30 Best White Elephant Gifts Under $25 That'll Definitely Make People Laugh
Never be boring or unprepared.

There's no excuses to not win over the entire crowd during your next white elephant gift exchange, whether with friends, family, or coworkers. But what is a white elephant gift? Simply, it's a gift that's meant to entertain and lacks practicality. These gifts aren't exactly things that you need, but will surely make you laugh.
There's over dozens of options to choose from that add countless laughs and even some, dare we say, practicality. Looking for the best white elephant gifts to surprise your friends with? Here are 30 of the funniest gifts under $25 to wrap for your next party.
1. Spray The B**** Away Essential Oil
Advertised as a natural relief for the symptoms of PMS, PMDD, and menopause, this eye-opening and funny gift will have the party giggling, as everyone secretly fights over the magical essential oil to take away our inner b****.
(Frankie & Myrrh, $20.95)
2. Toasted Bread Slippers
Carb lovers rejoice! Instead of ingesting the calories, wear them. It's a bread basket that Paleo, Adkins, and Whole30 guest can all dig their hands into. These slippers, while also replicated after our favorite dinner rolls, are a super comfy way to walk around the house.
(The Apollo Box, $22.99)
3. The F***-It List Book
A must-have for the guest who feel like they have to see, do, and achieve it all. The book removes 101 things society believes we have to do and says screw it! It's a hilarious book that throws the middle finger up to absurd life goals.
(Viva Editions, $14.95)
4. Secret Message Candle
What a great way to tell someone how smoking hot they are. The real fun of the gift isn't revealed until the candle is completely burned off — could be weeks or months before the winner of the candle sees the hidden message.
While PyroPet has an assortment of different sayings, for $8 more you can add a custom message. The sky's the limit on what you can secretly reveal to your fellow white elephant players.
(54 Degree Celsius, $11.99)
5. 24 Karat Fanny Pack
I don't care what anyone says: fanny packs and scrunchies were not meant to be left in the 90s, and I'm sure the rest of the white elephant party agrees. Try spicing up the pile of gifts by bringing a 24K metallic fanny pack fit for kings and queens. What's better?
If looking to splurge a little more than $25 for the gift party, Kapow Meggings has the most hilarious assortment of men's leggings that will have the party screaming in laughter.
(Kapow Meggings, $21.99)
6. Sick Day Giant-Micro Plushies or Ornaments
Having a work white elephant exchange? Then this gift will be the crowd-pleaser. Hopefully picked up by the coworker who calls in more sick days than they should, these plushies are actually giant microbes that are present in sicknesses like the common cold, cavity, cough, ear ache, and sore throat. It can also be a great gift if among doctors and nurses.
(Giant Microbes, $9.95 - $19.95)
7. Jack Daniels Infused Coffee
Maybe the white elephant affair is more of a breakfast, lunch, or even brunch situation — and happening before 5 o'clock. Not to fear, it's okay to sneak a little whiskey into your coffee, right? With Jack Daniels' infused and inspired coffee, it's sure to bring smiles and witty conversation to the party. While it won't give you a buzz, it will certainly have you feeling like you're in the middle of Tennessee.
(Jack Daniels Coffee, $6.95)
8. Absorbitz Pack
We all have that one friend, the one who perpetually carries around the small bag of rice incase they drop their phone in the toilet, pool, sink, or waterfall for the twentieth time. This is the friend at your next white elephant party that may jump at the chance to steal Absorbitz.
It's a pack that absorbs all the moisture from your device, sans rice, quinoa or whatever other sort of trick people are using.
(Absorbitz, $12.99)
9. Cocktail Farty
When everyone has overplayed Apple to Apples and Cards Against Humanity, try Cocktail Farty. This game is centered around getting to know a group of people with challenging and somewhat explosive questions, so it may be the perfect gift to pop open after the guests have finished exchanging gifts.
10. The B-Word Planner
With 78 fun and exciting illustrations all expressing both bold and sassy sayings to take with you into every week. These retro-women are unapologetically feminine and unafraid to speak their minds. What a great way to keep you in check throughout the year in this unique planner.
If looking to spend a little more money for your next white elephant, you can also try gifting the Bae Planner — perfect for all the single ladies who plan their work schedule instead of their social lives.
(Calendars.com, $15.99)
11. Customized Shirt Poking Fun At The Host
Whether you paste an embarrassing picture of the host on the front of a shirt or write down a funny saying, designer Francis Toumbakaris from HGTV's Brother vs. Brother thinks it's the best way to raise eyebrows and get some laughs from the group. It can also bring the party closer together if the host has invited an eclectic/random bunch. Nothing like poking fun at mutual friends to grow an instant bond.
(Snapfish, $19.99)
12. 'We Serve Tacos' Welcome Mat
Is there any better way to welcome visitors into your home than by comforting them with tacos and queso? Probably not. This will be a hot item at any white elephant gift exchange. Just remember to enforce the rule: 3 swaps allowed per item (otherwise, this mat will change hands many times).
(Etsy, $22.50)
13. Big Mouth Ultimate Wine Bottle Glass
Let's be honest. When we sit back after a long day of work and pour ourselves a glass of wine, we always wish the glass was bigger. But with Big Mouth's Ultimate Wine Glass, you're actually having a bottle size glass of wine, so there's no need to mess with any refills.
