People With These 7 Personality Traits Make The Most Loving & Connected Soulmates
Finding someone with these specific traits means they're in it for long-haul.

If you want to find a soulmate and fall in love, you should start by looking for some key personality traits that are essential for soul-connected relationships.
Emotionally mature and responsible men and women demonstrate considerate behavior towards their significant other in relationships. This speaks to their compassion, moral internal compass, and conscience as both people and partners.
So, what personality traits make someone a potential soulmate? Are there signs they're emotionally stable enough to have a long-term, committed relationship? If you want to find your soulmate, someone who makes a soul-connected partner, look for people with specific traits.
People with these 7 personality traits make the most connected, loving soulmates.
1. They are honest.
They are transparent in all of their interactions and consistently tell the truth. They don't ever feel the need to embellish or lie about details, no matter how big or small. Rather, they prefer to be open and honest.
They don't lie, try to trick you, or omit or spin information for their own gain. Being truthful and sincere is simply who they are.
2. They are accountable.
They take ownership of what they say and do and follow through with promises. When they say they are going to do something, you never have to doubt that they will do it.
They take responsibility for their own emotions and their behavior. If they happen to be upset or angry, they acknowledge and accept their behavior instead of trying to pass the blame to others. And, if they make a mistake, they own it and make amends.
3. They are empathetic.
They respect other people and, most importantly, respect you — enough to be considerate of how they choose their words and how they behave. They have no intention to hurt, humiliate, or demean you.
Empathy is an incredibly important part of any loving relationship, and they make it a point to always lead with compassion. It helps them connect and foster emotional intelligence in the process.
4. They are assertive.
They will state their thoughts, feelings, and opinions and expect the same from you. But rather than being aggressive in their approach, they remain neutral.
They are assertive in their communication style and strive toward a win-win outcome, where you're both satisfied with the solution. Revenge is simply not in their bones.
Through being assertive, they can ask for what they need in a direct, honest, and respectful way, where everyone’s dignity remains intact.
5. They are rational.
They are reasonable and rational in their interactions, rather than prone to behaving like a petty and petulant child. They are emotionally mature, can admit when they are wrong, can properly regulate their emotions, and uphold integrity.
They do not allow their emotions to govern their behavior and know to always act with calm and poise. And the best part is that you feel safe approaching them with concerns.
6. They are supportive.
They want to support you in a healthy way, where both parties take ownership of their lives and emotions, but still support one another throughout the ups and downs. They are not only there for you physically, but make it a point to support you mentally and emotionally.
They have no interest in tearing you apart to get what they want because they actually care deeply about you. They want you to be emotionally intact and healthy. Because when you are, they are, too.
7. They are loving.
They want an emotionally safe, healthy, loving relationship based on the fundamentals of mutual respect, decency, and commitment. Just like you!
They enjoy showering you with affection, complimenting you just because, and accept you as you truly are. And that, to them, is the definition of true intimacy.
Joanne Brothwell MSW, RSW, CLC, APE is a therapist, social worker, author, and psychotherapist who specializes in helping survivors of abuse deal with trauma and depression.