When You Should Move In Together If You Want Your Relationship To Last
According to new research.
By Nicole Yi
How soon after getting together with your girlfriend/boyfriend is too soon to move in?
ForRent.com's recent survey revealed the ideal period of dating during which to share the keys with your SO, and the results were pretty surprising. In addition to finding out the best time to move in together, the survey also concluded how the length of cohabitation can impact the future of your relationship, as well as other interesting stats. See them below!
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How long should you date before living together?
- 33 percent said after marriage
- 25 percent said one to two years
- 23.8 percent said six months to one year
- 12 percent said less than six months
- 10.6 percent said two to three years
- 4.6 percent said more than three years
- 2.8 percent said depends on the situation
What cohabitation could lead to
Within one year of living together:
- 67 percent stayed living together
- 19 percent got married
- 19 percent became pregnant
- 14 percent broke up
Within three years of living together:
- 40 percent got married
- 32 percent stayed living together
- 27 percent broke up
Is cohabitation getting more common?
- Between 2000 and 2010, husband-and-wife households only grew by 3.7 percent vs. a 41.4-percent increase in unmarried-couple households.
- In 2010, there were 514,735 same-sex unmarried partner households in the US.
- In 2011, there were 7.6 million opposite-sex couples living together in the US.
- Sixty-three percent of women and men have lived together before their first marriage.