Why A Vision Board May Be Exactly What Your Life Needs In 2020 (And 3 Steps To Create One)
Find out how a vision board really works!

When you make a vision board, you reprogram your subconscious mind and attract what you consciously want so you can live a life filled with happiness and success.
If you want to know how to live your best life, you need to know what you want — and use the Law of Attraction to get it.
And people attract experiences that match their subconscious beliefs.
We need to experience the world in a way that makes sense to our subconscious beliefs about how the world works. If we expect failure or disappointment, we will usually experience failure or disappointment.
Therefore, when we expect success or happiness, we will usually achieve it. But, if we firmly believe that we will not get a good job, we probably won’t.
Our beliefs are very strong and powerful and often match our life experiences.
If you find yourself not getting what you want, I encourage you to examine your real beliefs about what you deserve and are capable of having.
In working with my clients, I have yet to find that their actual beliefs were positive when things were not working out for them. Their beliefs most often turned out to be negative and filled with doubt and fear.
Once we discovered those negative beliefs and worked with them, my clients would notice positive changes in their life.
We often experience negative events because we feel we don’t deserve better. If you want to avoid negative experiences, it is essential to look at your life if it is not giving you what you want.
We can also experience adverse events when we doubt our abilities. Or, perhaps we fear that if we succeed, we might surpass the success of a parent, spouse, or sibling.
As a result, we might worry that the relationship will change.
I very much believe in using vision boards — they aren't just about pretty pictures. We can shape our thinking by visualizing what we want in our life.
I used to do them on New Year’s Eve or January 1st, so I was ready for the New Year. I have probably done about nine vision boards and can report that in every case, the pictures or sayings manifested into my life.
But, it isn’t just putting pictures up on a large board.
I also take negative beliefs and turn them around in a positive manner. For example, if I'm afraid to succeed, I'll put a new saying up on my board, such as, "I spread my wings and I soar!"
However, it doesn’t stop there. I need to work on my beliefs about why I am afraid to succeed. I need to be able to believe that I can succeed.
Therefore, I would first need to examine my beliefs that go into my fear of failure. I can ask myself questions like what negative things might happen if I go after what I really want to do.
Is it about being afraid of failing? If I "fail", does that mean I will never be successful at something?
Questions like these help me find and understand what might be in the way of getting what I truly want in life.
Now, on how to make a vision board, there are 3 steps you need to take and consider.
1. Figure out how to create a vision board
- The color of the board: The color of the board is significant. It begins to open up the subconscious mind to positive thoughts and possibilities. Look for a color that you feel drawn to or makes you feel good. The “right” color makes you happy.
- Size of the board: The size of the board is up to you. You can choose colored paper that is 8” by 10”. Or you can look for a poster board that is 2’ x 3’. Choose what feels right for you and what can hold the words and images you want to display.
- Images or pictures: Look for ages of what you want to see, experience, or feel when you have what you want. For example, if you are trying to draw a specific type of person to you as a mate, what qualities are they going to possess?
2. Figure out what goes on a vision board
- Happy pictures or images: You can pick a picture of someone happily dancing. Or someone who is in charge of other people and looks successful. Or perhaps you are looking for someone who will be a good father so you choose a picture of a loving father with his child.
- Choosing activities: You can include various activities you want to be doing — for example, dancing, or being in a new job that you will love. If you’re going to start a family, perhaps you will choose a picture of a mom with her child.
- Create sayings: If you want, you can select particular phrases that confirm those things you want to draw into your life. For example, "I am at my perfect weight for me!" Or "I am in a job that I love!" Here, you want to identify any doubts or negative beliefs that you currently have, and turn them around into positive statements.
3. Find the placement for the vision board
You can do a "virtual" board — some people do a vision board online. There is no right or wrong way to create a vision board.
As for where to place the vision board, I place them in my bedroom where I can easily see it. However, some people are more private and may choose to place the board somewhere others will not see it.
It is totally up to you. However, I recommend putting it where you can easily and often view it.
Remember, the subconscious mind is very concrete — it does not analyze and it does not question.
Your subconscious mind absorbs what you tell it. Be very mindful of your thinking and words, not just for the vision board, but always.
Author and Life Coach Tony Robbins talks about the importance of being aware of the words you say. For example, "Life is too hard."
You are absolutely programming your subconscious mind to look for proof of this belief. We usually find what we are looking for — good or bad — when it comes to our beliefs needing evidence.
We all want to know how to be happy in life and by learning how to create a vision board that attracts what we want, we set ourselves up for a lifetime of happiness and success.
There are many vision board ideas to try so if you want to learn more, you can check out the following sources:
- The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murray Ph.D., D.D.
- "Vision Board Ideas and How to Make Yours Better" by Jack Canfield
- Louise Hay’s Vision Board App
- Notes From a Friend by Tony Robbins (A great book!)
Susan Saint-Welch LMFT has counseled couples and individuals for many years on issues such as dating, marriage, family drama, coping with difficult times, improving self-image and living the life you love. She provides psychotherapy for clients in California and Couples and Life Coaching for clients outside California through secure video conferencing.