Two Separate Women Hear Creepy Noises Upstairs, Discover Man & Ex-Boyfriend Secretly Living In Their Homes
Welcome to my nightmare.

You know that feeling, when you're laying in your bed on the edge of sleep, blissfully about to drift off into a dream about having brunch with Mariah Carey, tucked into the false sense of safety that is your cozy comforter — and you hear a thump.
Immediately your eyes open wide and stop breathing for a few moments (or minutes) listening to hear it again. While waiting you're probably going over what you'll do if a serial killer is in fact in your living room. Will you fight him off with the large vase next to your bed? Will you attempt to hide behind the maxi dresses in your closet? Why isn't your dog barking?
More often than not, the noise doesn't repeat itself.
After your breathing returns to normal, you can peacefully fall asleep and blame the disruption on your cat or the creaks of an old house. But that wasn't the case for a Virginia woman who heard a noise in the middle of the night.
This noise was very, very real.
"I heard footsteps above me," the woman said, "and I checked in with my landlord because sometimes he's used the storage above."
Footsteps are arguably the WORST kind of noise you could hear when you're alone in the middle of the night. While she's was most likely trying to rationalize that it was just her landlord pulling down some old Christmas decor at 1 a.m., the landlord said it was not him and called the police. They searched the attic and found a 60-year-old homeless man. He was arrested without incident and charged with unlawful entry. And apparently, that unlawful entry was made through a sliding glass door.
Police haven't revealed how long the man had been staying there, but they found a backpack, clothing, and bedding in the attic. So if he hadn't been there long, he was definitely planning on staying for awhile.
Honestly, finding out someone has been secretly living in your house is the kind of stuff horror movies are made of. Like who knows if this guy ever ventured out from the attic into her kitchen, living room or bedroom. Where did he pee?
And sadly this isn't the only totally insane and scary case of attic squatters. One woman found out her ex-boyfriend of 12 years ago had been living in her attic for TWO WEEKS.
This creeper wasn't discovered by just an innocent middle-of-the-night thump. He was making so much damn noise that nails started falling out of the ceiling. Guess that goes past the point of being able to blame the cat.
While she naturally believed the incident to be something of a poltergeist, it was her ex who had just gotten out of prison. He tried to win her back with some romantic letters from jail, but she wasn't into it. Thankfully, her adult sons and nephew found him, but he ran away before police arrived.
“He had packed all the old coats and jackets into the heating unit and was sleeping in the heating unit."
Inside the attic, they found several cups filled with feces and urine (solving the previous "where do they go pee" question). But the creepiest part was that they found he had rigged the ceiling vents so he could look down into his ex's bedroom from the attic. AND the only access to the attic is in the hallway, inside the house.
So the moral of both of these terrifying stories is a) don't tell your stalker ex-boyfriends where you live, b) lock yourself into your house as tightly as possible and c) never have an attic.