The Image You See First In This Visual Personality Test Reveals Your Hidden Weakness In Relationships
Where do you need to do in order to pick up the slack?

It doesn't take something complex like a Rorschach test to know that the ongoing process of dating, falling in love, and maintaining healthy long-term relationships isn't easy.
That said, taking a quick personality test, like the optical illusion-based quiz below, can make understanding your own patterns and habits in relationships at least a bit easier.
Once that first blush of new love fades away and you've learned each other's strengths and weaknesses, along with your best and worst-kept life secrets, it's all too easy to get stuck in a rut. Your routine may become stale, and you might even worry you'll run out of things to talk about with your significant other.
Being in love and keeping a relationship thriving requires a significant amount of work. You can't get away without doing the heavy lifting unscathed.
In order to be successful in any relationship, it's important to be able to recognize and take ownership of your weaknesses as a partner.
It isn't always easy to figure this stuff out about ourselves objectively. This quick and easy visual personality test will help you quickly determine what your weaknesses are as a partner and what you can do to make sure you don't get in the way of the healthy relationship you deserve.
Here's how it works. Look at the picture below and pay close attention to the first image that catches your eye.
Now scroll down to find out what this optical illusion-based visual personality test reveals about your greatest weakness in relationships.
If you saw:
1. The hooded figure
Your greatest weakness in a relationship: A bad temper
If you saw the hooded figure first when you looked at this image, your secret weakness as a significant other in long-term relationships is your temper.
Sure, everyone gets angry every now and then, but not everyone sees red and turns into a missile whose only thought is to "search and destroy."
Be careful of what you say and do when you lose your temper. Words are just words, but some of them can't be taken back, no matter how much you might wish otherwise. Sometimes just walking away until the red subsides is the best way to make productive communication happen.
2. The face of the Mona Lisa
Your greatest weakness in a relationship: A romanticized view of life
If you saw the face of Mona Lisa first when you looked at this image, your secret weakness as a significant other in long-term relationships is the way you romanticize life.
Life is full of beautiful, to be sure. There's the stunning grandeur of the natural world and then there's the everyday beauty we find in our relationships with other people. Being able to see all of that beauty is a great gift to have, but it can also make it a bit too easy for you to avoid problems in your relationships.
You aren't doing yourself or your partner any favors by pretending everything is fine when you know that it isn't.
3. The man sitting on his jacket
Your greatest weakness in a relationship: Fear of conflict
If you saw the man sitting on his jacket first when you looked at this image, your secret weakness as a significant other in long-term relationships is your fear of conflict.
For you, there is nothing worse than having to express your negative emotions to another person, except maybe for then having to have a full conversation about it. What if they hate you forever? Oh, god! Run away!
Conflict is always difficult, that's true, but in relationships, learning how to address issues head-on is essential if you plan on making things work with your partner for the long haul. Take a deep breath and realize that sometimes the hardest things are also the most important things to do.
4. The man with the long beard
Your greatest weakness in a relationship: Low self-esteem
If you saw the man with the long beard first when you looked at this image, your secret weakness as a significant other in long-term relationships is your low self-esteem.
While you might not always come across to others as a person who thinks they have no value, when your low self-esteem raises its ugly head inside your mind it can wreak havoc on your love life.
Never question why your partner loves you. Plain and simple: that's not your problem, and it isn't even your right to know. Blindly accepting the love your significant other offers you is essential if you hope to deepen your connection over time.
The voices in your head aren't correct. The person standing by your side through good times and bad is.
5. The man sitting on a rock in the distance
Your greatest weakness in a relationship: A tendency to isolate yourself
If you saw the man sitting on a rock in the distance first when you looked at this image, your secret weakness as a significant other in long-term relationships is your tendency to isolate yourself.
You call yourself an introvert, but the truth is that sometimes you just take it too darn far, alienating yourself not just from your peers, but also from the person you love most in the world.
Getting time to yourself is important, but if you really want to nurture your relationship so that it goes the distance, you need to carve out time to be with your partner. The quality time you spend together is a wordless way of expressing your affection that can make a major difference in your connection.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer and editor living in Brooklyn, New York. She writes about psychology, relationships, pop culture and news.