Infamous Ex-JetBlue Flight Attendant Steven Slater Missing In Mexico
He's baaaack!

Thanks to the internet, many more people are getting their shot at fame, so much so it would make Andy Warhol proud! But once these viral stars have enjoyed their moment in the sun, they vanish from memory. But this doesn't mean they simply stop existing. Take, for example, Steven Slater. Who is Steven Slater? Why, he's the infamous former JetBlue flight attendant who swore out all of the people on his flight, activated the emergency slide and peaced out. Now, he's living a quiet life, having recently moved to Tijuana, Mexico. But now, his friends are getting worried because they haven't heard from him in days.
1. Remember Steven Slater?
Does the name Steven Slater ring any bells for you guys? Well, it should. Way on back now in 2010, Steven Slater was the man of the moment, considered by many to be an authentic American folk hero after he, then a flight attendant working for JetBlue, gave a swear-laden monologue over the intercom and then, he lived out the ultimate "bye bye now" fantasy and deployed the emergency slide and made a dramatic exit from the flight he was working. Hopefully, that jogged your memory. Well, he's back in the news these days but for a reason much more sinister in nature: according to TMZ, Steven Slater is missing in Mexico.
2. The Developing Story
The story is still developing, but there are some things we know so far thanks to the hardworking reporters focused on the story. According to sources in the know, Slater was first reported missing on Tuesday morning in Tijuana. His friends went public with his disappearance and begged for the public's help in locating the man who was at the center of a media firestorm almost 10 full years ago. According to the police, Slater's friends revealed that they had been trying to get in touch with the man since Sunday, but to no avail.
3. His Plans For Sunday
On Sunday, the last day that Slater was heard from by any of his friends, Steven Slater shared a post on Facebook about his plans for that day. According to his friends, he planned on venturing out into Tijuana to go and visit a prominent local monument, but after that post, no one who knows Steven can report having spoken to him or having seen him. Steven had moved to Tijuana permanently just about a week before he went missing, and the American police and the Mexican authorities have been both alerted about the minor celebrity's suddenly vanishing.
4. The Viral Flight
It's eerie that Steven Slater would be in the news yet again, and now as the subject of a disappearance rather than as the frustrated flight attendant at the end of his rope. To give you some more details about the infamous incident that made Slater a bit of a viral icon, it was nine years ago and he got into a serious argument with a passenger traveling on a local domestic flight from Pittsburgh to New York City. Slater's fame was solidified when he opened the side of the jet, activated the emergency exit chute, grabbed a rack of beers and slid his way down and out the drama.
5. Background To His Breakdown
After Steven Slater's infamous "I've had it" moment went viral, more and more details were offered about the circumstances behind his zany antics. Apparently what set Slater off was as follows: A passenger stood when the plane was taxiing and made a move to the aisle. Slater told her to return to her seat and put her seatbelt back on. She refused and continued making moves to get her luggage from the overhead compartment. He begged her to sit down, she refused and hit him! He demanded an apology, and she refused to give it. That's when Steven Slater decided that he was dooooone.
6. Hopes For The Future
According to many of the people who were on the plane, what happened next was absolutely legendary. After getting decked by a ridiculously rude passenger, Steven Slater made his way to the intercom at the front of the plane. He loudly and proudly swore out every single person riding on the flight, ending with these delightful parting words: "I've been in this business for 28 years. I've had it. That's it." Then he activated the slide and left! Once off the plane, he took public transportation home and was ultimately arrested, though the whole thing barely slowed him down. Here's hoping that Slater is just laying low and we get happy news about him soon.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer living in Brooklyn, New York with her cats, Batman and Margot. She's an experienced generalist with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, pop culture, and true crime.