Mercury Is In Gemini Right Now So Here’s What That Means For Your Life & Relationships, According To Astrology
Find out how the sun and Mercury in Gemini will affect you!

Wondering what Mercury in Gemini means for you? Each zodiac sign should be familiar with their horoscope and astrology chart if they want to make the best of this transit.
As the seasons change and we move from Venus in Taurus to the more curious Mercury in Gemini, you're likely feeling the urge to try new things and break out of the "bullheaded" state you were in. Gemini season is most definitely a time to welcome change and to become more adaptable in love, relationships, and life in general.
That is because the sun and Mercury conjunct one another and are both transiting Gemini. Mercury goes home, and the sun is in a neutral sign.
Thanks to this shift of astrology houses, you're naturally going to be more social, curious, conversational, expressive, and focus more on communication. This will especially be true if your zodiac sign is a Gemini, as this is your astrology season.
You're going to strongly dislike not being busy or occupied as you will be urged to look for something to do in order to stay stimulated thanks to the Gemini influence. This is a good time to figure out your natal astrology chart (also called your "birth chart"), so you can find out more directly how Mercury in Gemini will affect you.
What a change for how you likely felt when the sun and Mercury were in stubborn Taurus!
You were likely wanting to lounge all day on the sofa, watching your favorite show and eating chips. You're changing your tune now, and this is a great time to take off those pounds you may have put on during Taurus season.
You will most definitely have the energy to do that. And there are plenty of exercises you can do in order to shake off those pounds which would be helped by the influence of Gemini.
You can do aerobics, you can join a Zumba class, or you can walk on the treadmill in your basement if you have one.
If the weather permits, you can go and take a nice long walk in your neighborhood or in the park. You will be inclined to do anything to keep you up and moving.
Aside from that, you're going to be urged to keep your brain stimulated. Why not go and read an interesting book that you have been curious about reading?
Go online right now and purchase it or borrow it from your local library — whatever the book may be! Go and read up on an interesting topic by doing a few Google searches.
After all, you may be inclined to do a lot of that since your curiosity levels are going to be quite high right now thanks again to Gemini's curious influence.
Another way Gemini will influence you is by giving you the urge to take a short trip somewhere; a local trip that is. You may be looking into spending a weekend at another town not too far from where you live.
If you can rent a cottage for a weekend, then that would be a great thing to do. And even though gas prices are high and will continue to rise, you're going to be urged to take a drive somewhere... but not too far away from home!
You now have an idea of how the sun and Mercury in Gemini will influence you. You will be glad to have its influence after being so lazy — and perhaps somewhat indulgent — due to the influence of Taurus!
You will be thankful for how Gemini is going to get you up and moving, and you'll even learn a thing or two during this transit.
Mercury will stay in Gemini until June 4 when it enters watery Cancer, but the sun will stay in Gemini until June 21, which is the first day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere.
With that said, take advantage of learning something new during the time Gemini is home!
Miriam Slozberg is a Canadian author, freelance writer, social media consultant, and a mom to three children, two human and one furry. For more of her astrology and personality type content, visit her on Twitter.