15th, the Sun until the 19th, while Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are there all month and beyond. All this planetary energy offers a rare chance to promote your personal interests. Make the most of this wonderful opportunity.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for February 2020
While Jupiter and Saturn are in Capricorn, you can make effective decisions about things that affect you as an individual. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th and continues in that direction until March 9th. Misunderstandings can occur at this time. When Venus enters Aries on the 7th, you can find enjoyment in your home.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for March 2020
One of the best times for romance in 2020 is when Venus passes through Taurus between the 4th and April 2nd. When Mercury goes direct again on the 9th, you can communicate more clearly. Expect a flood of new ideas when Mercury enters Pisces on the 16th. With Neptune also in Pisces, you might prefer a more spiritual connection to others around you.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for April 2020
A supervisor, parent, or judge might expect a lot from you on the 7th, during the Full Moon in Libra. During the long stay of Venus in Gemini between 3rd and August the 6th, you’ll enjoy your work and see your routine obligations. Mercury enters Aries on the 10th, a time when your attention will likely turn to home, family, and personal life.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for May 2020
Patience is called for this month, as four planets are retrograde. You might encounter delays or setbacks. The Sun and Mercury spend considerable time in Taurus. That should take the edge off any risky impulses. If you find your friends or business associates expect too much from you around the 7th, look to the Full Moon in Scorpio.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for June 2020
Retrograde planets continue to slow your progress this month. Avoid any social events, presentations, or interviews for the 5th and 21st, as eclipses can be unpredictable. As Mars moves deeper in Pisces, you might experience difficulties with neighbors or close relatives. With Sun in Gemini until the 19th and Venus there all month and beyond, work should be a satisfying experience.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for July 2020
Retrograde movement takes Saturn back into Capricorn on the 1st. Other people might feel uncomfortable with the new you that’s emerging from your personal transformation that began way back in 2008. The Lunar Eclipse on the 4th is liberating for you. While the Sun is in your solar seventh house until the 21st, make sure your significant other knows that you care
Capricorn monthly horoscope for August 2020
Intimate family matters and personal finances will likely have your attention for the first three weeks in August while the Sun crosses Leo. Mercury is also in Leo between the 4th and 18th. Be sure to respect the dignity of those around you. While Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn, you might feel a little shy. Just remember that you have many talents.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for September 2020
Expect delays and frustrations after Mars turns retrograde on the 9th. Life should ease up and improve a bit after Jupiter turns direct on the 12th. Your self-confidence should increase and you should be able to achieve important goals. As the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, you should be able to make progress in your profession.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for October 2020
Patience is required this month. Five planets are retrograde at times, which can slow your progress. A Full Moon on the 1st in Aries might signal the end to a romance or a creative project. The New Moon in Libra on the 16th can bring improvement to your domestic arrangements. Things could become intense, once the Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for November 2020
Visitors or relatives might be difficult during the first two weeks of the month when Mars is retrograde. Just remember, you don’t have to be the one to solve all their problems. This is also a time to focus on your own needs. It will be a fine time to review your priorities under the New Moon in Scorpio on the 15th.
Capricorn monthly horoscope for December 2020
Jupiter’s transit through Capricorn draws to a close. You’ll have 18 days to wrap up any project that is almost complete. When Mercury passes through Sagittarius between the 1st and 19th, you might find yourself feeling nostalgic over the past or people you knew long ago. As your birthday draws closer, your energy, enthusiasm, and self-esteem should increase.
Glenn "Mitch" Mitchell, Ph.D. is a writer and astrologer and with over 30 years experience helping people understand their natal chart.