2020 Astrology Horoscope Predictions For The Zodiac Sign, Sagittarius
Happy birthday, Sagittarius!

Happy birthday to all Sagittarius zodiac signs!
Your sign is ruled by Jupiter, and you are one of the most dynamic mutable signs of the zodiac. In astrology, you are here to learn all you can about cultures, spirituality, and never be tied down to one thought without exploring all that it means.
For the next year, up until your birthday in 2020, finances, spending habits, and values are front and center of your life at the beginning this year.
If you use the combined energy of the planets in your horoscope wisely, you’ll know what matters most to your happiness by the time the year ends.
Here's what all Sagittarius signs, (Sun, Moon and rising) can expect for the month of December 2019.
Jupiter entered your money zone on the 2nd, where Saturn and Pluto are already present.
With the combined energy of these three planets, you have the chance to achieve something significant in 2020. The universe is giving you an opportunity to improve your finances, and that can give you the opportunity to brighten your future.
In 2020, things start to change dramatically, once Jupiter is no longer at a critical degree in Capricorn.
Here's what you can look forward to through each month of 2020.
You can relax at home with the Moon in peaceful Pisces and your solar 4th house at the start of the month. The first three weeks of the month are a great time to organize your finances with the Sun transiting through Capricorn. Mercury is in Capricorn until the 15th; Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are there all month. So make the best of this opportunity to refine your values.
With Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, it’s a good time to make practical decisions about your finances. When Venus enters Aries on the 7th, start doing things you love and express your creativity. You might also find yourself passionate about a new interest. Mercury turns retrograde on the 16th, so if you plan to travel, confirm all arrangements.
Conditions on the job might improve this month while Venus visits Taurus from March 4th through April 2nd. When Mercury turns direct on the 9th In Aquarius, you should be able to think and communicate more clearly. When Mercury enters Pisces on the 16th, your thoughts might turn towards home.
A friend or group might expect too much from you around the 7th, with the Full Moon in Libra. Venus begins a long stay in Gemini (April 3rd to August 6th), allowing you to work on relationships and enjoy pleasant activities with your loved ones. With Mars in Aquarius all month, you’ll be eager to get your points across. Be careful what you say or write.
Your patience might be tested as Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all spend time retrograde this month. You might encounter delays or setbacks. The Sun and Mercury spend time in Taurus, which should have a calming effect for you. When Jupiter turns retrograde on the 14th, you can expect little help from others. It’ll remain that way until mid-September.
Retrograde planets continue to slow your progress. As the month progressed and Mars moves deeper into Pisces, you can expect problems at home or with members of your family.
You need to protect yourself from unreasonable demands from people you care deeply about deeply. Venus spends the entire month in Gemini, so use the time to strengthen bonds with those you cherish.
Retrograde Saturn moves back into Capricorn on the 1st. This means your financial abilities might be severely tested. Try to cut your spending and organize your accounts. The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 5th suggests possible changes in your income or the value of your assets for the coming six months.
Try to relax and enjoy yourself during the first three weeks of the month when Sun is in Leo. Mercury is also in Leo between the 4th and the 18th, a time when your creativity should be running high. Money might be an issue, as Saturn is retrograde in your solar house of money. Instead of costly activities, try and appreciate the simpler pleasures of life.
Full Moon in Pisces on the 2nd should provide you with the energy to perform your responsibilities. Expect a supervisor might be moody at this time. Activities you enjoyed, might feel more like work when Mars turns retrograde on the 9th. The situation might improve once Jupiter turns direct on the 12th.
You need to exercise patience this month. Four planets will be retrograde for at least part of the month. Expect delays and setbacks. The Full Moon on the 1st in Aries suggests that a long-term relationship might experience difficulty. The New Moon in Libra on the 16th will bring the possibility of meeting someone new who will become a friend.
You might feel low on energy the first two weeks of the month while Mars is still retrograde. It’s a good time to slow down and gather strength. You might find yourself thinking about the past or people you knew long ago when Mercury enters Scorpio on the 10th. Don’t waste time trying to change things that can’t be altered.
Glenn "Mitch" Mitchell, Ph.D.is an astrologer and writer with his book, "The Bigger Bells: A Guide to Rapid Astrology Synthesis." coming out in 2020.