14. The Fanciest Toilet Brush You've Ever Seen
This item will surprisingly be one of the funniest yet extremely practical and well sought-after gifts at your next white elephant party. Think about it: how many people actually take the time and money to buy themselves a sleek and fancy... toilet cleaner brush? Probably not a whole bunch.
(Simple Human, $25)
15. Emoji Inspired Toilet Paper
A completely adorable yet ridiculous gag gift, the poop-themed emoji toilet paper will be a party favorite at the white elephant. Plus, once it's won or even taken, the pretty-wrapped roll can adorn someone's guest bathroom for all to witness.
(Etsy, $5)
16. Inflatable Unicorn Drink Holder
Imagine: it's smack dab in the middle of winter and someone opens a gift wreaking of sunshine, warm weather, and tropical vibes. Include a pocket shot of tequila to bring this gift to life, and by the end of the night you'll have your Expedia app open and booking your next trip to the Caribbean.
(Sunnylife, $18)
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17. Adult Award Ribbons
It's the little things in life we should remember to celebrate. We rarely get rewarded on the small yet meaningful things in life we accomplish. Maybe you only had three cups of coffee today instead of five — good for you! You should be rewarded for it.
(Etsy, set of 4 for $20)
18. Avocado PJ Set
They say Millennials can't afford to own homes because we eat too many avocados. Well, let's just embrace it by sporting these adorable avocado PJs. While we get ready to tuck ourselves in at night, it will always be our little reminder that we can't pay our rent because of the avocado toast we had for lunch today.
(Forever 21, $14.90)
19. Bullseye Brush Set
For all those girls out there awaiting their Prince Charming, have them be inspired by these Storybook Cosmetic brushes. These brushes will not only inspire their makeup skills to be Prince-impress worthy, but the brushes themselves are great quality as well as cruelty-free.
(Storybook Cosmetics, $19.99)
20. An Ovary or Testicle Plushie
Imagine opening a cuddly and plushie... testicle. Yeah, that surely slides off the tongue. I Heart Guts sells a very large amount (and we mean a lot) of different body organ plushies. Perfect for any doctor's office, or anyone who's going in for a colonoscopy. You've never seen your reproductive organs look so cute. Guaranteed to spark laughs and conversations at any gift exchange.
(I Heart Guts, $20)
21. 'I Like Big Mugs & I Cannot Lie' Coffee Mug
There are some of us out there who would never admit to downing four to five cups of coffee a day. Well, now those individuals don't have to lie anymore. With the "I like big mugs and I cannot lie" mug, you can comfortably tell everyone you've only had one cup of coffee and actually mean it.
22. Bear Mop Slippers
This slippers truly take laziness to a whole new level, and you know we're OK with it. These comfy, animal-inspired slippers clean our floors while we walk from the kitchen back to the couch. These are extreme luxury items, really.
23. Crochet Beard & Hat Face Warmer
Meant for the man trying to stay warm and desperately grow a beard. This fun and yet practical gift item comes in an assortment of hat and beard colors. Can't be having blondes with a brunet beard, can we?
(Etsy, $14)
24. '50 Shades of Chicken' Cookbook
The front of the cookbook reading, "50 chicken recipes bound to be delicious" is enough to get everyone in the room laughing. With the 50 Shades of Grey books and movies being such a pop-culture hit the last couple of years, why not play into the fun with a themed sexual cookbook?
25. Muffin Top Baking Cups
For the baked goods that inspire our lovely jean-forming muffin tops, get your hands on one of the best white elephant gifts — the gift that keeps on giving. For the baking-loving guest who wants to fill our hearts and tummies with cupcakes, muffins, and anything else you can fit into a baking cup.
26. Classy Butt & Face Soap
It's amazing it hasn't been thought of before that we should we have two separate bars of soaps — one for our face and the other for our bums. After all, we are civilized humans. Really bring out the level of sophistication at your next white elephant party by gifting this to a lucky duck.
27. The Obsessive Chef Cutting Board
For the chef who's precise, sharp, and maybe just a little anal, match their cooking style with the perfect cooking board — one with measures and metrics to assist in mastering their favorite recipe.
28. Ridiculous Wall Art For Your Bathroom
And not to worry, it's censored. This funny piece of wall art would go perfect in anyone's bathroom. That is, anyone with a sense of humor.
(Etsy, $6.44)
29. Sandwich Coasters
What better way to save your wooden table top than with the most festive sandwich coasters? Maybe even trick guests to thinking you just lay lettuce on the table in your living room.
(Perpetual Kid, $8.99)
30. Emoji Drink Cozies
For those who want to wear their heart on their sleeve — drink sleeve, that is — try gifting an assortment of the beloved emoji cozies at the next white elephant party. Guest will fight over whether to take all the drink sleeves or pick their favorite one. The personal favorite will be the heart-eyed emoji.
Elizabeth Blasi is a New Yorker. A lifestyle & travel writer, who is often seen with a suitcase in hand jetsetting to her next location. But as a true Digital Nomad, her love of writing and romance novels means her laptop is always beside her.
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