The Ideal Bedtime For Each Zodiac Sign

How much sleep do you really need?

Last updated on May 28, 2023

ideal bed time for each zodiac sign YourTango

When determining your ideal bedtime based on astrology, please know that some zodiac signs are early birds who love to get up at the crack of dawn. Others are night owls who work best during the wee hours of the night. 

Whatever it is, each zodiac sign has preferences for how they spend their mornings. And whether you wake up early in the morning fresh and ready to go or prefer to hit the snooze button a few times in a row, your preferences for our mornings largely depend on what time you sleep at night.


Early birds feel great about getting up early because, chances are, they had enough beauty sleep to recharge them for the day. Others who are night owls don’t get enough sleep, so they prefer to spend a little more of their mornings in bed.

A lot of your preferences in life are determined by astrology. Your zodiac sign says a lot about your personality, the way you live your life and how you react to different situations, so it's only natural that knowing these traits can also help you determine how much sleep you need on a regular basis.


Not everyone is the same and need the same things — some signs looooove to stay up late and sleep in until the afternoon, while others of us prefer to retire to bed early and start the morning feeling refreshed and well-rested.

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The best bedtime for each zodiac sign: 


Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries ideal bedtime based on your zodiac sign

TIME: 9:00PM

Aries should go to bed by 9 PM. Her day is incredibly busy and always packed with many different chores and activities, and she needs every hour of sleep she can get so that she's at her best when push comes to shove.

To get the rest she needs to go through her day, she definitely should sleep early.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus ideal bedtime based on your zodiac sign

TIME: 10:00PM

Taurus looooooves early mornings. She enjoys going jogging first thing in the morning and taking the time to enjoy her coffee and morning newspaper. 

Taurus just thrives in the morning — for her it's the best time of the day to get her sh*t done. Because of this, she needs at least a little beauty rest to keep her going.

The best bedtime for her is 10 PM because not only does it give her a healthy amount of sleep, but she also doesn't have to sacrifice her night life either.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 11:00PM

Gemini has a bad habit of staying up way too late. Sometimes, she has so much on her mind that she simply can’t sleep!

But she prefers to get up early to get a head start on her day, so she tries to sleep early if she can.

The best bedtime for her is 11 PM, that way she can do what she wants at night but still not be miserable in the morning.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 10:30PM

Cancer likes to get up early, but she tends to stay up late. The perfect bedtime for her is around 10:30 PM.

It might be hard for her to get to bed before 11, but she definitely can benefit from getting some more zzz's.

Cancer needs to conserve her energy so that she's feeling rested and relaxed for the rest of the day.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 12:00AM

The bedtime that is just right for Leo is 12AM. She just can’t sleep early. There’s way too much for her to do at night.

Leo likes to stay up late to talk to friends or just to watch her favorite TV shows (and what's better than binge-watching your stories in the middle of the night, amirite?!).

She’s never ready for the morning, no matter how many hours of sleep she gets, so she prefers to stay up late anyway. 

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 8:00PM

Virgo is methodical and always planning ahead. To get the head start she needs in her day, she likes to get up early. The best bedtime for her is 8 PM.

Yeah, I know... seems early. But Virgo is calculated and needs to make sure she's at peak energy first thing in the morning to get everything done so the day is tackled first thing. 

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 12:00AM

Libra is not — I repeat... not — a morning person. She's often grumpy in the morning and can’t seem to get up without hitting the snooze button at least a dozen times.

She likes to stay up late to unwind after a long day. The best bedtime for her is 12 AM.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 1:00AM

Scorpio is a total night owl. She loves staying up late to read or watch Netflix, and she honestly just doesn't want to miss a thing, no matter how late it might get.

She hates mornings and usually wakes up feeling groggy and tired, no matter WHAT. For her, she gets the most out of late nights. That’s why her preferred bedtime is 1 AM.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 2:00AM

Sagittarius is a true night owl. She gets all her best work done in the middle of the night and honestly, she has the most energy when she's able to sleep in until noon and get her day started midafteroon.

She has a hard time falling asleep early because she has so much that she wants to fit into her day. She prefers to sleep at 2 AM.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 10:00PM

Capricorn loves being responsible. She never slacks off on her duties. In order for her to get the most out of her day, she prefers to get up early, so she needs a lot of rest.

The perfect bedtime for her is 10 PM. Not too early, not too late, and the perfect amount of sleep for what she needs to get done.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 12:00AM

Aquarius thinks it’s so peaceful to stay up late by herself. She loves reading books and writing in her journal late into the night.

Her bedtime is usually around 12 AM — not because she's out with friends or walking around town.

Nope... she's cuddled in bed with #1... her. And she wouldn't have it any other way.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces ideal bedtime based on zodiac sign

TIME: 11:00PM

Pisces is not a morning person. At all. 

Her bed is her favorite place, and she hates having to leave. But she also likes going to bed early and sleeping as much as she can.

Honestly... she just loves sleep in general. All the dreams.... ahhh.

The best time for her to go to bed is 11 PM.

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Helen Luc is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer and journalist whose work has appeared in Bustle, Los Angeles Times, YourTango, and Chegg. Her writing has focused on mental health, astrology, and relationships. 
