5 Personality Types Who Would Rather Cheat Than Face Their Relationship Problems Head-On
Do you run when the going gets tough?

Cheating does not discriminate. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, black or white. Cheaters come in all forms and, unfortunately, their only mission is to make themselves happy.
Many people cheat because they are bored or not satisfied with their current relationships, have grown apart from their partner, or are insecure. This makes it easy for them to go looking for someone or something to help them feel good about themselves and their situation.
Another factor in whether or not someone will cheat may be related to their Myers-Briggs personality type. Based on 16 different personality types, some of these types have traits that are more prone to cheat in their relationships than others.
Which Myers-Briggs type is most likely to cheat?
First, let's note that we cannot stereotype cheaters based on their unique MBTI personality! That being said, we can look at the specific indicators.
Introverts (I) vs Extroverts (E)
Cheaters often lean towards the extroverted side of life. They get their buzz from socializing and have a massive squad of friends. More socializing means more chances for cheating. So, Extroverted types might be more likely to pull off questionable behaviors like cheating in a relationship.
Sensors (S) vs. Intuitives (N)
People with the Sensing dimension are all about living in the here and now, seizing the moment. That makes them prime candidates for cheating since they're all about an instant thrill.
Those with the Intuition dimension, on the other hand, think of the big picture and are more considerate about how their actions affect their partner.
Thinkers (T) vs. Feelers (F)
Those with a Feeling dimension make decisions based on their emotions and people. They're all about maintaining strong bonds and staying true to their values. Cheating isn't their style, because it messes with their relationships and their moral compass.
Thinkers, though, are more into personal gratification and may not always consider the consequences for others. So, they're the ones who might give cheating a shot in pursuit of their happiness.
With this in mind, we can determine that INFP, INTP, ESTP, ENTP, and ENFP are more likely to cheat. However, everyone is different and no one can be put in a box or labeled a cheater just from this!
5 Myers-Briggs types who are most likely to cheat in their relationships.
1. INFP (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving)
If you have the INFP personality type, you have more of a tendency to cheat on your partner. You're a dreamer; you imagine what you want in life instead of realizing that what you need and want is already here right in front of you, especially when things get tough in your current relationship.
You don't like to be limited on what you can do and who you can see — you want options. If your options are taken away, you will find a way to get what you want by all means necessary.
You value the chase and won't stop to get what you want. But sometimes, you end up chasing the wrong person and leaving the one you really want behind.
2. INTP (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)
Matching up to the INTP personality type is the grease on the wheels to seeking out a partner other than your own. You tend to have a higher IQ than others and can manipulate people into doing what you want — and you're good at it.
In fact, you're so good at manipulating the people around you that it makes it a lot easier for you to get away with things you shouldn't.
This comes into play more when you've been fighting with your partner. When things don't run smoothly, your first instinct is to get out of the situation the easy way, instead of facing the problem at large.
3. ESTP (Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)
With your spontaneous nature, you might not always think before you act, often leading to hasty decisions in your relationships. You're someone who thrives on taking action and living in the moment. You follow your impulses and have a strong desire to experience new things through your actions.
Not all ESTPs are prone to infidelity, and many have no issue with monogamy. While you may engage in playful flirting and banter, you tend to keep it light and avoid taking it too seriously. However, your impulsiveness may sometimes get the best of you, causing you to get carried away in the heat of the moment without fully considering the consequences of your actions.
As an ESTP, you take great pride in your appearance and often receive compliments on your attractiveness. Compliments from the opposite sex can be a major ego boost for you, potentially tempting you to take risks that could jeopardize your relationships.
4. ENTP (Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)
Aligning with an ENTP personality type will make you more susceptible to cheating. You're a strategic thinker, making it hard for your partner to know that they are not the only one.
Every move you make is calculated and thought out so it's very hard for people to call you out on anything. You're very inquisitive and like to try something new, but you don't like to do things over and over again. And that's apparent when you and your partner are arguing.
Instead of focusing on fixing the issues in your relationship, your brain heads for something new — and that's why it's so much easier to start seeing somebody new.
5. ENFP (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving)
If you have traits similar to ENFP, you're very playful in nature. You love to strike up a conversation and meet new people. Your playful side comes across as flirting — and that could be dangerous if you cross the line with somebody.
You tend to be spontaneous and love to do things out of the blue with no warning, and having those types of decision-making capabilities could make you want to be with another person when things get hard. You're also optimistic and love to please people — including yourself.
Be careful though, you could be going down a destructive path that you can't come back from.
Njeri Dean is a writer and contributor to YourTango, covering astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.