5 Awful Things Jim Carrey Allegedly Did To His Ex-Girlfriend Before Her Suicide (According To Her Therapist)
So sad.

More heartbreaking details about the relationship between actor Jim Carrey and Cathriona White, the 30-year-old makeup artist he dated on and off for three years.
Carrey was initally sued in a wrongful death case by White's husband Mark Burton and her mother Brigit Sweetman after White died by suicide in September 2015.
But the case was dismissed in 2018. It was voluntarily withdrawn by the plaintiffs.
The lawsuit accused Carrey of illegally obtaining and giving her the powerful painkillers she used to kill herself in September 2015.
Notes from White's sessions with her therapist and texts they exchanged were obtained by Daily Mail and paint a devasting picture of how she saw their relationship.
White accused Carrey of lying about having STDs, calling her names, using her for sex and throwing her out in a "drug-induced rage."
Carrey's lawyers called the lawsuit a "shameless shakedown for money," and denied his client had anything to do with White's death.
In court documents, Carrey said they were a loving couple and that he was devasted by her death — which happened on the third anniversary of her father's death.
Carrey countersued, saying White had tried to extort him after the two broke up in early 2013 and that he made a "mistake" of settling a false STD claim with her to avoid mounting a public defense, which "is a very costly and painful process."
He also pointed out that she had left him a suicide note that told him how much she loved him and said he was her only "family."
White entrusted Carrey to divide her property.
Here are 7 heartbreaking things Cathriona White allegedly told her therapist about her ex Jim Carrey when she was still alive:
1. Carrey allegedly lied to White about having herpes.
In the therapist's notes, she said White noticed a "breakout in her genitals." White claimed she was tested before she slept with Carrey and was free of any STDs.
She told her therapist she had noticed bumps on Carrey's penis but he told it was from shaving.
A little over a month later, White told her therapist she was tested again and cried that she had contracted three STDs from Carrey. Carrey said in the lawsuit that the allegations he gave her STDs were "irrelevant to the case."
The STD test submitted as evidence tested positive for herpes I and II, Chlamydia and Hepatitis. The name on those tests is "Jose Lopez," which Sweetman's attorney claim is Jim Carrey. The share the same birth date.
They allege he used that alias for medical records until September 2013, when he changed it to Arthur King.
"He failed to inform Ms. White that he had likely just infected her with STDs and possibly hepatitis A," the lawyer said. "This was not only callous, it was criminal."
2. White was afraid of Carrey's temper.
During one of her sessions, White told her therapist that she was terrified when she saw Carrey smash a computer against the wall in a "drug-induced rage." She said he kicked her out of his house soon after.
'[White] has so little self-esteem," the notes read. "Very impressionable and little ego strength. Also very afraid of [Carrey] and his temper, yet she wants to rescue and help him."
3. White felt like Carrey used her for sex.
She told her therapist that Carrey would often send her home whenever he felt like it, wouldn't keep in touch and call her days later whenever he wanted some company.
White would spend a great deal of time alone waiting for her boyfriend to be free.
She said the actor treated her like a "dog," which made her feel like she was being used for sex.
4. She claimed White was emotionally abused by Carrey.
White told her therapist that when she was struggling to sign a confidentiality contract with Carrey, he became verbally abusive.
The more time she took to sign, the worse it would get.
Notes say he called her "worthless, a b---h, and a piece of s--t," and that White was "manifesting early signs and symptoms of PTSD."
5. After they broke up, White claims she was scared Carrey would hurt her.
After they broke up, the therapist described White as "even more fragile," and said she wasn't able to feed herself and couldn't keep food down.
In the session, they also discussed her growing fears about her ex, Carrey.
The notes state that she can't sleep through the night due to a fear that Carrey will "burst into her apartment and hurt her." She had nightmares that he is "raging at her."
Carrey mourned his ex-girlfriend's death at the time of her passing
At the time of White's death, Carrey issued a statement calling her "a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled."
Emily Blackwood is an editor who covers pop culture, dating, relationships and everything in between.